lecture 3 : what will you learn in this course & who is it for? 02:04 this lecture is downloadable

by Dr. Kelsi Mayert DVM 8 min read

Do I have to take a lecture class at every university?

No matter what university you attend, there is a good chance that you will be required to complete one or more lecture classes during your educational career. A lecture class is a course in which the lesson is typically delivered via a speech or presentation by the instructor.

How can I Be Good at understanding class lectures?

If your personal learning style favors listening, then you may already be good at understanding class lectures. Chapter 4 “Listening, Taking Notes, and Remembering” provides tips to help you pay close attention, take good notes, and recall the information and ideas you have heard.

How do I follow a lecture in a second language?

If you are trying to follow a lecture that is in your second language, the best thing you can do is remove any distractions from your reach. For example, if you do not need a cell phone or laptop for note-taking purposes, do not bring them with you. This will ensure that your focus stays on the speaker and on any notes you may be taking by hand.

What is the third step of the learning cycle?

The third step, capturing, typically involves taking notes on the learning experience to increase understanding and retention. The fourth step is to review your notes, to help solidify the learning and to prepare for repeating the cycle in the next class or reading assignment.

How do you answer what do you hope to learn from this course?

How to answer "Why did you choose this course?"Consider your interests. Think about your interests. ... Discuss your career goals. Discuss your career aspirations, and talk about how the course aligns with your career goals. ... Highlight your strengths. ... Focus on positive reasons. ... Be enthusiastic.

How do lectures help students learn?

Advantages of Lecture Instructors can use lectures to help students easily acquire knowledge of terms, basic facts, and simple concepts. Lectures are as effective, but not more effective, than other methods in transmitting simple information (Bligh, 2000).

How can I learn lectures?

During classSituate yourself for success. For in-person classes, if it helps, try sitting near the front of the class to stay engaged. ... Take good notes. ... Stay focused. ... Actively listen. ... Test yourself. ... Summarize. ... Revisit your notes. ... Create a study guide.

What would you most like to get out of this course?

Become a good and effective teacher in a large group environment. Learn to use my knowledge to inspire others. Be able to get a job at the end of it all.

What are the benefits of lectures?

Advantages of the lecture Lectures can present material not otherwise available to students. Lectures can be specifically organized to meet the needs of particular audiences. Lectures can present large amounts of information. Lectures can be presented to large audiences.

What is lecture-based learning?

lecture-based instructional approach refers to a traditional classroom teaching model, where the instructor delivers lecture verbally in combination with a projector, visual display surface and writing surface (e.g. a chalkboard or dry-erase whiteboard).

What do you do in lectures?

10 Tips on note-taking during lecturesYou can't write down every word. ... Pay Attention. ... Underline, Highlight and Capitalise. ... Use Shorthand (Abbreviations) ... Put distractions away. ... Be Comfortable. ... Ask questions when confused. ... Share and compare notes with classmates.More items...

How do students learn?

Students learn by connecting new knowledge with knowledge and concepts that they already know, most effectively in active social classrooms where they negotiate understanding through interaction and varied approaches.

How do I learn best?

Here are some things that visual learners like you can do to learn better:Sit near the front of the classroom. ... Have your eyesight checked on a regular basis.Use flashcards to learn new words.Try to visualize things that you hear or things that are read to you.Write down key words, ideas, or instructions.More items...

What do you learn in school answer?

We learn a lot in school, like: Being understanding towards classmates. Moral values like honesty, kindness, empathy. Adjusting with others. Importance of punctuality and self-discipline.

Why should we select you for this course answer?

“Over the years, I have acquired relevant skills and experience, which I shall bring to your organization. I have also worked tirelessly on my communication abilities and teamwork skills, which I will put to use in my future career, which would be in your organization if I am selected for the position.

How do students feel about online learning?

Students and faculty members both reported that their attitudes toward online learning had significantly improved in the past year. A majority of students, 57 percent, said they felt more positive about online learning now than before the pandemic.

3.3 Lecture

This is an elementary-level Korean language course, consisting of 5 lessons with 4 units, and covers 4 skills: reading, writing, listening and speaking. The main topics include basic expressions used in everyday life, such as greetings, introducing yourself, talking about your family and a daily life and so on.

