is it better to take something to stop diareah or let it run it course when its food poisoning

by Judy Kling MD 9 min read

Is it better to stop diarrhea or let it run its course? It depends on the cause. Diarrhea from food poisoning is a protective reaction to expel the toxin from your body. Likewise, diarrhea from viral gastritis is your body's way of removing the virus from the body.

Let Nature Run Its Course
Tempting as it may be, you typically want to avoid over-the-counter medicine to stop your diarrhea. That's because the diarrhea is helping to get rid of whatever is making you sick. If you think you need it, check with your doctor first.
Apr 19, 2021

Full Answer

Can you treat food poisoning with an over-the-counter anti-diarrheal?

You can treat food poisoning with an over-the-counter anti-diarrheal. The answer? False. (90% of our audience got it right, but our very own Rach was surprised!) "When you have food poisoning, you have a toxin in your body," Stacia explains.

How to get rid of diarrhea fast?

5 Methods for Getting Rid of Diarrhea Fast 1. Anti-diarrheal medication. Some people see diarrhea as nothing more than a mild nuisance and let it run its course,... 2. Rice water. Rice water is another fast, effective remedy for diarrhea. Boil 1 cup of rice and 2 cups of water for... 3. Probiotics. ...

Why does food poisoning cause diarrhea?

"When you have food poisoning, you have a toxin in your body," Stacia explains. "The diarrhea is saying 'get it out!' As soon as it's out, the diarrhea will stop."

Should I be concerned about diarrhea?

If diarrhea persists, it can cause severe dehydration and require emergency medical intervention. In most cases, diarrhea will resolve on its own with minimal treatment. It may be that your body was reacting to an infection or something you ate and simply flushed the toxin from your system. In cases like this, diarrhea may be considered protective.

Should I take anti diarrhea with food poisoning?

In some cases, adults can take over-the-counter medicines such as loperamide link (Imodium) and bismuth subsalicylate link (Pepto-Bismol, Kaopectate) to treat diarrhea caused by food poisoning.

What is the fastest way to resolve food poisoning?

Stop eating and drinking for a few hours. Try sucking on ice chips or taking small sips of water. You might also try drinking clear soda, clear broth or noncaffeinated sports drinks. You might also try oral rehydration solutions if you have severe dehydration symptoms or diarrhea.

Is there a way to stop food poisoning before it starts?

There's no surefire way to prevent food poisoning, but you can lower your chances of it by preparing meals safely and correctly.

Does Imodium make food poisoning worse?

It may seem counterintuitive, but don't reach for the Imodium, yet. Your symptoms are ways that your body flushes itself of toxins. Your body reacts strongly to food poisoning to kill whatever caused the poisoning. Imodium, Pepto-Bismol, and other common OTC aids may only prolong your illness.

Will Pepto help with food poisoning?

Over-the-counter Medication for Food Poisoning To alleviate the pain of food poisoning, doctors recommend over-the-counter medications such as Pepto-Bismol and Imodium A-D. These medications will help settle your stomach and prevent you from having diarrhea.

How long does it take for your stomach to recover after food poisoning?

Most people who experience food poisoning don't require a trip to the hospital, but you won't want to venture too far from the bathroom either. Upset stomach, vomiting, and diarrhea are the most common symptoms. They typically subside after 48 hours.

How long does food poisoning last?

Most cases of food poisoning will take 1 to 5 days to fully recover from. Young children, elderly, pregnant women, and those with underlying medical or immune system conditions are at increased risk of developing severe illness from food poisoning.

What is the best tablet for food poisoning?

What is the best medication for food poisoning?Best medications for food poisoningImodium (loperamide)AntidiarrhealOralPepto-Bismol (bismuth subsalicylate)AntidiarrhealOralKaopectate (bismuth subsalicylate)AntidiarrhealOralPedialyteFluid and electrolyte replacementOral5 more rows

What medication helps with food poisoning?

You may be able to treat food poisoning with over-the-counter food poisoning medication from your pharmacy, including: Anti-diarrhea medicines, such as bismuth subsalicylate (Pepto-Bismol) or loperamide (Imodium) Pain relievers and fever reducers, including acetaminophen (Tylenol) and ibuprofen (Advil)

Is Imodium or Pepto-Bismol better?

All in all, Imodium A-D and Pepto-Bismol are both safe and effective over-the-counter treatments for diarrhea in most people. A few notable differences may affect which drug you choose. For example: Pepto-Bismol can treat several other related symptoms, such as heartburn, nausea, and indigestion.

Should I take Imodium for diarrhea or let it run its course?

Although acute diarrhea generally resolves on its own, treating with IMODIUM® products relieves symptoms more quickly than letting diarrhea run its natural course.

What do you do when you can't keep anything down?

