moodle how to add student to course

by Halie Hoeger 5 min read

Add teachers and students
  1. Log in with your administrator account and go to the course where you want to add teachers and students.
  2. From the left panel (Navigation drawer) click Participants.
  3. Click Enrol users.
  4. From the dropdowns, select the users you want and the role you want to give them:
Dec 1, 2019

How to enrol users to a Moodle course?

Mar 16, 2018 ·

How do I add students to my course?

How do I enrol a user as a student?

Jan 24, 2022 · Since some students may make changes to the courses they’re taking in the spring, instructors may want to add these students to their Moodle course sites more immediately. Learn how to appropriately add students manually while waiting for Banner to sync course enrollments. The best practice is to set the manual enrollment to expire after 14 days which should be …

What is a meta link in a course?

The Course meta link enrolment method allows users who are in another course to be automatically enrolled into your course as well. An example might be if a Moodle site has a course for "Staff Only" and a course for "Moodle Help". If the "Staff Only" course is added to the "Moodle Help" course with the course meta link plugin, then every time a new member of staff joins the "Staff Only" course, they will automatically be enrolled in the "Moodle Help" course too.

What is the process of adding students to a course called?

The process of adding students to courses is called Enrolment . This is different from adding users to the site, which is known as Authentication. There are various methods of enrolling students into courses, once they have logged in to Moodle.

Can students sign up for courses themselves?

Students enrol themselves. If Self enrolment is enabled then students can sign up to courses themselves. The teacher can restrict enrolment to those who have been given an Enrolment key and, if needed, a staff member may be given the Keyholder role to manage enrolment keys. Student self-enrols into a course.

Can guests view course content?

Guests may be allowed to view course contents, but not participate in them, if Guest access is enabled. To find out exactly what guests may and may not do in a course, see the page Guest role .

Can you allow guests into a course?

Allowing guests into a course. Guests may be allowed to view course contents, but not participate in them, if Guest access is enabled. To find out exactly what guests may and may not do in a course, see the page Guest role .

How to add students to a course in Moodle 3

Once you’ve created a course in Moodle, you can enrol students to it. Moodle supports a number of enrolment methods for students, including self-enrolment, manual enrolment, and bulk enrolment options.

Enable self-enrolment

Log in to the Moodle dashboard and select Site Home to view your course list.

Manually Adding a Student to a Course Moodle 2.0

I can't for the life of me figure out how to add a student to a specific course in Moodle 2. Under Moodle 1.9 I would created the account under the "Add New Account", switch to the specific course, go into "Assign Roles" select the new student and add them to the "Student" role for the course.

Re: Manually Adding a Student to a Course Moodle 2.0

You see who is in the course: click the Enrol Users button to add more users.

Re: Manually Adding a Student to a Course Moodle 2.0

When i select course and i go to the page of enroll users there i saw a screen which is attached below then when i click on on enroll users it enrolls admin or me as a user.Where i will get option to add students

Re: Manually Adding a Student to a Course Moodle 2.0

From the Assign role drop down at the top of this box select "Student" and then click on the enrol button besides user name to enrol it as a student. After that click finish enrolling users to exit.

Re: Manually Adding a Student to a Course Moodle 2.0

First of now i am unable to see the enroll users option on selecting course.

Re: Manually Adding a Student to a Course Moodle 2.0

First go to the course then you will see a settings block under that go to Course administration > Users > enrolled users link

Re: Manually Adding a Student to a Course Moodle 2.0

Ok actually the blocks editing was off so now i can see the enroll users option on selecting the course but still i am not able to see the student option.
