locate an example of the course theme in (the era of construction) and give why is so

by Damaris Bruen II 3 min read

What are the elements of the theme?

Construction Theme E-Learning Templates #183: Challenge | Recap. Course starter templates are fantastic for kickstarting your e-learning projects. Common layouts such as content slides, quizzes, scenarios, and interactions can quickly be customized to …

What factors influence the construction of identity in literature?

Jul 28, 2017 · The engineering and construction (E&C) industry is at the cusp of a new era, with technology start-ups creating new applications and tools that are changing how companies design, plan, and execute projects. By providing advanced software, construction-focused hardware, and analytics capabilities, these innovative start-ups are eliminating many of the …

What are the most common themes in cave paintings?

Welcome to Construction Project Initiation and Planning. Meet your Instructor, Dr. Ibrahim Odeh, and learn what will be covered in the Construction Management Specialization and, more specifically, in this course, Construction Project Initiation and Planning, the first of the specialization series. Introduction To The Course Part 1 11:19.

What was the Reconstruction era?

Oct 09, 2017 · Find an example of your final project theme in a Renaissance work from this week's module. Explain how you see this theme in the example you chose. (If one of your works for the final project is a Renaissance piece choose a different example of your theme.) For my final project the theme is beauty, for this discussion I have chosen William Shakespeare’s Sonnet 18.

What is course content example?

Any informational material that is required for participation or understanding content such as assigned readings, video recordings, exams, and any other material needed for learning.

What are the 10 themes of social studies?

Within the school program, social studies provides coordinated, systematic study drawing upon such disciplines as anthropology, archaeology, economics, geography, history, law, philosophy, political science, psychology, religion, and sociology, as well as appropriate content from the humanities, mathematics, and ...

Why is it important for learners to study their local and immediate environment in social studies?

The study of people, places, and environments enables us to understand the relationship between human populations and the physical world. Students learn where people and places are located and why they are there.

What are the 5 components of social studies?

The five components of Social Studies are Geography, History, Culture, Politics, and Economics.Apr 7, 2019

What are examples of social studies?

Anthropology, Archaeology, Economics, Geography, History, Law, Linguistics, Politics, Psychology, and Sociology are some of the most common subjects in the social sciences.

How many themes are in social studies?

Ten ThemesThe National Council for the Social Studies has identified Ten Themes of Study for the Social Studies.

How you can bring change and environmental awareness in your school as a college student?

Here are some practical tips to get started: Teach children about the three Rs: reduce waste, reuse resources, and recycle materials. Organise tree planting days at school and teach children why trees are important to the environment. Encourage children to switch off all appliances and lights when not in use.Sep 22, 2021

What are the example of environmental education?

At the elementary school level, environmental education can take the form of science enrichment curriculum, natural history field trips, community service projects, and participation in outdoor science schools.

Why should we study environmental education at school level?

EE helps students understand how their decisions and actions affect the environment, builds knowledge and skills necessary to address complex environmental issues, as well as ways we can take action to keep our environment healthy and sustainable for the future.

What are the 4 parts of social studies?

History.Geography.Political science (Civic)Economics.Apr 17, 2019

What are the basic contents of social studies?

Although the term “social studies” includes primarily history, geography, civics, economics, and sociology, it also deals with materials from other subjects. Thus some elements of ethics, psychology, philosophy, anthropology, art, literature, and other subjects are included in various courses in the social studies.

What do kindergarten learn in social studies?

The Kindergarten Social Studies curriculum focuses on giving students a broad understanding of local history, geography, economics and community members. ааStudents will also learn about personal, home, and school responsibilities. ааTwo additional areas of study include historical figures and cultural traditions.

What did the radical Republicans do after the Reconstruction?

After the Reconstruction measures of President Andrew Johnson in 1866 resulted in the continued abuse of formerly enslaved Blacks in the South, the Radical Republicans pushed for the enactment of the Fourteenth Amendment and civil rights laws.

What was the President's plan for reconstruction?

Johnson’s plan for restoring the splintered Union pardoned all Southern White persons except Confederate leaders and wealthy plantation owners and restored all of their constitutional rights and property except enslaved persons.

What were the laws of the Reconstruction Era?

Fast Facts: Reconstruction Era. In 1865 and 1866, during the administration of President Andrew Johnson, the Southern states enacted restrictive and discriminatory Black Codes —laws intended to control the behavior and labor of Black Americans.

How many states were divided under the First Reconstruction Act?

Enacted in March 1867, the First Reconstruction Act, also known as the Military Reconstruction Act, divided the former Confederate states into five Military Districts, each governed by a Union general.

What did the New Orleans and Memphis Race Riots do?

The deadly 1866 New Orleans and Memphis Race Riots had convinced Congress that Reconstruction policies needed to be enforced. By creating “radical regimes” and enforcing martial law throughout the South, the Radical Republicans hoped to facilitate their Radical Reconstruction plan.

