in what ways can children’s temperament influence their behavior and learning? course hero

by Prof. Elinore Weimann 7 min read

How does temperament affect a child's behavior?

Temperament is the way children respond to the world. Differences in temperament influence the way children handle emotions, regulate behaviour and feel around new people. You can nurture children's development using parenting strategies that suit their temperaments.Oct 30, 2020

What factors influence a child's temperament?

A new study indicates that a child's temperament may be influenced by maternal postpartum depression, maternal sensitivity, and family functioning. Maternal depression was associated with difficult temperaments in infants when maternal sensitivity was low, but not when maternal sensitivity was high.Jul 20, 2017

How does temperament affect learning?

Some temperament traits, such as attention, help children learn quickly; some traits, like activity, may strain a child's ability to sit still in the classroom; others, such as shyness and anger, make social interactions a bit more difficult.

Is a child's temperament a factor in behavior?

Child temperament has been seen as a possible precursor to behavior problems58, 59. Indeed, the link between temperament in early childhood and later behavioral problems has been well documented.

How might children's temperament influence the development of their play with peers?

At early ages, social competence manifests during the play with peers significantly. ... Children with easy temperament: are socially adapted, capable of developing relations with their peers, obey the rules, explore the environment in case of new situations and are able to manage emotional reactions adequately.

What factors influence a child's temperament quizlet?

What other things impact a child's temperament? Genetics plays a strong role in shaping temperament, but environmental factors can also influence it. The way parents and caregivers respond and adapt to children, can mitigate challenging aspects of their temperament.

Why is it important to understand a child's temperament in an educational setting?

Why Is Temperament Important? Temperament is important because it helps caregivers better understand children's individual differences. By understanding temperament, caregivers can learn how to help children express their preferences, desires, and feelings appropriately.

How can knowing about children's different temperaments help us help them more effectively?

Understanding your child's temperament helps you be a better parent. Recognizing patterns in your child's behavior that are influenced by temperament can help you anticipate your child's responses to certain situations.

How does temperament influence personality?

Temperament dictates your overarching demeanor, and the strength and significance of your reaction to setbacks and successes. Temperament can dictate something else, too: Your predilection for mental disorders. Studies show that innate traits directly contribute to the development of psychiatric illnesses.Oct 19, 2019

What influences the temperament one has?

The factors are Task Orientation, Personal-Social Flexibility and Reactivity. Clearly factors such as task orientation will have a direct impact on the child's ability to gain from learning experiences. Other temperamental influences will have more indirect effects on academic attainment.Jul 4, 2010

What is temperament and what effect can it have on a child's development give an example?

Temperament is a set of inborn traits that organize the child's approach to the world. They are instrumental in the development of the child's distinct personality. These traits also determine how the child goes about learning about the world around him. These traits appear to be relatively stable from birth.Jan 23, 2022

What is child's temperament?

What Is Temperament? A child's temperament describes the way in which she approaches and reacts to the world. It is her personal“style.” Temperament influences a child's behavior and the way she interacts with others .

What is temperament in children?

Temperament and children with LD. Like all children, a child with LD can have a temperament that is easy, difficult, or slow to warm up. The important thing is to sort out which behaviors are related to temperament and which behaviors are indications of a learning disability or attention problem.

What are some examples of temperament?

Timmy, Kevin, and Andrew are examples of temperament types Thomas and Chess described as “easy,” “slow to warm up,” and “difficult.” In temperament terms: 1 Easy children, like Timmy, are adaptable, positive in mood, and interested in new experiences; they get along well with others and are outgoing and friendly. 2 Slow-to-warm-up children, like Kevin, are characteristically withdrawn and negative when faced with new situations and new people; they are initially slow to adapt to change but, given time they adapt well. 3 Difficult children, like Andrew, tend to be intense, low in adaptability, and negative in mood, as well as negative in their response to newness.

What grade is Timmy in?

It is the first week of school for third graders Timmy, Kevin, and Andrew. All three boys are bright and good learners, yet they are startlingly different in their personal styles or temperaments: Timmy is an outgoing, friendly child who gets along well with adults and other children. He loves new experiences, adapts well to classroom routines, ...

How is achievement related to school?

Achievement in school is obviously related to a child’s ability, to his motivation, to his experiences, and to the quality of instruction he receives. Achievement is also related to temperament. Consider how a child must adapt to a reading or math assignment, especially if the assignment is long and demanding.

How do classrooms differ?

Classrooms differ in the pace of instruction, in the nature of personal interactions, and in the emotional tone in the room. Fortunately, in many cases the fit between the student and teacher is a good one, so that both are comfortable and life in the classroom is positive.

How can I help my child in school?

How you can help your child in school. As a parent you are the person who knows your child best. There are a number of ways you can help your child get along in school. Recognizing and helping your child understand his own temperament is a place to start.

What does it mean to be a parent?

For parents it may mean adjusting the daily routines of family life to ensure that your child is rested and ready for school; providing a quiet, regular space and time for your child to do school work; being available to help with school work; and helping your child to understand himself.

What are the characteristics of a temperament?

Temperament describes individual differences which are: 1 biologically based, 2 evident early in life, and 3 characteristic of an individual in many situations and over time.

What is temperament in psychology?