When to visit the emergency department. For the most part, if you have uncontrolled vomiting for extended periods of time where you can't keep anything down, you should go to the emergency room. This is especially true for the very young, the elderly, or those with severe underlying health conditions, Dr. Lee says.

Should I force myself to vomit if I have food poisoning?

Today, doctors and poison control experts advise against making yourself or someone else throw up after swallowing something potentially dangerous.

What does food poisoning feel like when it starts?

While the main symptoms are nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, and stomach cramps, you also may have a fever, headache, muscle and joint aches, or blood in your stool. You may also be dehydrated, so your mouth and throat feel dry and you don't pee as often as you typically do. Dehydration can make you dizzy when you stand up.

Can food poisoning be instant?

The symptoms of food poisoning usually begin within one to two days of eating contaminated food, although they may start at any point between a few hours and several weeks later. The main symptoms include: feeling sick (nausea) vomiting.

How does your body fight food poisoning?

The intestinal wall is designed to absorb nutrients and water from food. Bacterial toxins can cause pores to open in the wall, allowing water and other molecules to flood in. The excess fluid and electrolytes in the gut lead to watery diarrhoea, which has a beneficial role of flushing out the bacteria and their toxins.

How to treat diarrhea fast?

Rice water is another fast, effective remedy for diarrhea. Boil 1 cup of rice and 2 cups of water for about 10 minutes, or until the water becomes cloudy. Strain the rice and preserve the water for consumption. Rice water not only provides your body with fluid to prevent dehydration, it can also reduce the duration of diarrhea.

What to do if you have diarrhea after taking a new medication?

If you have diarrhea after starting a new medication, ask your doctor about an alternative drug or possibly lowering your dosage. You can also protect yourself by thoroughly cooking food and washing fruits and vegetables before preparing.

How to stop diarrhea from yogurt?

Taking a probiotic supplement or eating probiotic foods like some brands of yogurt may also stop diarrhea. Sometimes, diarrhea results from an imbalance of bacteria in the gut. Probiotics help restore balance by providing a higher level of good bacteria.

How long does it take for a stool to firm up?

But while diarrhea often improves on its own within two to three days, a few remedies can help promote firmer stools faster.

What is the best diet for diarrhea?

A diet known as BRAT may also quickly relieve diarrhea. BRAT stands for bananas, rice, applesauce, and toast. This diet is effective due to the bland nature of these foods, and the fact that they’re starchy, low-fiber foods. These foods have a binding effect in the digestive tract to make stools bulkier.

How to identify food allergies?

To identify possible food allergies or sensitivities, keep a food journal and write down everything you eat for a few weeks. Make a note of days that you have diarrhea. Keeping a food journal can help determine whether you have a lactose intolerance or a gluten sensitivity. You can then try an elimination diet.

Does imodium help with diarrhea?

The active ingredient in Imodium works swiftly because it slows the movement of fluid through the intestines. This can quickly restore normal bowel function. Pepto-Bismol, on the other hand, helps kill diarrhea-causing bacteria in your intestines. 2. Rice water. Rice water is another fast, effective remedy for diarrhea.

How to help with diarrhea?

Staying hydrated and eating the right foods can help resolve mild bouts of diarrhea, but persistent or severe cases may require medical instance. Here are some instances where you would be advised to seek urgent or emergency care: Dehydration symptoms, including dizziness, headache, weakness, and low urine output.

How to get rid of diarrhea in a week?

Drink Plenty of Fluids. If faced with diarrhea, the first course of action is to drink plenty of extra fluid. Water is always the best choice but any clear liquid will do. Milk may be okay for milder cases but can prolong or worsen diarrhea in some. 1 . Avoid alcohol and caffeine, both of which have diuretic (water-excreting) effects.

What to do if you have diarrhea and you have a high sugar level?

For moderate to severe cases, you may want to use an electrolyte solution like Gastrolyte or Pedialyte to replace those lost to diarrhea. Avoid sports drinks like Gatorade since their high sugar content can actually worsen diarrhea. 2 .

How long does diarrhea last?

Diarrhea lasting more than three days in adults or children. Bloody, black, or oily-looking stools. Abdominal pain that doesn't improve with a bowel movement. Dehydration symptoms, including dizziness, headache, weakness, and low urine output. High fever of over 100.4 F.

What is the medical term for a person who has loose stools?

Learn about our Medical Review Board. Priyanka Chugh, MD. on November 21, 2019. Diarrhea is an acute condition that leads to frequent loose or watery stools. People with diarrhea are less able to absorb nutrients or water in the intestines.

Why is the bland diet abandoned?

The BRAT diet was once the standard course of treatment for pediatric diarrhea but now has been largely abandoned due to the lack of nutritional value.

Can probiotics help with diarrhea?

While the exact mechanism of action is unknown, the researchers concluded there is "strong and solid proof of the efficacy of probiotics as active treatment" of both antibiotic-associated diarrhea and acute gastroenteritis.