mcps students who fail a course see the counselor

by Angelo Schaden 8 min read

Why choose MCPS high school?

Students and counselors meet to discuss course selections. Students can make changes in their course selections until July 15th. After that date, there will be no course selection changes except for those instances when a student: Failed a prerequisite course and cannot continue in that course Attended summer school and can advance in sequence

Does MCPS show The MPA?

There are certified, professional school counselors in each elementary, middle, and high school within MCPS. You can reach your child's school counselor by contacting your child's school . Learn more about the roles of school-based counselors and get answers to frequently asked questions about:

What is a school counselor?

Students may take two semesters of summer school earning a maximum of one credit. Courses failed during the year will need to be repeated in summer school. Students should consult with their counselor about course selection. Complete information can also be found on the MCPS Summer School webpage. 6.

How can MCPS support young people’s mental health?

MCPS has launched a new video series, Waymaking, which highlights mental health and well-being resources for staff and students as families adapt to the evolving changes in daily life caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. The show is hosted Dr. Christina Conolly, Director of Psychological Services for MCPS. See the entire series on YouTube. YouTube.

How does MCPS work?

School Counseling Services works to promote the academic success and personal growth of every student through: 1 Supporting the implementation of the MCPS Comprehensive School Counseling Program . 2 Providing staff development, consultation, and resources that enhance the knowledge and skills of school counselors. 3 Collaborating with other MCPS departments, higher education, and community agencies. 4 Providing education and outreach to parents and other community members.

What is a professional school counselor?

Professional school counselors are leaders who advocate, collaborate, and facilitate individual and system change to ensure every student has the knowledge and skills necessary for academic success and personal growth. There are certified, professional school counselors in each elementary, middle, and high school within MCPS.

What is an ESOL transition counselor?

ESOL Transition Counselors provide counseling services to ESOL students. They support teachers and school staff to increase awareness of and handle issues related to ESOL students, and they help students adjust to their new environments.

What is an ESOL counselor?

School-based ESOL counselors (SBECs) help ESOL students with academic, social and personal needs. They support specialized programs, such as those that provide Extended Learning Opportunities to improve academic outcomes, and work with students to understand their needs in adjusting to and achieving in school.

What is the purpose of student learning?

Student learning is our purpose, and we know that students perform better academically when they are healthy in body, mind and spirit. The two go hand in hand to produce young people who are successful in school and in life. Dr. Jack Smith, Superintendent of Schools.

What is SUPRE in school?

Substance Use Prevention and Resiliency Education (SUPRE) is a screening and psychoeducational substance use program designed for high school students who have committed a substance use disciplinary incident on school grounds.

Who is the host of Waymaking?

The show is being hosted Dr. Christina Conolly, director of psychological services for MCPS.

What are life skills?

Life skills include goal-setting; decision-making; identifying beliefs, attitudes, and motivations; assessing information; and advocacy for personal, family and community health.

What is physical education?

Physical Education. Focuses on the development of health-related fitness, movement skills and concepts, and personal and social responsibility. The learning tasks in physical education emphasize problem-solving, decision-making, goal-setting and relationship building skills. Information on Physical Education Lessons.

What are the programs offered at MCPS?

Programs include the Communications Art program at Blair HS, Global Ecology and the Humanities programs at Poolesville HS and the Leadership Training Institute at Kennedy HS. Some programs accept applications countywide, while others accept applications from designated regions of the county. For more information about application programs offered in MCPS, visit Parents/guardians of current Grades 8–11 students are able to access and review all eligible high school application programs on the Synergy ParentVUE. Each application program may have its own application. Private school students may visit the special programs website to apply.

What are the grading procedures in MCPS?

Grading practices must include clear and timely communication, alignment with curriculum, accurate reflection of student achievement, and fair representation of student performance. Grading practices must be fair and manageable and support effective teaching and learning. Grades on report cards reflect academic achievement in relation to course expectations, as outlined in the MCPS curriculum. Extra credit may not be used. Course specific procedures for grading are defined, used consistently, and explained clearly to students and parents/guardians in writing at the beginning of a semester or school year. Additional information about grading and reporting can be found at

What is CCRCCA in Maryland?

