in what way has modern medicine made a good death more likely? course hero

by Paris Lindgren MD 4 min read

Is death a scary topic?

Did Max die in the ER?

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Is death a scary topic?

death is a terrifying topic that even adults can't discuss.

Did Max die in the ER?

Max was in critical condition when he arrived at the ER. His heart stopped and he almost died , but thanks to quick intervention survived the ordeal. As he healed, he discussed having the sense of floating in light and experiencing a sense of peace. Max seems to have had a:

What is the feature of modern death?

Warraich: One of the features of modern death is that it’s a very, very isolating process. People are not at home — they’re in hospitals. As we get older, we lose many of our friends and family. What social media does for those who use it, especially close to the end of life, is that it gives them an outlet to just express what they feel like, because sometimes, even in a hospital, even though you’re surrounded by nursing staff and physicians, you can feel very alone.

What were the three things that people died of in the 1800s?

If you look at surveys from, say, the city of Boston, from the 1800s, or from London during that time, people died mostly of three things: injuries, infections, or some types of nutritional deficiencies.

What would happen if someone had a heart attack?

For example, before the advent of medical technology, if someone had a heart attack or if someone had some type of abnormal heart rhythm such as ventricular tachycardia, they would almost certainly die, in many cases instantaneously, sometimes even in their sleep.

Is dying a flash event?

They’re in and out of the hospitals. In some ways, dying has become a phase of our life, instead of being just an instantaneous sort of flash event. “Dying has become a phase of our life, instead of being just an instantaneous sort of flash event.”.

Is it harder to die from brain damage?

Again, it’s one of those things where the more you know, the more you realize things are complicated. Even as far as brain death is concerned — most patients do not have the amount of brain damage to reach the criteria for brain death. Most patients, in fact, have extensive damage, to the extent that they can be classified as patients in vegetative comas. So even though they do not meet the criteria for brain death, they are not well enough to have any type of reasonable brain function.

Was the culture of death transferred?

But all the culture and all the customs and rituals that existed around death in the community were not transferred. Even though the act of death was transferred, everything else surrounding it — the connection with the community, the customs that take place — was left behind.

Is death a human experience?

Warraich: Death, as a human experience, is very high yield and very high density, as far as cultural trappings are concerned. Even if you look at the origin of spirituality, the origin of religion, it’s always centered around death, and represented by burials, and other practices that have happened around that.

Is death a scary topic?

death is a terrifying topic that even adults can't discuss.

Did Max die in the ER?

Max was in critical condition when he arrived at the ER. His heart stopped and he almost died , but thanks to quick intervention survived the ordeal. As he healed, he discussed having the sense of floating in light and experiencing a sense of peace. Max seems to have had a:
