in boys, what are secondary sex characteristics related to? course hero

by Gregorio Olson V 9 min read

What are the common secondary male characteristics?

Male secondary sex characteristics include:Growth of body hair, including underarm, abdominal, chest hair and pubic hair.Growth of facial hair.Enlargement of larynx (Adam's apple) and deepening of voice.Increased stature; adult males are taller than adult females, on average.Heavier skull and bone structure.More items...

What are primary and secondary male characteristics?

Primary sexual characteristics are present at birth and comprise the external and internal genitalia (e.g., the penis and testes in males and the vagina and ovaries in females). Secondary sexual characteristics are those that emerge during the prepubescent through postpubescent phases (e.g., breasts in females…

Is testosterone a secondary male characteristics?

Testosterone, the hormone responsible for the secondary sexual characteristics that develop in the male during adolescence, stimulates spermatogenesis. These secondary sex characteristics include a deepening of the voice, the growth of facial, axillary, and pubic hair, and the beginnings of the sex drive.

What does secondary gender mean?

Any of the physical characteristics that differentiate male and female individuals, as distribution of hair or fat on the body, breast and muscle development, deepening of the voice, etc., that are not directly related to reproduction and usually appear at puberty. noun. 1.

What are the male and female secondary characteristics?

Secondary sexual characteristics develop during puberty. Secondary sexual characteristics in males include the growth of pubic hair, and facial hair and the voice deepens. Female secondary sexual characteristics include breasts develop, hips widen, and pubic hair begins to grow.

What are the primary and secondary characteristics of adolescent development?

There are three main physical changes that come with adolescence: The growth spurt (an early sign of maturation); Primary sex characteristics (changes in the organs directly related to reproduction); Secondary sex characteristics (bodily signs of sexual maturity that do not directly involve reproductive organs)