The process between submitting your application and getting your NetID sometimes can take up to a week, so we recommend applying early. Incoming freshmen apply to our program between August 1 and December 15 each year.
College and departmental Honors programs typically require 18-21 hours of Honors coursework and usually require that those courses be taken within one department or college. Currently, there is no housing requirement for college or departmental Honors programs.
The Honors freshman learning community seminar (UGST 181 Honors Family Meeting) is a weekly small group meeting that gives you the opportunity to discuss current events, career objectives, personal values, and connect to other highly-motivated students.
There are two deadlines associated with each term: The first is the last date that Instructors of Record can combine sections using the self-service option in ORCA. The second date is the final date that the Office for Academic Innovation can accept requests to merge course sections ahead of a given term.
Practice Shells. Practice Shells (PRAC) should be used to experiment with advanced Canvas features and tools to create content, assignments, discussions, and quizzes. Practice shells do not have any associated student enrollments and cannot be used to deliver course content.
Development shells can be used to develop course content, copy content from a previous semester into, and a shell to migrate content to from eCampus to Canvas. Development shells will be created by request. Development shells do not have any associated student enrollments and cannot be used to deliver course content.
Once the Gradebook in Canvas is set up correctly and reviewed for accuracy, the Instructor of Record or Grade Submitter roles can submit grades to Howdy by pulling Midterm or Final grades from Canvas. If you have multiple sections, you will have to complete these steps for every course section, even if the course is merged in Canvas.
eCampus is only available for Summer 1, 2, and 10-week terms. After that, the system will be retired at Texas A&M University and will not longer be accessible by faculty, staff, or students.
Receive emails both at the beginning and at the end of the semester when a contract is requested and finalized.
Receive emails both at the beginning and at the end of the semester when a contract is requested and finalized.