lesson 1 how to study this course and achieve your personal goals

by Isaiah Gaylord Sr. 4 min read


Sean has decided to go back to school. It's been a while since he's been in school, though, and he wants to do well. He sometimes thinks about how many different ways he could screw this up, and he'd rather avoid that. But how can he succeed?

Setting Goals

Sean knows he needs to set goals in order to do well in school. But what types of goals should he set? Is it enough to say that he's going to 'study a lot' or 'get good grades?' Or is there a better way to set goals?

Achieving Goals

Sean has a pretty good idea how to set goals now. He knows they should be specific, measurable, time-bound and that they should focus on performance, and not on outcome. But what does he need to do to make sure he achieves those goals?


Begin by telling students about a time you had a goal and achieved it, or read a short story that conveys the same idea, such as Big Al by Andrew Clements, or The Gardener by Sarah Stewart.


Have students create visual art using their SMART goals and display around the room.

What is a student's personal goal?

“ Goals ” are anything a student aspires to and “ personal ” refers to anything that is specific to you. Teachers and parents play a big role in helping students create and achieve these goals that shape the student’s future.

How does goal setting help?

Kids, teens, and young adults can all benefit from goal setting in a variety of ways. Turning goal setting into a lifelong habit can help anyone achieve their personal and professional dreams. Builds a sense of responsibility. Promotes organizational skills. Improves decision making skills.

What are the goals of elementary students?

While goal setting for elementary students can include goals related to education, personal goals for young students should focus on healthy habits, behaviors, and personal achievements. Personal goals for younger children should focus on short timeframes and simple goals.

What are the goals of high school?

Personal Goals for High School Students. Personal goals for high school students can include things like study habit goals, time management, professional development, and personal development. Teens can set multiple goals at the same time and goals that involve several steps or span large amounts of time.

Is homework a personal goal?

While the goal does relate to education, it is a personal goal because it is not an expectation or requirement from the teacher. Overall Goal: I will finish homework early each week. Measurement: Homework turned in at least one day before the due date every week for one month.
