in general, what is the main difference in opinion of the house and the senate? course hero

by Eliezer O'Hara 7 min read

What is the difference between the house and the Senate?

This is one of the major differences between the House and Senate. The Senate is allowed to propose amendments to spending and taxing legislation, just as it can with other bills sent to it from the House.

What are the main features of the United States Senate?

The main features of the U.S. Senate are: Two senators per state: as this body was intended to be the Federal chamber, every State – no matter how little – has the same representation. Six-year terms, but every 2 years one third of Senators are up for election;

What are the main differences between the two houses of Congress?

What are the main differences between the Two Houses of Congress? – Pecularities of US Government What are the main differences between the Two Houses of Congress? The US Congress is one of the three highest authorities, as well as the country’s main legislative body. Its powers are recorded in the US Constitution.

What is the role of the Senate and House of Representatives?

Both the Senate and the House of Representatives are part of the U.S Congress, the legislative branch of the government that has the role of making laws – which will be enacted by the executive branch of the government, headed by the U.S. President – of approving Federal Judges, Ambassadors and Cabinet Members nominated by the President, and of ...

What is one main difference between the House and the Senate?

Senators represent their entire states, but members of the House represent individual districts. The number of districts in each state is determined by a state's population. Each state has a minimum of one representative in Congress.

Which is a major difference between the House of Representatives and the Senate quizlet?

How does the Senate differ from the House? The senate's members are chosen from an entire state, House members are chosen from local districts. Senate members have a 6 year term, House members have a two year term. Senate members originally elected by state legislatures, House members originally elected by voters.

How are differences between the House and Senate resolved?

Sometimes, the resolution of differences between the House and Senate proposals may instead be accomplished through a conference committee. A conference committee is a temporary committee formed in relation to a specific bill; its task is to negotiate a proposal that can be agreed to by both chambers.

What are the main differences between the two houses of Congress?

To balance the interests of both the small and large states, the Framers of the Constitution divided the power of Congress between the two houses. Every state has an equal voice in the Senate, while representation in the House of Representatives is based on the size of each state's population.

What are the main differences between the two houses of Congress quizlet?

Terms in this set (15) What is the difference between the two houses of Congress? The senate has equal representation two senators for each state, the House of Representatives has numbers of seats based on population.

How are differences between House and Senate versions of a bill resolved quizlet?

Conference committees resolve the differences between the House and Senate versions of a bill.

Which describes a difference between the duties of House members and the duties of Senate members?

Which describes a difference between the duties of House members and the duties of Senate members? Senate members represent state interests while House members represent district interests.

What is the main difference between a bill and a resolution?

Like a bill, a joint resolution requires the approval of both Chambers in identical form and the president's signature to become law. There is no real difference between a joint resolution and a bill. The joint resolution is generally used for continuing or emergency appropriations.

What is the difference between the House of Representatives and the Senate?

In the House of Representatives, the majority members control everything, and the individuals in the minority part are disadvantaged when it comes to passing bills. In the Senate , every senator has a say in the laws being passed and for it to precede all the members must agree unanimously.

Which has more flexibility: the Senate or the House of Representatives?

Due to this arrangement, the Senate has more flexibility in its rules. The senator who has the podium can speak for as long as he/she wants which means that the minority can control the Senate . The House of Representatives has more structured instructions on what the members can talk about and for how long. The House has more members ...

What is the name of the bicameral parliament of the United States?

Members of Congress mingle on the house floor. Editorial credit: mark reinstein / The United States Congress is the bicameral parliament of the United States federal government. It is made up of two chambers; the House and the Senate.

How are the representatives and senators appointed?

The representatives and senators are appointed through direct election although a vacancy in the Senate can be filled by gubernatorial appointment. The history of the House dates back to the Virginia Plan which was envisioned by Edmund Randolph.

How old do you have to be to be a senator?

Constitutional Requirements. The US Constitution stipulates that for anyone to be a senator, he/she must be over thirty years old and lived in the country for about nine years. Members of the House of Representative are over twenty-five years of age and must have resided in the United States for over seven years.

Who proposed the idea of a bicameral legislature and the creation of the House to represent the Americans?

The Virginia plan proposed the idea of a bicameral legislature and the creation of the House to represent the Americans. James Madison drafted the plan while waiting for a quorum at the 1787 Constitutional Convention.

Can the President nominate a person to the Senate?

