In the 1800s, the Czar of Russia dealt with his “Jewish problem” in three ways: conversion, emigration and destruction. Through a series of harsh decrees Jews would convert to Russian Orthodoxy, emigrate out of Russia or face destruction.
The Yom Kippur War was the darkest time since the Holocaust for the Jewish people. But ultimately it came to emphasize the miraculous nature of Jewish survival. The 6 Day War in 1967 was a major turning point. On the verge of annihilation, Israel emerged victorious and regained Judaism's holiest site, the Western Wall.
The First Aliyah The First Aliyah, Jewish settlers to the Holy Land from 1881-1901, were secular, idealist and extremely naïve about Arab reaction to their arrival. Political Zionism In 1897, Theodore Herzl declared at the First Zionist Congress, “Today, I have founded the Jewish state.
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The turmoil in Israel after the Yom Kippur War led to the election of Menachem Begin and the historical peace...
The Yom Kippur War was the darkest time since the Holocaust for the Jewish people. But ultimately it came to...
The 6 Day War in 1967 was a major turning point. On the verge of annihilation, Israel emerged victorious and...
As Nasser rose to power in Egypt and unleashed terrorists attacks, Israel mounted the Sinai Campaign. Military victory turned into...
Israel had to absorb more than a million immigrants in its first years. It faced enormous housing, economic, political, cultural...
The declaration of the State of Israel in 1948 was met with great emotion from Jews - and the invasion...
World guilt over the Holocaust opened a brief window of opportunity which, along with some obvious divine intervention, launched the...
Rabbi Wein has authored four Jewish history books – Triumph of Survival, The Story of the Jews in the Modern Era; Herald of Destiny, the Medieval Era; Echoes of Glory, the Classical Era and Faith and Fate, the story of the Jews in the Twentieth Century – all of which have received popular and critical acclaim.
Most recently, Rabbi Wein received the Torah Prize Award from Machon Harav Frank in Jerusalem for his achievements in teaching Torah and spreading Judaism throughout the world. Rabbi Wein makes his home in Jerusalem. Posted in: Video.
The turmoil in Israel after the Yom Kippur War led to the election of Menachem Begin and the historical peace agreement with Anwar Sadat. But was it peace?
The Yom Kippur War was the darkest time since the Holocaust for the Jewish people. But ultimately it came to emphasize the miraculous nature of Jewish survival.
One of the most beautiful areas in Israel is the Judean Desert. Even though the word desert in English conjures...
Whereas younger people in their adolescent and early adulthood years constantly look forward (I think that is why history teachers...
I know that it sounds strange but Herman Wouk is an important person in my life. I met him only...
A friend of mine told me of an interesting conversation that occurred between two professors at a Catholic university...
I have recently completed reading two biographies about two very diverse but influential people. I will admit going from the...