They defined temperament “as a general term referring to the “how” of behavior. It differs from ability, which is concerned with the “what” and “how well” of behaving, and from motivation, which accounts for why a person does what he is doing. Thomas and Chess identified nine dimensions of temperament based on their own clinical expertise ...

What are the characteristics of an individual?

characteristic of an individual in many situations and over time. Differences in temperament are seen in infants. Some are fussy, sensitive to noises, easily startled and upset, and have irregular eating and sleeping patterns; others are calm and mellow and quickly adapt to regular eating and sleeping routines.

How many kids does Josh Anderson have?

The Andersons have two sons: Josh, age 11, and Ryan, age 9. Both boys are bright, achieve well in school, are involved in sports, and have many friends. Yet their parents wonder how two boys in the same family could be so different. Josh moves at a slow pace, is easy going, adaptable, and laid back. Ryan is energetic, intense, quick responding, and races through life at top speed. Josh fits his parents’ lifestyle well, but they are puzzled and frequently upset and irritated by Ryan’s high activity and intensity, and find his behavior intrusive and disruptive. The differences in behavior between the two boys reflect individual characteristics of temperament, and these differences are powerful contributors to the ups and downs of everyday life in the Anderson household.

How does temperament affect family life?

Individual differences in temperament or behavioral styles are important in family life in several ways because they affect the nature of the interactions among family members. Some children adapt quickly and easily to family daily routines and get along well with their siblings.

What is the goodness of fit?

This leads to the notion of “goodness of fit,” which can be a useful framework for helping parents figure out how temperament affects relationships in the family. “Goodness of fit” refers to the match or mismatch between a child and other family members.

What is family life?

Family life is made up of countless, continuing interactions which affect the quality of our daily lives, and individual differences in temperament among family members are important factors in determining whether those interactions are positive and pleasant or “rocky” and stressful.

What is temperament?

A young child’s temperament can be thought of as an early stepping-stone to their later personality and refers to how they respond and regulate themselves emotionally, behaviorally, and attentionally.

Why does temperament matter?

A great deal of research has established links between individual temperament in early childhood and later academic, behavioral, social, and emotional outcomes.

What can you do to support different temperaments?

A common theory for supporting unique temperaments is “goodness-of-fit.” The main rationale behind goodness-of-fit theory is that children’s development is shaped by the interaction between their own characteristics and the environment around them.

What is temperament in a baby?

Babies are individuals with unique traits that shape and characterize their personality. But during the earliest years of life, a baby’s brain is growing at a rapid pace and only time will tell what their true personality type will be. Temperament refers to traits are present and apparent at birth. Every child has unique needs ...

What are the two types of behavior problems?

Research indicates that problem behaviors tend to fall into one of two categories: externalizing (aggressive, disruptive, or disobedient) or internalizing (anxious, depressed, or withdrawn). Both types can hinder a child’s academic ...

How can positive parenting help children?

Positive parenting can help to steer children’s behavior in the right direction. Parents should create and maintain a warm, loving, and nurturing home environment that promotes safety, security, and exploration.

How to help a child who is shy?

Children who are more shy or withdrawn may need extra patience from you. Children who are overly excited or boisterous may require you to sometimes take a more assertive approach. Remain loving, but not smothering. Never force your child to behave or act in a certain way.

What is temperament in children?

For the most part, temperament is an innate quality of the child, one with which he is born. It is somewhat modified (particularly in the early years of life) by his experiences and interactions with other people, with his environment and by his health. By the time a child has reached the school years, his temperament is well defined ...

What are the characteristics of temperament?

Activity level: the level of physical activity, motion, restlessness or fidgety behavior that a child demonstrates in daily activities ( and which also may affect sleep).

What is the meaning of Adaptability?

Adaptability: the degree of ease or difficulty with which a child adjusts to change or a new situation, and how well the youngster can modify his reaction. Intensity: the energy level with which a child responds to a situation, whether positive or negative. Mood: the mood, positive or negative, or degree of pleasantness or unfriendliness in ...

What is an easy child?

The easy child responds to the world around him in an easy manner. His mood is positive, and he is mildly to moderately intense. He adapts easily to new schools and people. When encountering a frustrating situation, he usually does so with relatively little anxiety.

What is temperament activity?

Download the activity, Your Temperament and Creating a "Goodness of Fit". Activity - Goodness of Fit. Temperament is a person’s basic nature or natural way of being. Learning about temperament can help you understand and explain a child’s behavior, which in turn can lead to more responsive, individualized care for infants and toddlers.

What is the relationship between an adult and an infant?

In a relationship between an adult and an infant or toddler, it is the adult’s responsibility to adjust to the temperament needs of each child. The ways you change your own behavior and expectations based on your understanding of another person is the basis of “goodness of fit.”. In essence, you are fitting yourself to the child.

What is the definition of an environment?

An environment where each person is accepted as an individual; Anticipation of how children might behave or react before a problem arises; Observing and sharing observations of a child’s development with the child’s family ; and. Children’s development of a healthy sense of self.

What is the meaning of "goodness of fit"?

Goodness of fit happens when an adult changes expectations and practices to support the unique temperament and abilities of a specific child (Center for Early Childhood Mental Health Consultation, n.d.).