Skills You'll Learn

In this module, you will learn the expressions about family. After completing the lessons, you will be able to talk about the family members and learn how to count numbers.

What is lecture class?

A lecture class is a course in which the lesson is typically delivered via a speech or presentation by the instructor. Unlike many other types of university classes, lectures typically involve limited audience participation. There is no way of knowing what form an individual lecture will take, but you can usually expect to sit ...

When will the lecture class be updated?

The Lecture Class: What to Expect and How to Succeed in This Academic Staple. Updated: August 27, 2020. No matter what university you attend, there is a good chance that you will be required to complete one or more lecture classes during your educational career.

Can you take notes during a lecture?

If you think you will be distracted by electronics, you can still take notes the old-fashioned way —with a pen and paper. Having said that, taking notes can be distracting if you are trying to focus on the content, so consider recording the lecture instead.

Can you sit and listen to a lecture?

There is no way of knowing what form an individual lecture will take, but you can usually expect to sit and listen to a presentation on a single subject for an allotted period of time. Some instructors may use visual aids like a slideshow, but others may prefer to stand in front of the class and talk. Despite not involving much or any audience ...

Can international students take a lecture?

For many international students, the idea of a lecture class might be intimidating. For one thing, it is likely that the lecture will be delivered in a language other than their native language (i.e. English, if studying in the U.S.). It is also possible that the instructor may speak quickly, or could ask that any questions be held until the end. Individually, any one of these factors could make a lecture class challenging for international students, but together they can make it overwhelming.

What are the learning objectives?

Learning Objectives. Understand and make effective use of the four steps of the learning process. Describe the different learning styles of different college students and recognize your own learning preferences. Know how to benefit from your own learning style and how to expand your learning skills with the techniques of other styles.

What does it mean to learn an academic subject?

This applies as well to how well you learn. Learning an academic subject means really understanding it, being able to think about it in meaningful ways and to apply that understanding in new situations. This is very different from simply memorizing something and repeating it back on a test.

How do feeling learners learn?

Feeling learners focus on the emotional side of information and learn through personal connections. Too often they may feel that a college textbook or a class is “dry” or “boring” if it focuses exclusively on written information. In addition to improving their reading and listening skills, students with this style can enrich their learning by focusing on what they and others feel about the information and ideas being learned. Here are some tips to help maximize your learning related to feeling:

How do students learn more effectively?

One student may learn more effectively from listening to the instructor. Another learns more effectively from reading the textbook, while another student benefits most from charts, graphs, and images the instructor presents during a lecture. Learning style is important in college.

Why is listening important in college?

Listening skills are as important in college as reading skills. College students are expected to listen to their instructors in class and remember and understand what is said. In discussion classes, listening is important also for participating well in discussions.

What is the fourth step in a learning cycle?

The fourth step is to review your notes, to help solidify the learning and to prepare for repeating the cycle in the next class or reading assignment. People have natural learning preferences, affecting how they learn best, such as learning by reading, by listening, by seeing, by doing, and by feeling.

Why do we need to take notes in college?

No matter how good your memory, you need to take good notes in college simply because there is so much to learn. Just hearing something once is seldom enough. You have to go back over the material again, sometimes several times again, thinking about it and seeing how it all fits together.

How do feeling learners learn?

Feeling learners focus on the emotional side of information and learn through personal connections. Too often they may feel that a university textbook or a class is “dry” or “boring” if it focuses exclusively on written information. In addition to improving their reading and listening skills, students with this style can enrich their learning by focusing on what they and others feel about the information and ideas being learned. Here are some tips to help maximize your learning related to feeling:

Why is listening important in university?

Listening skills are as important in university as reading skills. University students are expected to listen to their instructors in class and remember and understand what is said. In discussion classes, listening is important also for participating well in discussions.

Why do we need to take notes in university?

No matter how good your memory, you need to take good notes in university simply because there is so much to learn. Just hearing something once is seldom enough. You have to go back over the material again, sometimes several times again, thinking about it and seeing how it all fits together.
