iron condor course part 8 - how to trade a “mouse ear” pdf

by Nelle Hegmann 4 min read

What is an iron condor option?

MOUSE EAR IRON CONDOR. I like to think of a mouse ear iron condor as a lower risk, lower return version of a condor. BUT, it also has the added benefit of a significant “profit tent” around the short strike. No longer do you have to fear a stock moving towards your short strike. With a mouse ear, if it doesn’t occur too early in the trade ...

How to trade Condors?

When you trade an iron condor, you want the underlying not to move very much. The biggest threat of the iron condor is a large move in one direction, especially if it is early in the trade. The condor is a slow trade, meaning that it takes time for the options to decay and lose value. The iron condor is also considered a very conservative trade ...

Why does the iron condor pull in so much credit?

Oct 02, 2019 · The iron condor is a trading strategy for options that uses two spreads, both vertical. One is a call (which is the option to buy), and the other is a put (the option to sell). The iron condor gets its name from the shape of the profit and loss graph it creates. An iron condor appears vertically, composed, again, of four trades – calls and puts.

How do I place leg into the iron condor?

Iron Condor Trade Setup Tips page. 04 With AAPL at $186.89, the 0.16-delta call option in the 67-day expiration cycle is the 210 call. The -0.16 delta put option is the 165 put. Therefore, my short strikes are 165 and 210. To sell a $5-wide iron condor (an iron condor with $5-wide spreads on each side), I'd purchase the 160 put and 215 call

First thing first – What is an Iron Condor?

An iron condor is a trade of two credit spreads – one on a call option and one on the put option – sold on any underlying for the same month. Since I always trade on nifty, henceforth all my examples will be restricted to nifty only.

How to do it? Ok let me take a live example from one of my trades

This trade was done in the month of May 2013. My view was that nifty will not go beyond 6000 and not go below 5700 in the May 2013 series. So I sold an iron condor for lets suppose four lots (I trade more lots but this is to simplify). Here are the details:

How to adjust an iron condor?

We will come later to what I did, but lets first discuss what you can do when your iron condor is in danger: