in the great gatsby what does henry gatz mean when he says of course we was broke up

by Shad Runte 9 min read

Of course we was broke up when he run off from home, but I see now there was a reason for it. He knew he had a big future in front of him. And ever since he made a success he was very generous with me" (Fitzgerald 172).

Full Answer

Who is Henry C Gatz in the Great Gatsby?

What does Mr Gatz say to Nick in the Great Gatsby?

What happens in Chapter 9 of the Great Gatsby?

At the end of The Great Gatsby, Henry C. Gatz, Gatsby 's father, comes for his son's funeral. Nick receives a telegram announcing his arrival, asking that the funeral be delayed if necessary. He ...

What happens to Gatsby's friend James Gatz?

Three days after Gatsby's death, a telegram arrives from his father, Henry C. Gatz. Mr. Gatz arrives in person at Gatsby's mansion a few days later. He appears old, dressed in cheap clothing, and is devastated by his son's death, who he believed was destined for great things. He asks Nick what his relationship was to Gatsby. Nick says they were ...

Why does Gatsby say why of course you can?

Why, of course you can!” Jay Gatsby, the protagonist of F. Scott Fitzgerald's The Great Gatsby, said this to his friend Nick Carraway in order to convince both himself and Nick that he could recapture Daisy Buchanan, his former love.

What does Henry Gatz tell Nick about Gatsby?

Henry Gatz was an old man with a sparse beard who seemed very weak. Gatz remains impressed with his son, telling Nick that Gatsby was a smart man who could have been great had he lived. Gatz is impressed by Gatsby's house, an obvious sign of his success.

What is Henry Gatz reaction to Gatsby's death?

He read about Gatsby's death in a Chicago newspaper and is coming to the funeral from Minnesota. When Mr. Gatz shows up, it's clear that he is still pretty poor. He is in awe of what his son has been able to accomplish, and clearly loves him very much.Nov 4, 2018

What does Nick mean when he says I see now that this has been a story of the West?

The Frontier 'I see now that this has been a story of the West, after all', declares Nick Carraway in Chapter 9 (p. 167). On a literal level, he seems to mean that all the main characters are from the Midwest, the geographical heart of America.

What is the book Henry Gatz shows Nick Why is it important to the novel?

Q. Why is the book that Gatsby's father shows Nick important to the novel? It is a book that Daisy once gave him, and shows that she did love him. It foreshadows Gatsby's death.

What does Nick conclude about the Buchanans?

What does Nick conclude about the Buchanans? He thinks they are spoiled and destructive. He thinks deep down they are sweet people.

Why was Gatz introduced?

The significance of mr. Gatz arrival was to show that he was alive and even though gatsby had completely removed him from his life and looked at him as if he never needed him mr gatz still came b/c he still cared.

How does Henry Gatz learn of Gatsby's death?

Three days after Gatsby dies, Nick receives a telegram from Henry C. Gatz, Gatsby's father in Minnesota. Gatz, it seems, learned of Jimmy's (Gatsby's) death through the Chicago newspaper.

How did wolfsheim react to Gatsby's death?

Meyer Wolfsheim, who was very close to Gatsby, uses this as an excuse not to attend Gatsby's funeral. He says that, now that he's old, he can't "get mixed up in all that"—by which he means he doesn't want to be affiliated with Gatsby's death because Gatsby's illegal dealings could unveil his own.

What does Nick mean when he concludes this has been a story of the West after all?

Nick says that ''this has been a story of the west, after all. '' What do you think he means by that? I think Nick means to contrast the decadence of the East with the real world of the West. Both he and Gatsby are midwesterners.

What is Nick's final message to the reader?

Nicks Final message to the reader is that society is composed of Boats against the current, borne back ceaselessly into the past."

What is the dream and what might this dream represent in regard to Nick's present feelings?

What is the dream, and what might this dream represent in regard to Nick's present feelings about the East? The dream is about cold houses and 4 men carrying a drunk woman on a stretcher and they turn into the wrong house because nobody knows who she is and nobody cares about her.

What does Nick describe Gatsby as?

Nick describes Gatsby as a believer in the future, a man of promise and faith. He compares everyone to Gatsby, moving forward with their arms outstretched like Gatsby on the shore, like boats beating upstream against the current, looking to the future but searching for a lost past.

What chapter is the Great Gatsby?