In 2013, the Maryland General Assembly passed the College and Career Readiness and College Completion Act (CCRCCA), aimed at ensuring that all students are prepared for credit-bearing course- work in college and for living-wage careers. The CCRCCA includes the requirement that all students be assessed for college and career readiness in English and mathematics by the end of Grade 11, using one of several college and career readiness assessments. Students who do not meet the college and career ready standard in English and mathematics by the end of Grade 11 will be required to enroll in a transition course or other instructional opportunity during Grade 12, in preparation for reassessment. After completing the transition course or instructional opportunity, students must be reassessed by the end of Grade 12. School counselors and staff will work closely with students to determine the best assessment to take in Grade 11 as well as transition course options and reassessment during Grade 12, if necessary. More information about college and career readiness for the graduation class of 2025 is available at .

What is MCAP in high school?

The term “MCAP” covers state and federal mandated assessments in English Language Arts/Literacy, Mathematics, Science, and Government at the high school level. Students take these assessments as they complete the corresponding courses. MCAP also includes the Alternate Assessments for select students.

What is the Maryland seal of biflacy?

The Maryland Seal of Biliteracy is a diploma endorsement, authorized by Maryland law, that recognizes a student’s high level of proficiency in listening, speaking, reading, and writing in one or more languages other than English. To receive a Maryland Seal of Biliteracy, a student must do the following:

What is a service learning certificate in Maryland?

The Student Service Learning (SSL) program in MCPS promotes a culture of student involvement and student responsibility through civic engagement. Service learning is a graduation requirement in Maryland. MCPS students must complete a minimum of 75 service-learning hours to graduate. They may begin fulfilling this requirement in the summer after Grade 5 and continue to accrue SSL hours through high school. Students who earn 260 or more SSL hours receive a Certificate of Meritorious Service at the time of graduation. Preparation, action, and reflection are the three phases of service learning that distinguish SSL from traditional volunteering and community-service efforts.

What are the requirements for a four year high school?

Requirements include advance permission from the principal or designee; an alternative plan developed, with enough lead time to allow a decision to be made at least one full semester prior to anticipated enrollment in a specific course or program; and a waiver. Approval may be made contingent on the student’s acceptance to an approved college, vocational, technical, or other postsecondary school program. Required forms, reasons for which waivers are approved, and additional information about alternatives to four-year enrollment are discussed in MCPS Regulation ISB-RA, High School Graduation Requirements, found at


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Maryland Diploma Requirements

  • The state of Maryland authorizes one diploma for all high schoolgraduates, based upon successful fulfillment of four categories ofrequirements: enrollment, course credit, student service learning (SSL),and Maryland assessments. Students must satisfactorily complete fouryears beyond Grade 8 to meet the enrollment requirement. All otherrequirements are summ…
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Course-Related Information

  • Student Withdrawal from a Course
    A student-initiated withdrawal may occur when the student andparent/guardian determine that withdrawal will be beneficialto the student. Additional information is in MCPS RegulationJEC-RA, Student Withdrawals from Classes and School, found at https://ww2.montgomeryschoolsmd.or…
  • Other Provisions for Earning Credit
    In addition to earning credits during the regular school day andyear, students may earn high school credits through summer school,extended-day learning opportunities, work-experience programs,online courses, and college courses. Advance permission from the principal or design…
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Grading and Reporting

  • The Board is committed to maintaining rigorous performanceand achievement standards for all students and to providing afair process for evaluating and reporting student progress that isunderstandable to students and their parents/guardians and relevantfor instructional purposes. Board Policy IKA, Grading and Reporting…
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MCPS Countywide/Regional Programs

  • MCPS offers a range of high school programs to meet the unique interests or programmatic needs of students. Programs are offered atthe local high school level or through an application process at theregional or countywide level. These programs may include enriched/accelerated, thematic, career readiness, or dual enrollment.
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Student Online Learning/Elearning

  • The MCPS Student eLearning program provides opportunities forstudents to take selected high school courses outside the traditionalclassroom setting. The program allows students access to online coursesfor acceleration, flexibility in scheduling, or to retake previously failedcourses. Courses taught by MCPS teachers follow a blended learningmodel, requiring attendance at sche…
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Additional Learning Opportunities

  • George B. Thomas, Sr. Learning Academies
    Twelve MCPS schools host The George B. Thomas, Sr. Learning Academy,Inc. programs on Saturday mornings (Saturday School), providingenrichment, tutoring, and mentoring for students in Grades K–12. TheGeorge B. Thomas, Sr. Learning Academy, Inc. was established in 1986by t…
  • Summer School Sites and Schedules
    A wide range of high school summer course offerings will be available each summer through the MCPS Summer School Program. Onlinecourses in all subject areas will be offered for both original and repeatcredit. More information will be available each Spring at www.montgomeryschoolsm…
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