architectImhotep was an advisor, architect, astronomer and structural engineer to Pharaoh Djoser of Egypt's Third Dynasty in the 27th century BC. He was the architect of the step pyramid built at the necropolis of Saqqarah in the city of Memphis.
Imhotep — 27th century BC The first engineer in recorded history, Imhotep is thought to have built Egyptian pharaoh Djsoer's step pyramid in Saqqara, the earliest large-scale cut stone project. Before Imhotep, pharaohs were buried in mastabas — flat rectangular structures built over an underground burial chamber.
Imhotep is also credited with inventing the method of stone-dressed building and using of columns in architecture and is considered to be the first architect in history known by name. Physician: It is believed that, as the high priest, Imhotel also served as the nation's chief physician in his time.
Imhotep (fl. 27th century bc), Egyptian architect and scholar. He probably designed the step pyramid built at Saqqara for the 3rd-dynasty pharaoh Djoser. Later deified, he was worshipped as the patron of architects, scribes, and doctors, while in Greece he was identified with the god Asclepius.
The first engineer known by name and achievement is Imhotep, builder of the Step Pyramid at Ṣaqqārah, Egypt, probably about 2550 bce.
M. VisvesvarayaEngineers Day: Why India celebrates Engineers Day on the birth anniversary of M. Visvesvaraya - The father of Indian engineering | The Economic Times.
Pyramid of DjoserThe Temple of Horus at EdfuImhotep/Structures
The Mummy TV series (2001–2003) Many years ago, Imhotep was the high priest of Osiris who wanted to rule the world. He was already the keeper of the Scrolls of Thebes. When he was about to steal the Manacle of Osiris, the Pharaoh sent his royal guards to intercept him and sentence him to be mummified alive.
Memphis, EgyptImhotep / Place of birthMemphis or Men-nefer was the ancient capital of Inebu-hedj, the first nome of Lower Egypt that was known as mḥw. Its ruins are located near the modern town of Mit Rahina, 20 km south of Giza in Greater Cairo, Egypt. Wikipedia
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