in the context of work teams which of the following increases employee job satisfaction course hero

by Gloria Legros MD 8 min read

An employee’s level of job satisfaction can sometimes be increased when they are promoted to a new or higher position and given more responsibilities. Job Security Is a Highly Critical Aspect in Deciding Job Satisfaction Job security is a very crucial factor in determining job satisfaction, particularly in times of economic instability.

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What is the role of management in a work team?

What is the difference between semi-autonomous and employee involvement teams?

What is the difference between a hostile work environment and a quid pro quo?

What does "d" mean in the context of a job?

Why do teams have to be small?

Who assigns the task to Gillian?

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management chapter 10 quiz Flashcards | Quizlet

Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Which of the following statements is true of the members of self-managing teams?, Which of the following statements is true of affective conflict?, _____ means that teams no longer have to go through the frustratingly slow process of multilevel reviews and sign-offs to get management approval before making changes. and more.

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Solved Which of the following is an advantage of |

Which of the following is an advantage of cross-training? a. It reduces training expenses for an organization. b. It suppresses the skills and knowledge of an organization's competitors.

What is the role of management in a work team?

c. In a work team, management is responsible for organizational outcomes and performance.

What is the difference between semi-autonomous and employee involvement teams?

Employee involvement teams provide advice and suggestions to management, whereas semi-autonomous groups do not provide advice and suggestions to management. Employee involvement teams do not have the authority to make decisions, whereas semi-autonomous groups have the authority to make decisions.

What is the difference between a hostile work environment and a quid pro quo?

In a quid pro quo case, an individual submits to sexual harassment, whereas in a hostile work environment case, an individual resists sexual harassment. A quid pro quo case can result in economic injury, whereas a case of hostile work environment can lead to psychological injury.

What does "d" mean in the context of a job?

d. They are responsible for doing the work or executing a task, but they do not have direct responsibility or control over their work.

Why do teams have to be small?

a. A team must be small so that it can gain the advantages of team decision making.

Who assigns the task to Gillian?

Marsha, his supervisor, realizes that there is a task pending and assigns it to Gillian. Gillian refuses to complete the task by stating that he has finished his share of work. He suggests Marsha to assign the task to someone else.

Can HR use statistical relationships?

statistical relationships are not apparent, HR can use the results and attempt to address areas of low job satisfaction. Research Design Sample Questionnaire: The questionnaire, distributed to all working employees. Each name will be checked off a checklist, as they

Is a satisfied employee more productive?

Typically research has shown that satisfied employees or corporations are thought to be more productive. On the other hand, if workers are dissatisfied with their jobs, they are thought to be less productive and more prone to absenteeism and turnover. So HR departments need to measure employee job satisfaction and examine ...

What is a 10 item team player?

The 10-item Team Player Inventory assesses the degree to which individuals are positively predisposed toward organizational team-working environments. Data from 3 samples were used to assess the factor structure and internal consistency of the scale. Evidence indicates that the scale measures a single construct. Convergent, discriminant, and criterion-related validity assessments suggest that the Team Player Inventory captures a construct that is both unique and predictive of relevant team behavior This inventory will assist researchers in testing theoretical models of team effectiveness and practitioners in determining the degree to which specific individuals will react positively to team environments.

Why is trust important in a team?

Trust is important in teams because the transaction costs in teams are lower when trust is high. The individuals who trust each other feel less compelled to monitor or double-check the work completed by others. In this study, we examine the impact of individual personality dimensions on trust for individuals working in virtual and face-to-face teams. We randomly assigned participants to either a virtual or face-to-face team to complete a project. As expected, higher levels of trust were associated with higher levels of satisfaction. In addition, personality traits predicted trust levels. The effect of personality on trust and of trust on satisfaction is stronger in virtual teams. In order to maximise the trust levels, virtual teams should be comprised of members who are high in agreeableness, conscientiousness and extraversion, while in face-to-face teams, extraverted individuals seem to report higher levels of trust.

Who found positive correlations between behaviour exhibited by leaders and job satisfaction?

Vanden Berghe (2011) identifies the positive correlations between behaviour exhibited by leaders and job satisfaction. Weiss (1978) reports great similarity in the values of employees and supervisors when the latter treat their subordinates with consideration.

What is job satisfaction?

(2009) argue that job satisfaction is generally conceived as a feeling of fulfilment or enjoyment which people derive from their jobs and is positively related to employee health and job performance. Job satisfaction also indicates a good relationship with staff and colleagues, control of time off and adequate resources. According to Gunlu et al. (2009), to accomplish customer satisfaction, the job satisfaction of employees in the organisation is necessary. Employees who experience job satisfaction are likely to execute their duties well, leading to high performance and efficient service, which will directly increase the productivity of the organisation (Gunlu et al., 2009); Lockwood (2007) state that managers are the core points of the service production and therefore, their impact on the employees is very important. If managers are not satisfied and not committed to the organisation, their effectiveness in managing an organisation is in question (Clark et al., 1996).

What are job characteristics?

Job characteristics are based on the idea that the job itself is key to employee motivation. Hackman and Oldham’s original 1975 job characteristics theory was revised in 1980 (Hackman & Oldham, 1980). Their original formulation of the job characteristics theory stated that the outcomes of job redesign were influenced by several moderators. These moderators include the differences to which various employees desire personal or psychological progress (Durant et al., 2006). The clarity of tasks leads to greater job satisfaction because greater role clarity creates a workforce that is more satisfied, committed and involved in work (Moynihan & Pandey, 2007).

What is the motivation of Vroom's theory?

Vroom’s theory is based on three major variables, motivated by anticipated results or consequences.

What is the view of a manager about the nature of human being?

After observing and understanding how managers handle employees, McGregor (1960) proposed that the manager’s view about the nature of human being is founded on a group assumptions and that managers change their behaviour toward their subordinates according to these assumptions about different employees (Robbins, 1998).

What is Maslow's hierarchy of needs?

Maslow’s hierarchy of needs is the most widely known theory of motivation and satisfaction (Kaur, 2013). Building on human psychology and clinical experiences, Maslow argued that individual motivational needs could be ordered as in a hierarchy. Some needs take precedence over others. Once a need is satisfied, it no longer motivates the person (Luthan, 2005); Maslow (1943) identified five levels of needs:

What is the role of management in a work team?

c. In a work team, management is responsible for organizational outcomes and performance.

What is the difference between semi-autonomous and employee involvement teams?

Employee involvement teams provide advice and suggestions to management, whereas semi-autonomous groups do not provide advice and suggestions to management. Employee involvement teams do not have the authority to make decisions, whereas semi-autonomous groups have the authority to make decisions.

What is the difference between a hostile work environment and a quid pro quo?

In a quid pro quo case, an individual submits to sexual harassment, whereas in a hostile work environment case, an individual resists sexual harassment. A quid pro quo case can result in economic injury, whereas a case of hostile work environment can lead to psychological injury.

What does "d" mean in the context of a job?

d. They are responsible for doing the work or executing a task, but they do not have direct responsibility or control over their work.

Why do teams have to be small?

a. A team must be small so that it can gain the advantages of team decision making.

Who assigns the task to Gillian?

Marsha, his supervisor, realizes that there is a task pending and assigns it to Gillian. Gillian refuses to complete the task by stating that he has finished his share of work. He suggests Marsha to assign the task to someone else.