in your opinion, what is the best reason to move to a city? course hero

by Ms. Filomena Effertz 8 min read

Why should you move to a new city?

If you’re feeling apprehensive, just go ahead and take the plunge to indulge in all of these wonderful reasons to move to a new city: There are literally billions of people living on this planet. Billions. That’s a whole lot of people.

What is the most common reason to move?

This is the most common reason to move for younger people. College usually implies moving away, but it is not the only time when you move for education. You may want to take an internship in a big company, learn a new craft or trade for a job in the future, and move for that reason.

Should you move to another country or city?

While it may be impossible for you to imagine saying goodbye to a place you’ve called home for a long time, making the move to another city or country is a great way to see just how far your limits really go. And if you can do that, who knows what else you can do? There is comfort in familiarity, but it takes real courage to build independence.

What are the benefits of moving?

Moving can push you out of your comfort zone and draw out different sides of your personality. Packing up and trying life out somewhere new where nobody knows you or your history can be both empowering and liberating.

What were the main reasons for people to move to the cities?

Pull factorsmore and better jobs.better hospitals and health care.better living standards.cities are social and financial centres.better education—schools and universities.

What are good reasons to live in a city?

Good Things About Living In a Big CityBetter Job Opportunities. ... Mass Transportation System. ... Meeting Several New People. ... Vast Entertainment Options. ... Top-of-the-line Shopping and Restaurants. ... Best Medical Service Possible.

Why is it better to live in the city than the country?

However, compared to rural areas, urban areas have more convenient public transportation, developed security systems, better medical centers, diverse entertainment, and high quality education and job opportunities. Clearly, living in the city is better than living in the countryside.

Why is life in the city better than life in the village?

There is so much more money in circulation in the cities than in the villages, which increases the prospects of prosperity. There are many career opportunities for both skilled and unskilled people. Also, the high population in cities is very attractive to businessmen and increases the chances of businesses succeeding.

What are five advantages to living in an urban area?

The advantage of life in an Urban city is more jobs, convenient travel to facilities example hospital, clinics and entertainment. Urban cities have a vast growth in the economy, closer to higher education, inner city transportation, social assimilation, culturalism, and diversity among the urban population.

What are some advantages and disadvantages of living in a city?

7 Financial Pros and Cons of Living in a Big CityPro: You may not need a car. Owning a vehicle is expensive – averaging $9,282 annually – according to AAA. ... Con: Higher auto insurance premiums. ... Pro: More job opportunities. ... Con: Higher cost of living. ... Pro: Bountiful dining options. ... Con: Higher crime rates. ... Pro: Better airports.

1. Love Yourself First

The most important relationship in your life is the relationship you have with yourself.

2. Standing on your own two feet

Have you ever found yourself stranded in a compromising position (perhaps incapable of replacing a tire, putting up a tent, or cooking a recipe beyond 2 minute noodles!?) and wondering to yourself who is best to call to solve your problem? Yup. We live in a world of reliance. We rely on others (or google) for help and advice.

3. Because in the end, you only have yourself

Call it pessimistic… call it realistic… call it whatever you will. But it’s true. In the end, we only have ourselves when all of our worldly possessions and relationships are stripped away. But that’s not a bad thing! It’s just something we should aim to accept earlier in life – to prepare ourselves for the long and rough road ahead.

4. Broaden your horizons

Becoming an expat in a new city not only brings with it change for you personally, but also for your entire life. The possibilities (you will soon realise) are endless. All of a sudden there is a whole new list of opportunities and challenges awaiting you.

5. Broaden your mindset

Maybe it’s not your opportunities that need a change, but your outlook? Moving abroad to become an expat is indeed the greatest ‘plunge into the deep end’ you can make. By putting yourself out of your comfort zone and into the hands of a foreign culture, you will inevitably broaden your mindset and outlook on life.

6. Create your own global network

Not only will you experience a new culture and way of life whilst abroad, but you will also make friends and meet colleagues from all different areas of the globe. If you’re looking to meet people from all over, consider popular expat cities like London, Berlin or New York.

8. Put your best foot forward

There’s something slightly alluring about the idea of starting your life again. Starting afresh after a traumatic or life changing event can sometimes be the clean slate we might need.

1. To know yourself better

One of the main reasons you should consider moving to another city is to get to know yourself better. Creating an intimate relationship with yourself can be difficult while staying at home. You are easily influenced by family, close friends, familiar surroundings, and the cultural and societal norms you grew up in.

2. To become independent

While it is comforting to surround yourself with people you know, trust, and love in a familiar background, you may find that you overly rely on them for validation and comfort. Moving to a new city allows you to experience situations and face challenges without depending on anyone.

