“meiosis: where the sex starts – crash course biology ”:

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What is the difference between mitosis and meiosis?

Mitosis is for somatic cells so they can repair parts of the body , make more cells, etc. Meiosis I divides the number of chromosomes in half, making the cell haploid. The homologous chromosomes divide. Each cell still has 1 of each type of chromosome (1 #1, 1#2, 1 #3, etc.) but only one of it.

What is haploid cell?

A haploid cell is a cell that has only one representative of each chromosome pair. So a haploid cell would only have one chromosome for eye color. Comment on Nathan Shapiro's post “A diploid cell is a cell ...”. Button opens signup modal.

What happens during Prophase 1?

During Prophase 1, the pairs line up and genetic information is shared between the homologous chromosomes in each pair. At the conclusion of Meiosis, this basically means that each gamete's chromosomes have genetic information from the mother and the father of that person and are completely unique.

How many sister chromatids does a chromosome have?

Note that 1 chromosome still has 2 sister chromatids, which are identical. Meiosis II divides the sister chromatids apart, still keeping the cells haploid. The cells need to be haploid so when they pair with a sex cell of the other sex, the offspring will have DIPLOID cells.

How many homologous chromosomes are in a diploid cell?

When the diploid cell starts going through Meiosis, the cell consists of (in humans) 23 pairs of homologous chromosomes i.e 1 chromosome in each pair from mother and father of that person which relate to the same alleles (traits/genes).

What is a telomere?

Direct link to mathew mabele's post “Telomeres are special, es...”. Telomeres are special, essential DNA sequences at both ends of each chromosome. Each time chromosomes replicate a small amount of the DNA at both ends is lost, by an uncertain mechanism.

Do gametes exchange genetic information?

Gametes do not exchange genetic information with other gametes. You could think of it as, during Meiosis, 'mother chromosomes' exchange genetic information with 'father chromosomes' to create unique 'child chromosomes'. Comment on Adam's post “When the diploid cell sta...”. Posted 6 years ago.

What happens to the chromosomes in meiosis?

In meiosis, each chromosome lines up next to its homologous pair partner that it's already swapped a few genes with. Now the homologous pairs get pulled apart and migrate to either end of the cell. That's Anaphase I.

What happens in the final phase of telophase?

The final phase of the first round, Telophase I, rolls out in pretty much the same way as mitosis. The nuclear membrane re-forms, the nucleoli form within them. The chromosomes fray out back into chromatin. A crease forms between the two new cells, called cleavage, and then the two new nuclei move apart from each other, the cells separate in a process called cytokinesis, literally again "cell movement". And that is the end of round one, we now have two haploid cells, each with 23 double chromosomes that are new, unique combinations of the original chromosome pairs. In these new cells, the chromosomes are still duplicated and still connected at the centromeres; they still look like X's.

How many chromosomes are in a cell in telophase 2?

The chromosomes uncoil into chromatin, the crease-forming cleavage and the final separation of cytokinesis then mark the end of telophase II.#N#( 9:42) From one original cell with 46 chromosomes, we now have four new cells with 23 single chromosomes each. If these are sperm, all four of the resulting cells are the same size, but they each have slightly different genetic information. And half will be for making girls, and half will be for making boys.#N#( 9:58 )But if this is the egg-making process, then it goes a little bit differently here and the result is only one egg. To rewind a little, during telophase I, more of the inner goodness of a cell--the cytoplasm, the organelles--heads into ONE of the cells that gets split off than the other one. In telophase II, when it's time to split again, the same thing happens, with more stuff going into one of the cells than the other. This big ol' fat remaining cell becomes the egg, with more of the nutrients and cytoplasm and organelles that it will take to make a new embryo.#N#( 10:31) The other three cells that were produced, the little ones, are called polar bodies and they're totally useless in people, though they are useful in plants. In plants, those polar bodies actually also get fertilized too, and they become the endosperm. That's the starchy-proteiny stuff that we grind into wheat or pop into popcorn. And it's basically the nutrients that feed the plant embryo seed.

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