moodle how do students know when course material changes

by Mr. Adalberto Bradtke MD 10 min read

How to add students to a Moodle course?

If the course is a metacourse then the page changes from listing/searching for students, to listing/searching for courses. To add a student to the course, find their name in the field on the right, highlight it and click on the left-facing arrow, which will transfer the student to the left field (you can also type in the student’s name in the "Search" field if there are too many students to …

When do moodle courses become hidden from students?

A course in Moodle is an area where a teacher will add resources and activities for their students to complete. It might be a simple page with downloadable documents or it might be a complex set of tasks where learning progresses through interaction. See the screencast What is a course in Moodle? for an example.. The course page is made up of central sections which contain the …

How does the Moodle gradebook work?

It will delete the student data only for the course completion information. When the scheduled task for handling completions next runs, it will recompile the course completion information. However, if manual completion of an activity is a course completion requirement, students will need to re-tick that they have completed the activity.

When will my course be released to students?

Apr 15, 2020 · By Samantha Ahern, on 15 April 2020. Moodle is what UCL uses for it’s institutional Virtual Learning Environment (VLE). It is an important part of the student experience and facilitates blended learning. How integrated Moodle courses are with the overall delivery of modules vary, but all courses should meet UCL’s E-learning baseline.

Does Moodle show activity?

Moodle allows instructors to request reports detailing which resources and activities of a course have been accessed, when, and by whom. Moodle produces several kinds of reports: Logs – generates a filtered report showing information about a particular activity or student.

How do I enable completion tracking in Moodle?

Track your learners' progress using activity completion in MoodleFirst ensure that “completion tracking” is enabled sitewide. ... Once it has been enabled, click “edit settings.” You will see this when clicking on the gear icon.Then scroll down to “completion tracking” and enable it by selecting the “yes” option.More items...•Jan 9, 2018

How do I check my students activity on Moodle?

Moodle keeps tracks of user activity in Moodle. To view information from the Moodle logs, click on Gear Icon (top right of page) → More → Reports. There are a variety of reports on Moodle activity that are available. Activity report - number of views for each activity in the course.Mar 24, 2021

Does Moodle track time in course?

As the name suggests, this Moodle plugin tracks the time each learner spends in a course. It also actively checks that the learner is still present, with an alert window.May 25, 2016

Does Moodle know if you open another tab?

Moodle cannot detect if you opened other tabs or window unless it has a proctoring software to monitor your computer. As it is, it cannot detect any activities on your computer apart from the active tab you have.Jun 5, 2021

How is completion of an activity or resource in a Moodle course represented?

When the students visits the course with activity completion feature enabled, they will see a check box against the activity name. Once they meet the desired criteria set by the teacher for that activity, a check will appear marking the activity is completed.Nov 30, 2017

How can I track my students progress?

Some examples of student-centered tracking include:Homework turn-ins.Objective mastery percentages.Proficiency levels.Quiz scores.Unit test scores.Time spent reading.Behavior.Be creative! Stay in tune with your students!Apr 22, 2015

Can teachers tell if you cheat on Moodle?

Luckily, Moodle is ahead of the curve when it comes to detecting and preventing cheating. One way that Moodle can help a teacher prevent cheating is by providing additional statistics about each student's performance, such as how long they spent on each question.May 24, 2021

How can you tell if students are watching videos?

5:1310:34How to grade or track your students watching videos in and out of classYouTubeStart of suggested clipEnd of suggested clipStudents will see the link inside of their Google classroom they go to the link it'll ask them toMoreStudents will see the link inside of their Google classroom they go to the link it'll ask them to log in they log in as a student. They also use their school gmail. Account. Then they watch the video.

Can teachers see how much time you spend on Moodle?

This Block allows Teachers to see the estimated dedication time in a Moodle course by the Students. Note that only Teachers see this Block (not Students), so login using the Teacher account and the Student account to see the difference.

Can Moodle record you?

