in this course et stands for what css 202 quizlet

by Giovanny Brekke 7 min read

What does et stand for in World of turf?

Evapotranspiration (ET) The amount of actual water used by a turf.

What determines the vernation of a turf grass species?

Determine the grass's vernation by observing the arrangement of young leaves in a budleaf before it opens. For most turfgrasses, the vernation will either be rolled or folded.

Which of the following turfgrasses has the least shade tolerance?

Common bermudagrass is the least shade tolerant of all grass species, but there are some shade tolerant bermudagrass cultivars.

Where was the first turf research performed in the United States quizlet?

The first turfgrass research in the US was performed at what is now Michigan State University by whom? Soils developed in forest settings tend to be more acidic than those developed in grasslands.

What is grass vernation?

Vernation is a term used to describe how the youngest grass leaves are arranged in the shoot (inside of the leaf sheath between the collar region and the crown). Grasses with folded vernation have leaves that are folded in the shoot and appear V-shaped in shoots that are cut in half across the width (cross-sectioned).

How do I identify a grass plant?

Identification: Characteristics of Grasses Grasses have narrow leaves with parallel veins and small, inconspicuous flowers. Stems are usually round and have visible bulges or joints where the leaves attach (nodes). They are usually hollow except at the nodes.

Which of the following turfgrasses has the best shade tolerance CSS 202?

which of the following turfgrasses has the best shade tolerance? Creeping bentgrass has better submersion tolerance than Kentucky bluegrass. Generally speaking, cool-season turfgrasses have better shade tolerance than warm-season turfgrasses.

What turfgrasses has the best shade tolerance?

Augustinegrass is the most shade tolerant. Bermudagrass requires the most light of all maintained turfgrasses, followed by carpetgrass, bahiagrass, zoysiagrass, centipedegrass, Kentucky bluegrass, tall fescue, and red fescue.

What grass grows best in shade?

Fine fescue, tall fescue, red fescue, and Chewings fescue can all thrive in shade. Perennial ryegrass (cool season) is a cultivar that can succeed with four hours of full sun daily.

Where was the first turf research performed in the United States?

Something to think about “If we can build a house out of buffalograss, we should be able to maintain it on our lawns…” The first turf research, appears to have been conducted in the Olcott turf garden in Connecticut in 1885, and continued until the death of J.B. Olcott in 1910.

Who is the father of turf grass?

James B BeardJames B Beard (24 Sept. 1935 to 8 May 2018) can rightly be considered the “Father” of contemporary turfgrass science.

What was the first intensely managed turf?

Bowling greens are considered to be the first intensively managed sports turf.

How do I know if I have POA Trivialis?

0:475:05POA ANNUA/POA TRIVIALIS : Identification and what to do about itYouTubeStart of suggested clipEnd of suggested clipBeing a lighter green color. If you look at this the back side of it is shiny if you can see thatMoreBeing a lighter green color. If you look at this the back side of it is shiny if you can see that and then if you rub this between your fingers.

How do you identify quackgrass?

Identification: The most distinct identification feature of quackgrass is its clasping auricles. Quackgrass can be distinguished from annual ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum) with the presence of rhizomes (i.e. quackgrass has rhizomes and annual ryegrass does not).

Does tall fescue have a ligule?

Ligule: outgrowth of the sheath at the inside junction of the leaf sheath and blade projecting upward at the point where the leaf blade angles toward a horizontal plane; the tall fescue ligule is membranous, short, and has a few marginal hairs (Fig. 26-8, 26-9).

Which of the following turfgrasses has folded Vernation?

Which of the following turfgrasses has rhizomes, stolons, and rolled vernation? Bermudagrass and zoysiagrass both have folded vernation.