The president can nominate anyone to the office but only after they gain approval from the Senate majority. The House has no say when it comes to appointing of candidates. The House of Representative can impeach an elected official while the Senate does not have this power. Geoffrey Migiro April 12 2019 in World Facts.

What is the purpose of the Senate?

In this way, Senators can decide and do whatever is in the best interest of the country, even if that is not necessarily the most popular alternative;

What is the main function of the Congress?

The legislative branch of the government has the primary function of making laws, but the Congress is also responsible for the approval of Federal Judges and Justices, for passing ...

What is senatorial courtesy?

Senatorial courtesy: due to the aristocratic tradition, when Senators refer to each other, they do not do so by name; Confirmation of Presidential appointments: the Senate has the duty to confirm the Presidential nominations of Federal Judges, Cabinet Members and Ambassadors.

How old do you have to be to be a senator?

In order to become a member of the Senate, nominees must be at least 30 years old and must have lived in the United States for a minimum of 9 years – without having necessarily being born in the United States; The Senate is chaired by the Vice President who is not a member.

How long are congressmen's terms?

Two-year terms: congressmen and congress-women should be directly accountable and, therefore, should be more responsive to popular demands;

How old do you have to be to be a member of the House of Representatives?

In order to become a member of the House, representatives must be at least 25 years old, and must have lived in the United States for 7 years – which means that they do not need to be born in the United States;

What is the duty of a representative?

Representatives have the duty to serve on committees, introduce bills and resolutions and propose amendments;

How often are senators elected?

Senators are elected simultaneously with members of the House of Representatives. Since each member of the lower House of the US Congress is re-elected once every two years, and the term in the upper house is 6 years, then one-third of the Senate will be reelected on a rotating basis every two years. If during elections to the House of ...

Who is the head of the House of Representatives?

The House of Representatives is headed by the Speaker, who is elected directly inside the House by a vote of its members. Members of the US House of Representatives are involved in passing federal laws, that is, those laws that apply to all states without exception.

How many Houses of Congress are there?

Two Houses of Congress. The House of Representatives of the US Congress consists of 435 representatives participating in voting on the issues under discussion. Each of these representatives is elected to the lower House of the Congress in its own electoral district.

What are the duties of the Supreme Court?

establish lower courts in relation to the Supreme Court; identify and punish acts of piracy, grave crimes committed on the high seas, and crimes against the rights of nations; declare war, issue certificates of privateering and reprisals, and establish rules for capturing trophies on land and on water;

What is the US Congress?

The US Congress is one of the three highest authorities, as well as the country’s main legislative body. Its powers are recorded in the US Constitution. The Congress consists of the lower and upper chambers, the House of Representatives and the Senate, respectively.

When did the Senate become a direct election?

Initially, members of the Senate were elected by the members of the legislative assemblies formed in each state, but in 1913 , the 17th Amendment to the United States Constitution came into effect, according to which the election of senators became direct. Senators are elected simultaneously with members of the House of Representatives.

When is a state an electoral district?

If during elections to the House of Representatives an electoral district is formed depending on the number of people, then the entire territory of the state becomes an electoral district when electing senators.

Which is faster, the House or the Senate?

The respond of the house is faster while that of the senate is quite slow

How long is a senator's term?

The responses tend to be quite slow due to the long term law effect. The voting members of the senate are 100 and they normally have 6 years term length. Each state of the United State has two senators regardless of their population.

What Is the House of Representatives?

The house of the representative is the lower house of the bicameral legislature of the United States Congress.

What is the Senate responsible for?

The Senate is responsible for approving foreign treaties, cabinet officials, and nomination of judicial officers.

How many votes does the Senate have to vote to override the nuclear option?

The 60-vote rule to close debate, by a simple majority of 51 votes, rather than the two-thirds supermajority normally required to amend the rules.

How long is a congressman's term?

The term length of the representative is two years before seeking reelection. The laws of the United States congress dealing with revenue tend to start from the house. The seats apportioned to the house are based on the population. The house is also responsible for filing an impeachment process to an official through voting.

What are the two main legislative bodies of the United States Congress?

The house of representative and senate are the two main legislative bodies of the United States Congress. The two legislative bodies play a vital role in congress.

Why did the framers of the Constitution design the Senate?

The framers of the Constitution designed the Senate to filter the output of the sometimes hasty House. Do you think this was a wise idea? Why or why not?

Why are Supreme Court Justices more willing to take on controversial cases than elected officials?