3. Better career opportunities

If you are not happy with your current position at your workplace, jobless, or working in an unhealthy environment, you could consider moving to another city. A new city could provide more career opportunities in your profession, better pay and working conditions, and even promotions.

4. To have a fresh start

Living in the same place for so long makes you grow into a routine. You know the people around you, the streets, and businesses. Your current location may become dull with time due to a lack of new happenings and adventure.

5. You have no reason to stay

You may have moved to your current location to get closer to your friends or family, due to a career opportunity, or a change in a relationship. However, as time goes by, your relationship with the significant other changes, your friends or family relocate, or you finally quit your tedious job.


Moving to another city brings a lot of mixed emotions, making deciding the right course of action difficult. If you are torn between staying in your current location or relocating to a new city, consider the above benefits to make an informed decision.

Why do people move to a new city?

If you’ve always wondered why your parents chose to live in the suburbs when there are so many great cities to explore or why anyone wouldn’t want to live near the ocean and palm trees, making the move to a new city or country is your chance to find somewhere to live that checks all the right boxes for you. In addition to the scenery, you’ll be able to choose somewhere to live that aligns with how you like to (or would like to) go about your life—from cost of living to amenities to the food scene, and more.

Why is it important to be around a new culture?

Being around a new culture has the unique power to broaden our perception of the world and our place in it, in turn opening our eyes to a clearer perception of both other people and ourselves. The benefits are multi-faceted and, even if you don’t move to a new a city or country for the long haul, will last with you for life.

How to experience something new?

Broaden your horizons. The best way to experience something new is to immerse yourself in it. And you don’t have to move across the globe to do that—even making a move to a new city in your own country can provide you with access to an entirely new way of living. Being around a new culture has the unique power to broaden our perception ...

Is there a right age to move?

There’s no right or wrong age to pack up and make your move, so if you’ve got the itch to try out life in a new place and the flexibility to make it happen, go for it. You’re more likely to regret not doing it than taking the plunge. Bon voyage!

Is it scary to move to another country?

It can be scary to take the leap and move to another city or country, but sometimes getting out of your comfort zone is the best way to learn and grow. There’s a lot to be gained by making the move to another city or country, especially when it comes to learning more about yourself and other people and cultures.

Pre-COVID Reasons for Moving

Traditionally, the average person will move approximately 11 times in their life. What were the most common circumstances for these moves? Here is a list of the top 12 reasons:

Moving in 2020

COVID-19 changed a lot of this. According to a July 2020 Pew Research, one-fifth of the adults in the United States said they moved, had someone move in with them, or know someone who moved as a result of the pandemic. The top reasons included:

We Can Help With Any Move

As a family-owned and operated moving company, we are sensitive to the good, the bad, and the ugly of today’s moves. If you’re looking to move within Connecticut, relocate your business to a home office, or get out of Dodge all together, we can help.

Why do people move to a new city?

It can be both terrifying and exciting all at the same time. Moving can push you out of your comfort zone and draw out different sides of your personality. Packing up and trying. Moving is a big step. It can be both terrifying and exciting all at the same time.

What is the meaning of "moving to a new city"?

You’ll become daring. And adventurous and brave. Moving to a new city where no one knows you pushes you so far away from any resemblance of comfort. It is a scary endeavor for sure, but a well worthwhile one. And once you do this scary endeavor and see that you not only survived but also thrived from this experience, it will change you. You will be fearless in pursuit of change and adventure. You will start to surprise yourself with how bold you become and how little things intimidate you anymore. You’ve already conquered one huge venture, so what would ever make you think that you couldn’t take on the rest of the world in stride too? Scared of change? Not you. Not anymore! Afraid to break away from the pack? No one would ever accuse you of such a thing! You’re a fearless adventurer now. ;)

What does moving away teach you?

You will learn how to be alone and how to be independent. You will learn to network and also to count on yourself. You will learn about who you want to be and what you have to do to get there. Moving away will teach you so many invaluable lessons that will help you to grow and expand as a person. It will teach you all about what makes you smile, what makes you mad, what makes you sad and what truly makes you happy. It will teach you about what you value and who your true friends are. Moving away and starting over afresh is no easy task, but it will offer you countless lessons of growth and maturity.

Is it good to move away?

Yes, comfort can be nice. It’s easy. After all, it is comfortable. But comfort can also be boring and mundane. Routine can be enticing. But it can also be dangerously monotonous. Moving away will allow you to create new experiences. You can climb to the top of the Empire State Building or take a cooking class in Paris. You can go out clubbing with your new friends or spend the weekend camping just outside of the city. There are so many new experiences and adventures awaiting you in a new place with new people and new ideas if you just have the courage to go and create them. Go do the things that you’ve always dreamed of doing but just never really had the courage to. You will be so grateful that you did and you will have so many wonderful stories to share and memories to keep as a result of all these exciting new experiences you will have.
