introductory chemistry course how much organic chemistry do i need to know

by Darryl Durgan 10 min read

Who should take this course in organic chemistry?

This course is designed for biology, premedical, prenursing, preclinical, prehealth students and anyone who is interested in learning introductory organic chemistry. A foundation in general chemistry is preferred to understand the topics of this course. Online Asynchronous.

What is organic chemistry all about?

A brief introduction to organic chemistry. Carbon can form covalent bonds with itself and other elements to create a mind-boggling array of structures. In organic chemistry, we will learn about the reactions chemists use to synthesize crazy carbon based structures, as well as the analytical methods to characterize them.

Is a foundation in general chemistry online or synchronous?

A foundation in general chemistry is preferred to understand the topics of this course. Online Asynchronous. This course is entirely web-based and to be completed asynchronously between the published course start and end dates. Synchronous attendance is NOT required.

What should I be memorizing in my chemistry lab?

The only things you should be memorizing are common names for benzenes with substituents, and ochem 1/gen chem stuff. Do not try to memorize the reagents back and forth.

How much Gen Chem do you need to know for OChem?

Gen chem is probably 50-75% calculations. Except lab (which is probably 25% calculations), OChem is practically 100% conceptual and NO calculations.

Is Intro to organic chemistry hard?

Organic chemistry, known as “orgo” among college students, is notoriously one of the most challenging courses in university. It is taken by pre-med students, aspiring engineers, and scientists.

How many hours should you study for organic chemistry?

In addition to the three hours you spend in class, you should spend at least nine hours studying o-chem per week. That means every week, not just when you have an exam coming up. Ideally, you should devote some study time every day so you can “digest” the material more slowly.

Do you need to know Orgo 1 for Orgo 2?

Orgo II requires that you build on your knowledge of Orgo I — Organic chemistry is cumulative. Meaning that what you learned in Orgo I you must know in Orgo II. So if you need a refresher on Orgo I material, I suggest you do so prior to delving into Orgo II.

Why do students hate organic chemistry?

like most subjects in India,Organic Chemistry is also taught via rote. The student is never taught that there is harmony in the reaction processes & the process of synthesis of various molecules. Thus,its only natural that one finds it 'hateful' or boring.

Is organic chemistry just memorization?

The number one reason people find organic difficult is they try to memorize everything. This course is not about memorization. You can't memorize hundreds of reactions, and you certainly can't memorize Stereochemistry. Treat organic like a math course; work lots of problems and learn the process.

Why is organic chemistry so hard?

Here's a brief rundown of why organic chemistry is so hard: It's very different to any other basic science course. It's dependent mainly on symbols and visualizations (rather than language) It's conceptually challenging (with many reaction mechanisms similar and challenging to differentiate)

Is it possible to learn organic chemistry on your own?

I feel that unless you have a plethora of testing material that is comprehensive, you won't be able to effectively learn organic chemistry on your own compared to a classroom setting.

How much time does it take to complete organic chemistry?

Organic chemistry is considered most interesting part of the whole syllabus if you are preparing for boards then you can easily Finish it within a month or two.

Is Orgo 1 or 2 easier?

No, it is not easier. The material in Organic II is more difficult. If you study hard and set your mind to it, you may do better in II than you did in I.

Is Organic Chem harder than Gen Chem?

If you know the chemistry them, you can characterize most reactions just by your own knowledge, with little memorization at all. Organic chemistry is not as difficult as its reputation makes it out to be. I enjoyed the course and personally found it to be significantly easier than general chemistry.

How do I start studying organic chemistry?

7 Tips to Survive Organic ChemistryReview organic chem basics before the first class. ... Make organic chem your priority. ... Ask a lot of questions. ... Form study groups. ... Learn from your mistakes. ... Don't simply memorize; seek to understand. ... Give yourself the credit you deserve.

Course Description

Introduction to the fundamentals of organic chemistry. This course covers the properties and reactions of hydrocarbons and their functional groups, aromatic compounds, and biological molecules.

Learning Outcomes

Draw the Lewis structure and predict chemical properties for various functional groups.

Take the first step

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Why not turn your motivation into action BEFORE the semester begins?

If you’re reading this one month, one week, or even one day before your semester begins, you still have the opportunity to start your class prepared and ready to go.

Organic Chemistry Study Guide, I mean, PRE-study guide

The more you understand going in, The more you follow along in class, The less confused you are, The faster you get to practice, And the less overwhelmed overall.

Retaking the Course

If you’re retaking orgo, your approach will be similar to first-timers with one major difference. You need to think back to your last orgo semester and figure out exactly what went wrong.

Organic Chemistry 1 Review For First Time Orgo 1 Students

In over a decade of working with thousands of orgo students, I’ve noticed the following topic trends in organic chemistry 1:

Students Preparing for Organic Chemistry 2

If you’re taking organic chemistry 2 this upcoming semester, I will assume you skipped over the orgo 1 materials above. Go back and skim through it quickly, asking yourself these questions with every topic:

Is Orgo 2 Easier or Harder Than Orgo 1?

There are arguments to be made for both levels of organic chemistry being more difficult.

How I went from a 65 to an A in Organic Chemistry

I made a 65 on my first O-Chem II exam. After all A’s + B’s in O-Chem I, I was shocked. I’d never scored so low on an exam in my life. O-Chem II is very different than the O-Chem I, you can pass using memorization in the first semester, but once the second comes, you have to learn how to understand concepts and find connections.

4 Secrets for Success in O-Chem II

Forget memorization. It won’t help you now. The only things you should be memorizing are common names for benzenes with substituents, and ochem 1/gen chem stuff. Do not try to memorize the reagents back and forth.

You got this!

If you have any more questions, drop them in the comments below or on Instagram! Feel free to bookmark this for future reference!
