learn how to draw blood course

by Deon Runte 5 min read

To get a certification to draw blood, individuals must complete a phlebotomy training course from start to finish. In fact, the training course itself won’t cover certification. Additional training will be needed to achieve a phlebotomy certificate.

Full Answer

How can I get my blood drawn?

Learning to draw blood is not as difficult as you might think. NO DEGREE or Prerequisite is required but, you must be 18 years of age or older to enroll in our classes. Students will be trained in both the theory and technique of Phlebotomy. You will learn the basic blood draw methods, which include: Vacutainer; Butterfly Draws; Finger Sticks

Can blood be drawn at home?

Learn to draw blood quickly. Earn certificate. We offer 2- Day hands on training, Instructor- Led Online Training and Online.Private groups welcomed.

Is getting blood drawn painful?

Oct 13, 2017 · Appropriate training in phlebotomy; Cooperation on the part of patients; Quality of laboratory sampling Step 1: Identify The Vein. The first step in drawing blood correctly is to identify the appropriate veins to puncture. For adult patients, the most common and first choice is the median cubital vein in the antecubital fossa.

What is the tube order for drawing blood?

How To Draw Blood Step 1: Gather Equipment. Gather the necessary equipment and tools used to perform the blood draw and place them on a... Step 2: Prepping The Patient. Once you have the necessary supplies, it's time to ready the patient. First, introduce... Step 3: …

What qualifications do you need to take blood?

Employers usually ask for at least two GCSEs or equivalent. They may ask for a BTEC or equivalent vocational qualification in health and social care or healthcare. Employers often ask for relevant work experience.

How do you train blood to draw?

Steps to Become a Phlebotomist – Education & ExperienceStep 1: Complete high school (four years). ... Step 2: Complete an accredited phlebotomy program (eight weeks to a year). ... Step 3: Pursue Professional Phlebotomy Certification (Timelines Vary). ... Step 4: Maintain certification (annually).

How long does it take to become a person who draws blood?

Phlebotomist school is short in length—one to two semesters, or 4 to 8 months, depending on your school—and prepares you to work with patients and in different settings such as labs, blood banks, and hospitals.

How can I practice phlebotomy at home?

Explain the reason for the blood draw to your practice patient. Identify them using the two identifiers mandated by the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations (JCAHO) Ask about allergies or sensitivities to latex, antiseptics, or adhesives. Complete your practice forms and labels.Apr 28, 2021

How can I improve my phlebotomy skills?

Pro Tips for Mastering the Art of VenipunctureKnow Your Veins – A common choice for adult patients is the median cubital vein in the antecubital fossa (think crevice of the elbow). ... Take a Deep Breath – By asking the patient to take a deep breath just before the stick, you can help keep them calm and distracted.More items...•Dec 21, 2020

What is the best certification for phlebotomy?

The Best Phlebotomy Certification Programs in 2022Best Overall: Phlebotomy Career Training.Best Accelerated Program: Chicago School of Phlebotomy.Best Intensive Program: National Phlebotomy Association (NPA)Best Online Option: American National University.Best Value: Heart to Heart Healthcare Training.Jan 4, 2022

What is the main responsibility of phlebotomist?

Phlebotomists job description focuses responsibility for taking blood from patients and properly labeling samples with the patient information and lab test orders from the doctor. The blood drawn by the phlebotomist can be used to test for a laundry list of medical conditions, from high cholesterol to diabetes.

What is the person called that draws blood?

PhlebotomistWhat Does a Phlebotomist Do? Phlebotomists take samples of blood for testing. The blood samples may be needed to learn more about a particular patient, or they may be used in research. Phlebotomists also collect blood from donors for those in need of blood transfusions.Jul 8, 2021

How to be a clinical laboratory technician?

As an important member of the clinical laboratory team, you will: 1 draw blood specimens by venipuncture, syringe and micro-collection techniques 2 collect and process other clinical specimens 3 prepare samples for laboratory testing and analysis 4 assemble and maintain medical instruments such as needles, test tubes, blood vials, and centrifuges

What is the job outlook for phlebotomists?

Job Outlook. Employment of phlebotomists is projected to grow 17 percent from 2019 to 2029, much faster than the average for all occupations. Hospitals, diagnostic laboratories, blood donor centers, and other locations will need phlebotomists to perform bloodwork.*.

How old do you have to be to draw blood?

Learning to draw blood is not as difficult as you might think. NO DEGREE or Prerequisite is required but, you must be 18 years of age or older to enroll in our classes.

How to learn phlebotomy?

Students will be trained in both the theory and technique of Phlebotomy. You will learn the basic blood draw methods, which include: 1 Vacutainer 2 Butterfly Draws 3 Finger Sticks

What is a phlebotomy?

Phlebotomy, the practice of drawing blood from a vein, is a proficiency that all nurses should learn in their career. While not commonly taught in nursing school, programs recommend nursing students take extra courses to hone this skill.

Why is phlebotomy important?