What was the result of the 1866 midterm elections?

In the 1866 mid-term congressional elections, Northern voters overwhelmingly rejected President Johnson’s Reconstruction policies, giving Radical Republicans nearly total control of Congress. Now controlling both the House of Representatives and the Senate, Radical Republicans were assured the votes needed to override any of Johnson’s vetoes to their soon-to-come Reconstruction legislation. This political uprising ushered in the period of Congressional or Radical Reconstruction.

How many slaves were freed during reconstruction?

government attempted to deal with the reintegration of the 11 Southern states that had seceded from the Union, along with 4 million newly freed enslaved people. Reconstruction demanded answers to a multitude of difficult questions.

What is construction project management?

Construction Project Management introduce s you to Project Initiation and Planning. Industry experts join Columbia University professor, Ibrahim Odeh, to give an overview of the construction industry. Professor Odeh teaches the fundamentals of the Project Development Cycle while guest lecturers discuss Lean Project Delivery method and Lean Design Behaviors. Technological advances, such as Building Information Modeling, will be introduced with real world examples of the uses of BIM during the Lifecycle of the Project. The course concludes with Professor Odeh discussing the importance of project planning and scheduling and an opportunity to develop a Work Breakdown Structure.

Who is the instructor for construction project initiation and planning?

Welcome to Construction Project Initiation and Planning. Meet your Instructor, Dr. Ibrahim Odeh, and learn what will be covered in the Construction Management Specialization and, more specifically, in this course, Construction Project Initiation and Planning, the first of the specialization series.

What is the theme of Silas Marner?

In the Nineteenth-Century, realist novel, Silas Marner, by George Eliot, the theme of identity is explored in a different manner. The protagonist lives as a social recluse because he does not conform to the idyllic identity which the community constructed. Thus, Eliot focuses her novel on Silas Marner reconstructing his identity as an outsider.

What is the process of loving another human identity and receiving love in return?

The process of loving another human-identity and receiving love in return is what reconnects Marner into the community. In his epic poem, ‘Beowulf’, Seamus Heaney presents the literal interpretation of identity by discussing who his characters are and where they came from; their patriarchal history, for instance.

What is the focus of the novel Silas Marner?

Thus, Eliot focuses her novel on Silas Marner reconstructing his identity as an outsider. During the Romantic Era, writers used their works to express their varying social concerns but in an elusive and multifaceted manner.

What is the significance of Heaney's construction of Sheafson?

Heaney’s construction of Sheafson as the ideal hero, prior to introducing his son, highlights the poems obsession with ancestral heritage. Heaney constructs an identity for his characters, not only based on their family lineage, but also through the enhancement of their reputation.

Why is it important to scrutinise a character's identity?

No matter what point in history a text was written, it is always important for readers to scrutinise a character’s identity and consider why they are the way they are and why they behave the way they behave, thu s grasping a more thorough understanding of the overall content. [1] http://www.thefreedictionary.com/identity.

What is identity in literature?

Identity in Literature. ‘Identity’ refers to “the collective aspect of the set of characteristics by which a thing is definitively recognizable or known” [1], in other words, what makes a person unique or distinctive . ‘Identity’ as a theme can be a somewhat problematic concept, however, because authors and poets often construct complex ...

Why is it important to contemplate the contextual background of a literary text?

Thus, it is important as a reader to contemplate the contextual background of a literary text because it is this that determines what would have influenced the norms of behaviour and therefore, a strong indication of why an author, poet or playwright would construct their characters in the way that they do.

What is Venus of Berekhat Ram?

The Venus of Berekhat Ram is believed by some to be a representation of a female human figure dating from the early Middle Paleolithic , however, the claim is highly contested. A carved elephant bone from Bilzingsleben has been interpreted as an early example of art making.

What are the stones in the Blombos Cave?

Made from ochre , the stones are engraved with abstract patterns, while the beads are made from Nassarius shells.

What is the earliest known art?

Discoveries of engraved stones in the Blombos Caves of South Africa has led some archaeologists to believe that early Homo sapiens were capable of abstraction and the production of symbolic art. Made from ochre, the stones are engraved with abstract patterns, and while they are simpler than prehistoric cave paintings found in Europe, some scholars believe these engraved stones represent the earliest known artworks, dating from 75,000 years ago. Although, much like the other pieces, this belief remains contested.

What were the things that humans did during the Paleolithic era?

At the end of the Paleolithic era, humans began to produce works of art such as cave paintings, rock art, and jewelry, and began to engage in religious behavior such as burial and rituals .

What was the Paleolithic society like?

The adoption of both technologies—clothing and shelter—cannot be dated exactly, but they were key to humanity’s progress. As the Paleolithic era progressed, dwellings became more sophisticated, more elaborate, and more house- like. At the end of the Paleolithic era, humans began to produce works of art such as cave paintings, rock art, and jewelry, and began to engage in religious behavior such as burial and rituals .