Do remember that Moodle records timestamped data about your activity in a course, and you and your instructors can see this data. See View Data Moodle Has Collected About You.Oct 6, 2020

How to manage a course in Moodle?

Managing a Moodle course 1 Courses - how to set up your courses. 2 Editing text - how to use the text editor and what the icons mean. 3 Activities - how to involve students actively in their learning. 4 Resources - how to add static materials to your course. 5 Blocks - how to add extra items and information to the sides of your course page. 6 Questions - how to create questions for use in quizzes and Moodle's lesson module 7 Course enrolment - how to give students access to your course. 8 Grouping users - how to put students into groups and why this is useful. 9 Grades - how to use the gradebook, scales and advanced grading methods. 10 Tracking progress - how to control and display progress through a course. 11 Reusing activities - how to copy or recycle elements of your course.

How can progress be tracked?

Progress can be tracked in a number of ways. Students can be enrolled manually by the teacher, automatically by the administrator, or they can be allowed to enrol themselves. Students can also be added to groups if they need to be separated from classes sharing the same course or if tasks need to be differentiated.

Access and Navigation

There could be many reasons but the most probable is you have simply forgotton your password, are trying the wrong one or are entering it incorrectly. Some other things to think about include:

Course content

You have probably clicked on the icon. To reveal all of the other weeks / topics you need to click on the icon which you will see in the right margin of the week / topic. You can also use the dropdown box underneath the displayed week / topic to jump to a hidden section

Emails and forums

Chances are your email address in your profile is either wrong or disabled. It could also be that you are not subscribed to the forums that are generating emails. AOL users may also not receive e-mails if the administrator has banned the use of AOL email addresses.

How do I enable course completion?

At the site level, Completion tracking must be enabled in Site administration > Advanced features > Enable completion tracking for it to be available for use in courses.

Students have completed the criteria but the report does not show it

Check in Site administration > Server > Scheduled tasks that the task 'Calculate regular completion data' is running frequently enough, such as every minute. You need to make sure the cron is running properly on your site, since all course completion is handled by cron tasks and does not happen immediately in the way that activity completion does.

I have set up course prerequisites but my students can still access the second course before they have finished the first

This is by design. The course prerequisites feature does NOT prevent students from accessing courses they are actively enrolled in. It merely prevents the course from being marked as "complete" until they have completed the first course.

How can I prevent my students accessing course 2 before they have completed course 1?

This is currently not possible using completion settings (see MDL-22648 ).

I made a mistake and had to erase my student data. Do my students have to redo the activities?

No. For example, if you set the course completion for All aggregation methods and wanted to reset it to "Any", Moodle will warn you that you are deleting compiled student data. It will delete the student data only for the course completion information.

How can a teacher allow students to manually mark they have finished the course?

Install the Self completion block. Be sure and give students some directions that when they click on the link in that block, that will indicate to the Teacher that they think they are done.

A student received an error message when they click on "More information" in the course completion block

This may happen at the start of the course when the student has not completed an activity and/or you have selected an aggregation method of All and have not checked off that they have completed the activity. See also Self_completion_block

What is a moodle?

Moodle is what UCL uses for it’s institutional Virtual Learning Environment (VLE). It is an important part of the student experience and facilitates blended learning. How integrated Moodle courses are with the overall delivery of modules vary, but all courses should meet UCL’s E-learning baseline.

What is a Moodle report?

Moodle reports enable course administrators to monitor activity in the course and to see what resources in the course are or are not being accessed. These may be used by course teams to support your teaching and learning and must be used in compliance with the UCL privacy policy for students.

What is the process of adding students to a course called?

The process of adding students to courses is called Enrolment . This is different from adding users to the site, which is known as Authentication. There are various methods of enrolling students into courses, once they have logged in to Moodle.

What is a meta link in a course?

The Course meta link enrolment method allows users who are in another course to be automatically enrolled into your course as well. An example might be if a Moodle site has a course for "Staff Only" and a course for "Moodle Help". If the "Staff Only" course is added to the "Moodle Help" course with the course meta link plugin, then every time a new member of staff joins the "Staff Only" course, they will automatically be enrolled in the "Moodle Help" course too.