Phlebotomy is essential for a variety of medical diagnoses, procedures, and tests. Without proper specimens, unhelpful or even harmful medical treatment could happen. Nursing schools do not teach this skill due to legality issues. Students should study venipuncture in books and watch licensed nurses in clinical settings perform this task.

Where is the AC located?

Commonly referred to as the antecubital or the AC it can be found in the crevice of the elbow between the median cephalic and the median basilic vein. This is an extremely large vessel and if stuck properly can yield excellent blood results.

How to do a blood draw?

Step 1: Gather Equipment. Gather the necessary equipment and tools used to perform the blood draw and place them on a tray that's within reach. Typically, this will include (but, not limited to): Blood collection tubes. Non-sterile gloves.

How to do venipuncture?

Perform venipuncture using the following steps: Place your thumb BELOW the venipuncture site to anchor the vein. Be sure not to touch the venipuncture site or you will need to repeat the cleaning process. Have the patient ball up their hand (form a fist). Puncture the vein quickly and at a 30 degree angle or less.

How far above the venipuncture should you apply a tourniquet?

This vein should be clearly visible before applying the tourniquet. Finally, apply the tourniquet 3 to 4 inches above the venipuncture site. Tip: Keep in mind that opting for the basilic vein increases the risk of damaging a nerve or artery and is typically more painful.

Can you use a syringe to fill a tube?

However, if that's not available, you may use a syringe or winged needle set. Be sure to place the tube into a rack before filling.

How to puncture a vein?

Be sure to do this before removing the needle from the vein. Slowly withdraw the needle and gently apply pressure to the puncture site with a clean gauze or cotton ball.

How to transport a sample?

Place the collected samples into a plastic sealed and leak-proof bag for transportation. In case there are multiple sample tubes, place the tubes in a rack to avoid any breakage and cross-contamination. Place any forms in an outside pocket or compartment to reduce the risk of contamination.

How to clean up a spill?

Soak up large spills with paper towels and discard them in an infectious waste container. Use a wet cloth to clean the spill as much as possible. Clean the area with a 1:10 dilution of a 5.25% chlorine bleach to water solution.

What is the basic skill of drawing blood?

Drawing Blood: The Basics of a Basic Nursing Skill. Drawing blood is one of the skills required of a registered nurse. While there are phlebotomists that work at the hospital, you can't count on them to always be there when your patient needs an important lab test done. Here are the basic procedures for drawing blood.

How to apply for financial aid?

When we contact you we'll: 1 Help you explore options for financial aid for which you may qualify. 2 Highlight any special courses or options available to you. 3 Help plan how long your education will take to complete based on your specific situation. 4 Help you see how the chosen program will fit into your schedule.

What does it mean to be calm when you are anxious?

If you are calm and collected, your patient will also be calm. An anxious patient is one with disappearing veins, so take a deep breath and be professional. Don't let a preceptor pressure you into doing venipuncture if you don't feel comfortable doing it; it lessens your chance of success.

Why is it important to draw blood?

Taking the proper steps to draw blood protects the health and safety of patients and the nurse assigned to draw their blood. A successful blood drawing begins with a nurse using precision in their blood drawing skills.

What happens if you faint during blood collection?

Another common complication is bruising around the needle insertion area a few days after the collection.

Do nurses collect blood?

Nurses must be very precise when it comes to collecting the blood of patients. The process is quick and nearly painless for patients when experienced nurses collect blood specimens. Blood collection is a skill that nurses will use throughout their nursing careers. As long as special care is taken, the risk of complications can be minimized.

Can nurses draw blood?

There is no way that nurses will be able to get around drawing blood during their clinical skills nursing experiences. The process of drawing blood may look easier than it is, but there is a precise manner in which to draw blood from patients. The process of drawing blood can be very dangerous for patients when their nurse lacks precise blood drawing skills. Taking the proper steps to draw blood protects the health and safety of patients and the nurse assigned to draw their blood. A successful blood drawing begins with a nurse using precision in their blood drawing skills.

How long does it take to become a phlebotomist?

More often, aspiring phlebotomists enroll in a certificate program that typically takes three months or less.

Where do phlebotomists work?

Many phlebotomists work at blood donation centers drawing blood and plasma from volunteers willing to help others who may need life-saving transfusions. Jobs can also be found in medical laboratories, doctor's offices, hospitals and clinics where phlebotomists draw blood from patients for diagnostic testing and research studies.

What is the job outlook for phlebotomists?

In fact, job openings for phlebotomists are projected to increase an impressive 25 percent between 2016 and 2026, which is faster than the average rate of other occupations. Blood donor centers, hospitals and diagnostic centers will have a sustained need for phlebotomists.

Is phlebotomy a good job?

Working as a phlebotomist is a good way of entering the medical field. Ph lebotomy experience provides a helpful background when training to be a medical assistant or medical laboratory technician, for example. In a plasma or whole blood donation facility, you could receive additional training to learn other areas of the business and move into a supervisory or management role.
