intensive meditation course why

by Mrs. Marisol Bayer PhD 8 min read

Meditation Intensive Embodying stillness, reflection, and presence. A sustainable daily meditation practice that feels more human. This course offers a practical path to the mystical.

Full Answer

Is the 10 minutes a day meditation course worth it?

This course is best suited for people who do not want to spend too much time every day learning to meditate. 10 minutes a day is not a huge commitment. But obviously, the results you get will differ from those of the 8-week programs. But is a great introduction to the topic with a relatively small investment.

What are specialized meditation courses?

What I mean by specialized meditation courses are those courses that are meant to address a certain problem in the life of the meditator. Examples are meditations geared towards anxiety or anger. But it could also be a meditation class on better sleep or overcoming shyness.

How to start a mindfulness or a meditation course?

When you want to start a mindfulness or a meditation course, you want to know that they will be effective for whatever purpose you want to follow them. In my post on the benefits of loving-kindness meditation, I sum up the benefits that this type of meditation can have. But also regular mindfulness has been shown to have stress-reducing effects.

Are subscription-based meditation courses any good?

Subscription-based meditation courses do not have this problem as they continue to add new content to keep their subscribers happy. I found a great little site that offers daily short 10-minute meditation sessions. I took their free 10 days program to test the quality and it was more than ok.

Why do you want to study meditation?

Meditation can give you a sense of calm, peace and balance that can benefit both your emotional well-being and your overall health. You can also use it to relax and cope with stress by refocusing your attention on something calming. Meditation can help you learn to stay centered and keep inner peace.

Why is Vipassana meditation important?

Vipassana is an ancient mindfulness meditation technique. It involves observing your thoughts and emotions as they are, without judging or dwelling on them. Though more studies are needed, research to date has found that Vipassana can reduce stress and anxiety, which may have benefits for substance use.

What is the main point of meditation?

The basic concept of meditation is that it is a practice that connects the mind and the body. Its purpose is to help increase both physical and mental peace and calm, which also helps you to learn how to live more fully in the present.

Are meditation retreats worth it?

For meditation newbies, retreats are a great way to learn a new technique, while seasoned practitioners can go deeper and strengthen their practices. Retreats also bring participants closer to their sangha, their community, giving a group feel to an otherwise solitary activity.

What is difference between vipassana and meditation?

Vipassana is different from mindfulness meditation, which focuses on awareness, or to transcendental meditation, which uses a mantra. Instead, it dictates a blanket command of non-reaction. No matter the pain as you sit, or the fact that your hands and legs fall asleep and that your brain is crying for release.

Can vipassana change your life?

I learned a lot about myself. The ten days were very tough, but the reward afterwards immense. Usually after meditating, I have fewer thoughts, which gives me inner peace and clarity. I am much more focused, productive and can use the gained energy for important decisions.

What are 5 benefits of meditation?

12 Science-Based Benefits of MeditationReduces stress. Stress reduction is one of the most common reasons people try meditation. ... Controls anxiety. ... Promotes emotional health. ... Enhances self-awareness. ... Lengthens attention span. ... May reduce age-related memory loss. ... Can generate kindness. ... May help fight addictions.More items...

What are 10 benefits of meditation?

Many areas of life are positively impacted by the act of meditation, including mindfulness, stress management, physical health, creativity, anxiety reduction, focus, relationship management, problem solving ability and overall outlook on life.

How Can meditation change my life?

Many research studies have shown that meditation helps in improving one's mental and physical health, increases our empathy or kindness levels, boosts our problem solving and decision making skills, reduces stress levels and increases focus. Sadly, I didn't keep up my meditation once my life got back on track.

What happens during a meditation retreat?

Most meditation retreats include a combination of teaching or dharma talk from the retreat leader, multiple meditation sessions throughout the day, and of course, meals ā€“ often vegan or vegetarian. There may be multiple styles of meditation offered, or maybe just one depending on the retreat you attend.

What does Vipassana feel like?

The feeling was intensely physical but not sexual, and one of the most pleasurable experiences I've ever had. My senses at this point felt like they were sharpened to a fine point. Stepping out of the meditation hall into the sunlight, I could follow the path of a fly in almost slow motion.

What happens during Vipassana meditation?

Vipassana meditation is the practice of observing the subtle sensations throughout the body without reacting to them. You scan the body with your attention, noticing the sensations arise and simply watching them. If a sensation is pleasurable, you observe it and let it pass.

What is a specialized meditation class?

What I mean by specialized meditation courses are those courses that are meant to address a certain problem in the life of the meditator. Examples are meditations geared towards anxiety or anger. But it could also be a meditation class on better sleep or overcoming shyness.

How long should I take mindfulness classes?

If you are seriously considering to learn to meditate or to take a mindfulness course, Iā€™d strongly recommend taking one that lasts at least six to eight weeks and more if possible.

When you want to start a mindfulness course, do you want to know?

When you want to start a mindfulness or a meditation course, you want to know that they will be effective for whatever purpose you want to follow them. In my post on the benefits of loving-kindness meditation, I sum up the benefits that this type of meditation can have.

When you want to follow a course that is less focused on the cognitive side of things, you might opt for answer

When you want to follow a course that is less focused on the cognitive side of things, you might opt for heartfulness. The meditation techniques taught are similar to the ones used in MBSR, but the heart is much more taken into account.

Can you take a course multiple times?

The second advantage is that you can take the course multiple times for the same price. Usually, online courses remain available after completion. I think this is a huge bonus as reviewing this kind of material for a second time is very beneficial. Thirdly, you now potentially have access to world-renowned teachers.

Is there a free MBSR course?

Believe it or no, but there is an excellent free MBSR course out there. It is called Palouse Mindfulness. It is an excellent course that covers almost everything you need to know about MBSR.

Summer holidays driving you crazy? A silent retreat might be the answer

It was 5:30 in the morning on my third day of silent meditation when I noticed something in me take a sharp turn left. I was groggy, frustrated by my inability to sit still and hungry for the breakfast that was still an hour off.

Health news: in pictures

Researchers in the United States say they have developed a vaccine that can protect against chlamydia ā€“ the most common sexually transmitted infection in the world. Chlamydia is extremely common. There were 208,755 new infections in England in 2013, and around the world an estimated 100 million are infected each year.

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Summer holidays driving you crazy? A silent retreat might be the answer

How does meditation help us?

The meditations enhance our perception of events, enabling us to discover truths about life. Stimula ting the Creative Process es. By making contact with our dreams and other images through the Entrance Meditation experience, we develop further inner experiences as one leads to another.

What is entrance meditation?

Entrance Meditation: A Means For Entering Our Inner Experiences. A Different Form of Meditation. The Entrance Meditation process is different from many other forms of meditation. It focuses on providing an effective process to stimulate our inner experiences rather than on the content of the meditation.

What is meditation in psychology?

The meditations provide a means of entering the realm of quietness in which inner experiences can take place. By creating a contemplative atmosphere, they provide a neutral starting point from which we can gain access to our depths.