Can guests view course content?

Guests may be allowed to view course contents, but not participate in them, if Guest access is enabled. To find out exactly what guests may and may not do in a course, see the page Guest role .

Can you allow guests into a course?

Allowing guests into a course. Guests may be allowed to view course contents, but not participate in them, if Guest access is enabled. To find out exactly what guests may and may not do in a course, see the page Guest role .

Can students sign up for courses themselves?

Students enrol themselves. If Self enrolment is enabled then students can sign up to courses themselves. The teacher can restrict enrolment to those who have been given an Enrolment key and, if needed, a staff member may be given the Keyholder role to manage enrolment keys. Student self-enrols into a course.

Where to find inactive courses in Moodle?

You can also look for your course in the main section of the Moodle homepage, underneath the “Search courses” box, in the “My courses” section. After the active courses, you will see your inactive courses listed here in approximately reverse chronological order.

What to do if you are not seeing the courses you expected?

If you are still not seeing the courses you expected, you can always search for them use the “Search courses” box: The search feature will return all available to students courses which meet that criteria and all unavailable courses to which you have access that meet that criteria.

Is Moodle available to students?

All courses are loaded into Moodle as unavailable to students. Once the instructor is ready to share the materials and begin the instruction process, they will make it available to students.

When are Moodle courses hidden?

When first requested, Moodle courses are hidden from students. Courses requested before the start of Preview Week are automatically released to students at the start of Preview Week. If a course is requested during Preview Week, it will be released to students the business day before the semester starts. If requested after the business day ...

Can you reopen a course after the close of the semester?

Note: We do not recommend re-opening a course after the close of the semester because it can confuse students. If you have a student working on an Incomplete you do not need to re-open a past semester's course (which would make it show in the My Courses navigation for all students who had been enrolled in the class).

Access and Navigation

  • Why can't I log in?
    There could be many reasons but the most probable is you have simply forgotton your password, are trying the wrong one or are entering it incorrectly. Some other things to think about include: 1. Does your username or password contain a mixture of upper and lower case letters? It should b…
  • How do I gain access to a course?
    Locate or search for the desired course (you can click 'All courses...' in the 'My courses' block) and click on the course name. If your teacher has given you an enrollment key, enter it when prompted, and click Enroll me in this course. Once you are enrolled in a course, it will appear under "My cou…
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Course Content

  • Where have all of the weeks / topics gone?
    You have probably clicked on the icon. To reveal all of the other weeks / topics you need to click on the icon which you will see in the right margin of the week / topic.You can also use the dropdown box underneath the displayed week / topic to jump to a hidden section
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Emails and Forums

  • Why am I not getting any e-mails and others are?
    Chances are your email address in your profile is either wrong or disabled. It could also be that you are not subscribed to the forums that are generating emails. AOL users may also not receive e-mails if the administrator has banned the use of AOL email addresses.
  • How can I stop all of these e-mails?
    E-mails are an essential part of the way Moodle works. They are used to keep you up to date with what is going on. If you wish to reduce the amount of emails you get you could: 1. Edit your profile and change your e-mail settings to digest 2. Unsubscribe from non-essential forums (although t…
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Assignments and Grades

  • Why is there no upload box?
    This is either because: 1. The assignment has now closed 2. The assignment is not yet open 3. You already uploaded something and the settings prevent resubmissions
  • How can I see my recent assignment feedback?
    There are many ways you can access their feedback.The most common method is by simply going to the same place where you uploaded the work.Another common method is to follow the link in the recent activity block (if the teacher has included it on the course).Another method wo…
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  • Which button do I press when I have finished a quiz?
    That depends upon what you want to do ....
  • Why am I getting zero grade on my quiz?
    You might exceed the quiz time limit. This should never happen, because the count-down timer should submit the quiz automatically when time expires, and then the Moodle server should process you submission promptly. However, if the server is overloaded and running slowly, your …
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