What were the key points of the Paleolithic?

Key Points. Early humans chose locations that could be defended against predators and rivals and that were shielded from inclement weather. Weather, water, and time have destroyed the majority of campsites; our understanding of Paleolithic dwellings is therefore limited. Caves are the most famous example of Paleolithic shelters.

What are some examples of animals in cave art?

Hundreds of animal paintings have been catalogued, depicting at least thirteen different species—not only the familiar herbivores that predominate Paleolithic cave art, but also many predatory animals, such as cave lions, panthers, bears, and cave hyenas.

Why does Jonas change in The Giver?

He changes during the course of the novel due to his experiences and actions. We know how Jonas changes because Lowry narrates The Giver in the third person , limited omniscient viewpoint in order to reveal Jonas' thoughts and feelings. When the novel begins, Jonas is as unconcerned as anyone else about how he is living.

Why do Annemarie and Jonas risk their lives?

Both Jonas and Annemarie risk their lives in order to save people they love. Because the conclusion of The Giver is so ambiguous, we don't know how Jonas' experiences ultimately affect him or his community. We do know that he matures and that he feels excited and joyful as he and Gabe ride down the hill on the sled.

What are some examples of themes in The Giver?

For example, she concentrates on the tradeoffs involved when Jonas' community chooses Sameness rather than valuing individual expression. Certain themes in the book are familiar because they can be found in other novels by Lowry.

What does the Giver say about Jonas' father?

As The Giver says of Jonas' father's killing the lighter-weight twin male, "It's what he was told to do, and he knows nothing else.". Another important theme in The Giver is the value of the individual. Lowry points out that when people are unable to experience pain, their individuality is devalued.

Why is the Giver so familiar?

Certain themes in the book are familiar because they can be found in other novels by Lowry. Throughout The Giver, Lowry attempts to awaken each and every reader to the dangers that exist when people opt for conformity over individuality and for unexamined security over freedom. At one time in the past, the people who inhabited Jonas' community ...

What does Jonas learn from The Giver?

But as he receives The Giver's memories and wisdom , he learns the truth about his community, that it is a hypocrisy and that the people have voluntarily given up their individuality and freedom to live as robots. Jonas' character changes and becomes more complex.

What chapter does Lowry write about Jonas?

Lowry writes of Jonas toward the beginning of Chapter 17, "But he knew he couldn't go back to that world of no feelings that he had lived in so long.". Jonas also experiences an external conflict between himself and the community.

Why did Jack lose his job in the movie?

Jack would lose his job because of the Depression, but he would become successful for another company. Jack and Suzie would obtain happiness by the end of the movie. Let’s move to the 1940s to see what themes that decade had to offer. I hope you are seeing how the theme of a movie is developed.

Why does Suzie get word from a stranger that Jack has been hurt?

Suzie gets word from a stranger that Jack has been hurt because he had to take a dangerous job to make enough money to marry Suzie. Suzie gets together enough money to go and see Jack, but she is too late. Jack died. This would really strike an emotional chord of the audiences of the 1930s.

How long does Alec have to live?

The doctor tells Jack that Alec only has several months, possibly six , to live. When the disease gets intense, Alec will deteriorate very rapidly. Jack asks the doctor what the best thing is to do for him.

What is the theme of the movie "The Last Jedi"?

The premise for the theme could be shown by having Jack as a rich entrepreneur who falls in love with Suzie, a poor girl from the slums of New York City. However, he cannot have a lasting relationship with her because the rigid class structure of society at that time would not allow it.

What is a theme in a movie?

. .” 3 In other words, a theme is the idea, premise, or purpose of a movie. It is the whole reason why movies are made.

Why are movies made?

It is the whole reason why movies are made. The theme is the heart of the movie. The movie is regulated by the theme. The theme is why people go to the movies. It is not because of the characters, story, plot, cinematography, or genre. All of these elements are regulated by the theme. They demonstrate how the theme is displayed, ...

Where does the story of Jack and Suzie begin?

The story begins at a critical junction. Jack and Suzie are in a waiting room of a doctor’s office waiting for their best friend, Alec. Jack is Alec’s next of kin as Alec is not willing to share any diagnostic results with any of his living relatives. Alec enters the waiting room and immediately goes to Suzie as the doctor calls Jack into his office.


Reconstruction After The Civil War

Presidential Reconstruction

Radical Republicans

Civil Rights Bill of 1866 and Freedmen’s Bureau

Reconstruction Amendments

Congressional Or Radical Reconstruction

When Did Reconstruction End?

The Legacy of Reconstruction

  • Though they were repeatedly either ignored or flagrantly violated, the anti-racial discrimination Reconstruction amendments remained in the Constitution. In 1867, U.S. Senator Charles Sumner had prophetically called them “sleeping giants” that would be awakened by future generations of Americans struggling to at last bring true freedom and equality...
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