The Great Gatsby: Chapter 9 Summary & Analysis. The Great Gatsby: Chapter 9. LitCharts assigns a color and icon to each theme in The Great Gatsby, which you can use to track the themes throughout the work. It's now two years later and Nick is recounting his memories of the days shortly after Gatsby's death.

Who is Gatsby's father?

Three days after Gatsby's death, a telegram arrives from his father, Henry C. Gatz. Mr. Gatz arrives in person at Gatsby's mansion a few days later. He appears old, dressed in cheap clothing, and is devastated by his son's death, who he believed was destined for great things.

What does Nick feel about Gatsby?

Nick, with increasing frustration, feels he must "get somebody" for Gatsby. In his mind, Gatsby did not deserve to be alone. Hoping to gather Gatsby's friends, Nick sends for Meyer Wolfshiem the next day. Wolfshiem, much to Nick's dismay, sends a letter explaining he won't be involved with Gatsby's funeral. Later that afternoon when Gatsby's phone ...

What happens in the last chapter of Gatsby?

When he phones Daisy to tell her of Gatsby's death, he learns she and Tom have left on a trip, leaving no itinerary. Nick, with increasing frustration, feels he must "get somebody" for Gatsby. In his mind, Gatsby did not deserve to be alone. Hoping to gather Gatsby's friends, Nick sends for Meyer Wolfshiem the next day. Wolfshiem, much to Nick's dismay, sends a letter explaining he won't be involved with Gatsby's funeral. Later that afternoon when Gatsby's phone rings, Nick answers. Upon telling the speaker that Gatsby is dead, the speaker hangs up .

Who is Gatsby's father?

Three days after Gatsby dies, Nick receives a telegram from Henry C. Gatz, Gatsby's father in Minnesota. Gatz, it seems, learned of Jimmy's (Gatsby's) death through the Chicago newspaper. Gatz refuses to take the body to the Midwest, noting "Jimmy always liked it better down East.".

What did Gatsby believe in?

Gatsby had hope and believed in the bounty of what was ahead, but it brought him face-to-face with his own destruction.

Who owns Hopalong Cassidy?

Pulling out a copy of Hopalong Cassidy, once owned by the young Jimmy Gatz, Gatsby's father points out his young son's drive toward self-improvement by calling Nick's attention to the daily schedule penciled in the back. Shortly after, the men adjourn to the funeral. At the graveside are a few servants, the mail carrier, the minister, Nick, and Mr.

Who is Mr. Gatz?

Mr. Gatz is Henry C. Gatz, Jay Gatsby’s father. We meet Gatsby’s father in chapter nine of the book, before Gatsby’s funeral. It is interesting that the last name of Gatsby’s father is different from Gatsby’s. This is further proof of the façade Gatsby lived his life behind in order to fit into the social class of the fashionable East Egg.

Who is Jay Gatsby's father?

Henry C. Gatz, also referred to as Mr. Gatz, is Jay Gatsby 's biological father. It is important to note that James Gatz was a humble man from a poor family, who transformed himself into the wealthy, renowned Jay Gatsby. Following Gatsby's tragic death, Nick Carraway proceeds to make funeral arrangements for his deceased friend ...

What is the final chapter of The Great Gatsby?

Although the main events of the novel end with Gatsby’s murder and George’s suicide, The Great Gatsby concludes with a chapter in which Nick reflects on the aftermath of Gatsby’s death. This final chapter furnishes Nick with more information about the mysterious Gatsby and his struggle to climb the social ladder.

What is the connection between the American Dream and Gatsby's love for Daisy?

Nick links the American Dream to Gatsby’s love for Daisy, in that both are unattainable. As Nick explains on the novel’s final page, Gatsby spent years hoping for a happy future with Daisy, but this future always receded into the distance.

Who is Gatsby's father?

Nick meets Gatsby’s father, Henry C. Gatz, a “solemn” and “helpless” old man who believed his son had a bright future. Mr. Gatz also discovers and shares with Nick records of Gatsby’s self-improvement routines, saying: “Jimmy was bound to get ahead.”.

What is the Great Gatsby about?

The Great Gatsby represents Nick’s struggle ...

What does Nick think of America?

Nick thinks of America not just as a nation but as a geographical entity, land with distinct regions embodying contrasting sets of values. The Midwest, he thinks, seems dreary and pedestrian compared to the excitement of the East, but the East is merely a glittering surface—it lacks the moral center of the Midwest.