The Supreme Court Justices are not influenced by public opinion. The are not elected by the people and they serve life-long terms. Therefore, they are more willing to take on controversial cases than elected officials. A good example of this is the Brown v. Board of Education case. They decided separate but equal is inherently unequal. They took on a controversial topic to protect the people even though it was not a politically popular decision.

How can Congress overcome the negative effects of descriptive representation?

Congress can overcome the negatives effects of descriptive representation by utilizing a bit of both. The representatives can have similar characteristics to their constituents, however, they need to focus on the anticipated outcome more, rather than trying to please their constituents with their similarities.

What is a conference committee?

A conference committee made up of both representatives from the House and Senators works together to iron out any differences between the House and Senate bills, and, if the revised bill is again passed by the House and by the Senate, it is sent to the president, who has ten days to either veto it or sign it into law. I think it is a good idea because this way other people that think differently can determine if the proposed bill is viable or not.

What is the difference between a trustee and a delegate?

A delegate is a representative who listens to their constituents, records their views and then regurgitates their opinions in whatever legislative body they are a part of. A trustee listens to their constituents' ideas, takes them into consideration and then formulates an opinion of their own and acts upon that opinion. While a trustee is much more informed, trustees are usually more open to ignoring what the people have said and doing what THEY want. A delegate, on the other hand, will usually do what the people want. I personally believe that they should act as trustees because sometimes the people's opinions are not what is best for their state. This question really has me torn because if the representative is corrupt, they may do something simply because they want it. A state may be asking to push a pro-choice law into place while the representative is pro-life, so he will push a pro-life law into place. However, I do believe that a trustee would be the best choice.

Why are term limits better than disadvantages?

I think this because term limits can bring new ideas to the group, encourage people to vote, stop political power maneuvering, limit the influence of lobbying, get newly elected people to have some influence and limit the potential for corruption. The disadvantages however are that the good leaders would be forced to retire, the learning gets changed, the previous networking benefits would be lost and rogue politicians could be created.

Why should judges not be influenced by others?

The most important considerations are their influences and their mindset.Judges should not be influenced by others because their rulings should be based solely upon the rights of that citizen in that specific time.Their mindset matters because if they have a bigot and unfair mindset of majority rule rather than minority rights, then they will not push us towards more rights.


United States Congress

Major Differences Between The Senate and The House

  • Number of Members
    All the US states have representatives at the House with the most populous states having more representatives than the least populated ones; for example, California has fifty-two representatives while Vermont and Alaskahave one representative each. The House has 435 me…
  • Constitutional Requirements
    The US Constitution stipulates that for anyone to be a senator, he/she must be over thirty years old and lived in the country for about nine years. Members of the House of Representative are over twenty-five years of age and must have resided in the United Statesfor over seven years. A …
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Other Differences Between The House and The Senate

  • All bills which deal with revenue must come from the House of Representatives before proceeding to the Senate. The senators can only consider the bill and propose any amendments, but they do not have the final say. The president can nominate anyone to the office but only after they gain approval from the Senate majority. The House has no say when it comes to appointing of candid…
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What Is The House of Representatives?

What Is The Senate?

  • The Senate is the upper chamber of the bicameral legislature of the United States Congress. The responses tend to be quite slow due to the long term law effect. The voting members of the senate are 100 and they normally have 6 years term length. Each state of the United State has two senators regardless of their population. The Senate is responsible for approving foreign treaties…
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Main Difference Between House of Representatives and Senate in Point Form

  1. The house of the representative is also known as the lower chamber while the senate is known as the upper chamber
  2. The voting members of the senate are 100 while those of the house of the representative is 435
  3. The term length of the house is 2 years before reelection while that of the Senate is 6 years.
  1. The house of the representative is also known as the lower chamber while the senate is known as the upper chamber
  2. The voting members of the senate are 100 while those of the house of the representative is 435
  3. The term length of the house is 2 years before reelection while that of the Senate is 6 years.
  4. The respond of the house is faster while that of the senate is quite slow

Similarities Between House and Senate

  1. Both the chambers have no term limits
  2. Both have first past the post voting system
  3. Both are the main legislature bodies of the congress
  4. Both chambers have enumerated powers
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  • The core difference between house of representatives and senate is that the house has a qualification of 25 years at the time of election and the individual need to have lived in the country for 7 years while the senate has to be 30 years at the time of election and have lived in the country for 9 years. More Sources and References 1. United States...
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