in the 'abcd' rule for symptoms of melanoma what do the letters stand for course hero

by Filiberto Crist II 7 min read

One easy way to remember common characteristics of melanoma is to think alphabetically – the ABCDEs of melanoma. ABCDE stands for asymmetry, border, color, diameter and evolving. These are the characteristics of skin damage that doctors look for when diagnosing and classifying melanomas.

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What does ABCDE stand for in melanoma?

The American Academy of Dermatology suggests learning the ABCDE rule to recognize the warning signs of melanoma. The ABCDE rule says “A” stands for asymmetry. “If a mole does not look the same on both sides, then you need to see a Dermatologist immediately,” said Dr. Howington. “B” stands for border irregularity.

What does C stand for in skin cancer?

Border irregularity is when the edges of a mole are ragged, notched or blurred. “C” stands for color. “If the color of a mole differs from one area to another, then you should get a skin cancer screening immediately,” said Dr. Howington. “D” stands for diameter.

How to tell if you have freckles or moles?

Step 1: examine every part of your body in the mirror. Step 2: record what each of your moles, freckles and age spots look like. Keep in mind that it is normal for moles to be black, red or blue. Step 3: look at the back of your legs and feet and the spaces between your toes and soles.

How to prevent skin cancer?

You can also prevent skin cancer by wearing protective clothing, using “broad-spectrum” sunscreen, avoiding tanning beds, and exercising caution around water, sand and snow because these elements intensify the sun’s heat. Sunscreen should be applied every two hours or after swimming or sweating.

What does ABCDE stand for in melanoma?

ABCDE stands for asymmetry, border, color, diameter and evolving. These are the characteristics of skin damage that doctors look for when diagnosing and classifying melanomas.

What to do if you have melanoma?

If you notice any of the s igns and symptoms of melanoma or you have a suspicious mole or lesion, make an appointment to see your doctor . You may want to have annual skin checks with a dermatologist as well so you can catch skin cancer before it becomes life threatening.

What is the difference between melanoma and non-cancerous moles?

Border – Melanoma often has borders that aren’t well defined or are irregular in shape, whereas non-cancerous moles usually have smooth, well-defined borders.

Does melanoma change over time?

Evolution – Melanoma will often change characteristics, such as size, shape or color. Unlike most benign moles, melanoma tends to change over time. If you have a mole or skin growth, watch it for signs of changes.

What is the ABCDE rule for skin cancer?

Updated on July 15, 2020. The ABCDE Rule of skin cancer is an easy-to-remember system for determining whether a mole or growth may be cancerous. They describe the physical condition and/or progression of any skin abnormality that would suggest the development of a malignancy. 1:50.

What does the type of cell involved in a patient's treatment plan mean?

The type of cell involved helps your healthcare provider determine both the treatment options and the likely outcome (prognosis).

What is skin cancer?

The Basics About Skin Cancer. By definition, skin cancer is the abnormal growth of skin cells. Two types of skin cancer, basal cell carcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma, develop primarily on areas of sun-exposed skin, including the scalp, face, lips, ears, neck, chest, arms, and hands. 1  It is also common on the legs of women.

What does B mean in a border?

B for Border - Moles, spots, or “beauty marks" are typically round and of no cause for concern. Those with a blurry and/or jagged edge can be a sign of a cancerous or pre-cancerous growth.

What does E mean in skin tags?

E for Elevation - Elevation means that the mole or growth is raised and has an uneven surface.

What is a D for a pencil eraser?

D for Diameter - If a growth is larger than a pencil eraser (about 1/4 inch or 6mm), it needs to be checked by a healthcare provider. This includes areas of skin that do not have any other abnormalities in terms of color, border, or asymmetry. This is not to suggest that smaller growths don't warrant investigation — including skin tags (acrochordons) — but those over 1/4 inches will always be of particular concern.

Can cancer cause skin bleeds?

This is particularly true if there is any blemish or growth that changes rapidly or bleeds easily. While not all skin changes are caused by cancer, the advantages of early diagnosis greatly outweigh the inconvenience (and even cost) of a doctor’s visit. Check it out today.