"in what ways did you grow as a consequence of having taken this course?"

by Lavon Miller 4 min read

Are You overwhelmed by the volume of coursework?

For many students, the feeling of being overwhelmed by the volume of coursework they are required to complete is a common facet of life during their first year of college.

Is high school education enough to prepare you for college?

The promise of higher learning carries with it the ability for higher earnings and a more stable future. However, for many students, even a rigorous academic experience in high school can't prepare them for all of the challenges that they'll face in college.

What are the benefits of using consequences in the classroom?

Consequences can help students understand why certain behaviors are undesirable. This can be somewhat more complicated for students with learning disabilities or those who reside on the autism spectrum. Autistic students, in particular, are sensitive to unexpected changes.

How do consequences help us?

Ultimately, consequences help us determine our actions. As humans, we weigh the choices in front of us and then determine if we like or dislike the outcome. But this is the adult approach to consequences. Students have yet to truly understand the full extent of how their actions impact themselves and others.

What is consistent consequences?

Using consistent consequences provides the setting for that predictability and allows you to effectively enforce behavior standards. Behavior management plans offer a systematic way to approach negative actions. Effective behavior management plans set clear expectations, reward positive behavior with incentives, ...

How to encourage positive behavior in the classroom?

Using logical consequences to help enable positive behavior in the classroom. Establishing and following through with clear consequences is the key to encouraging positive classroom behavior. While this isn’t the easiest or most enjoyable part of teaching, it’s necessary. So, roll up your sleeves and dive in.

Why is it important to use consequences to encourage positive behavior?

The true problem with using consequences to encourage positive behavior is the misunderstanding that consequences are punitive actions. As the teacher, you play the role of supporter. As such, it’s essential that you help students understand that consequences are the result of their actions and choices, not yours.

What are the two types of consequences?

There are two types of consequences: natural and logical. Natural consequences are the resulting outcomes of a particular behavior. For example, if a child refuses to wear his coat outside, he will be cold. Logical consequences are those that teach the possible outcomes of a behavior. These are the consequences that are imposed by teachers, ...

Why are teachers so positive?

Teachers get to have so many positive moments. They inspire, educate, engage, mentor, and lead. It’s these moments that make the less-than-glamorous aspects of teaching all worthwhile. But sometimes, situations will arise where it will be difficult to paste on a smile and forge ahead. Negative behaviors are simply a fact of life for teachers.

What is the difference between consequences and punishment?

Consequences, on the other hand, are the subsequent results of an action. Unlike punishments, consequences can be negative or positive. Punishments have been proven to be ineffective for most students.

Why Interviewers Ask What You Have Done To Improve Yourself In The Past Year

The main reason for asking this question is to try to find out if you are willing to improve and grow as a professional. Professional growth can mean different things because there are different ways to develop yourself.

How To Approach Interview Questions About How You Have Improved Yourself

Just like other common job interview questions, you should be prepared to answer questions about self-development and how you’re improving your qualifications. But how do you do this?

Answers To Avoid When Discussing Self-Improvement

Just like there are important aspects to focus on during a job interview, there are also answers you should avoid because they could hurt your chances of landing the job.

Job Interview Topics – Common Job Interview Questions & Answers

Below you can find a list of common job interview topics. Each link will direct you to an article regarding the specific topics that discuss commonly asked interview questions. Furthermore, each article discusses why the interviewer asks these questions and how you answer them!

Why is it important to be in college?

It's important to remember that your academic work is the primary reason you're at college. That means that your academic challenges and classes take priority, and everything else should be scheduled after that work is completed. While social life, athletics, relationships and artistic pursuits are key pieces of your life in college, ...

Why is higher learning important?

The promise of higher learning carries with it the ability for higher earnings and a more stable future. However, for many students, even a rigorous academic experience in high school can't prepare them for all of the challenges that they'll face in college. Academic challenges aren't insignificant, but students entering college may find a slew ...

What to do if your grades are low?

If you find that your grades are consistently low, however, it may be a good idea to talk to your professors or academic advisers about where you're falling short and what, specifically, you need to improve.

How to address the academic challenges that you may face in college?

Finding classmates you get along with and forming study groups with them is one of the best ways to address the academic challenges that you may face in college. For the most part, college life presents a much larger social network than high school.

What to do if you have an independent study project?

The first thing to do is to speak with an adviser or counselor to see if there's an alternative to taking the class. There's a chance that the academic department in charge may agree that an independent study project on the same topic will satisfy the course requirement.

What are some examples of challenges in school?

There are many examples of challenges in school. The reading is denser and more voluminous at the college level , and the level of discourse and writing that most students are required to produce far exceeds even the heaviest workload in high school. Regardless of the discipline that you're studying, you're certain to have moments ...

Why is it important to seek out friends and classmates?

Seeking out friends and classmates who are taking the same classes you're may be a way for you to study together and learn from one another which can make the work easier. It's also a good idea to research the resources your college has in place for students experiencing challenges with their academic work.

Consequences vs. Punishments

The terms consequences and punishmentsfrequently get mashed into the same category because they both occur as a result of negative behavior. However, the two are not one and the same. Punishments are penalties or disciplinary measures taken as the result of an action that is intended to deter repeat offenses. Consequ…
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Natural Consequences vs. Logical Consequences

  • Ultimately, consequences help us determine our actions. As humans, we weigh the choices in front of us and then determine if we like or dislike the outcome. But this is the adult approach to consequences. Students have yet to truly understand the full extent of how their actions impact themselves and others. There are two types of consequences: natural and logical. Natural conse…
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Using Logical Consequences to Help Enable Positive Behavior in The Classroom

  • Establishing and following through with clear consequences is the key to encouraging positive classroom behavior. While this isn’t the easiest or most enjoyable part of teaching, it’s necessary. So, roll up your sleeves and dive in. Consequences can help students understand why certain behaviors are undesirable. This can be somewhat more complicate...
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The Role of Teacher and Choice When Framing Consequences

  • The true problem with using consequences to encourage positive behavior is the misunderstanding that consequences are punitive actions. As the teacher, you play the role of supporter. As such, it’s essential that you help students understand that consequences are the result of theiractions and choices, not yours. That frames you as the supporter, rather than the o…
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