if you were to give someone advice on how to succeed in an online math course

by Carrie Jaskolski 9 min read

Can anyone be successful in math?

But the truth is that anyone can be successful in math – they just need the right strategies. Jerry Brodkey, Ph.D., has taught math for over twenty years, from Algebra I to AP Calculus. Over time, he has developed a list of recommendations that he discusses with the parents every year at Back-To-School Night.

How to study maths effectively?

Modern technology has made it more and more difficult for students to focus and concentrate, but concentration is extremely important for learning math. Develop the habit of putting away all distractions during your study time. Doing your studying in a library can be very helpful in this regard. 3. Understand the learning process.

How can I do well in math at school?

Here are Brodkey’s top ten tips for performing well in math. Do all of the homework. Don’t ever think of homework as a choice. It’s the most important way that students practice and master the concepts taught in class. Set up a regular time and place that make doing the homework feel automatic. Fight not to miss class.

How do I ensure success in my online classes?

Here are 10 easy steps to ensure success in your online classes. 1. Connect with your instructors as soon as possible. Even if you are doing well in the class, it’s extremely important to build up a rapport with your instructor.

What are some of the tips for improving success in mathematics?

Use our top 9 tips for quickly and effectively improving math skills.Wrap your head around the concepts. ... Try game-based learning. ... Bring math into daily life. ... Implement daily practice. ... Sketch word problems. ... Set realistic goals. ... Engage with a math tutor. ... Focus on one concept at a time.More items...•

How can I succeed in online math classes?

Here are the top 6 tips for success in an online math course:1 – Prepare your nerves. ... 2 – Ease into it. ... 3 – Use your academic resources. ... 4 – Review everything you learned. ... 5 – Make your math course part of your routine. ... 6 – You are not alone.

How do I succeed a math course?

Basic Tips for SuccessAttend class regularly and pay close attention because math is a “constant discipline” course.Make time to study math every day. ... Use a time management schedule to ensure that time for study is allotted daily.Read the syllabus carefully and keep it, class notes and handouts in a 3-ring notebook.More items...

What advice can you give to those who struggle in math?

Don't Be Afraid of Making Mistakes With math problems, you will make a lot of mistakes before you find the solution to each problem. See mistake-making as a part of the process and not something that you are 'graded' on. Your mistakes will also help you find which concepts you have the most trouble with.

How can you engage online students with online strategies?

9 Ways to Increase Online Student Engagement#1 - Prepare students for the online learning experience. ... #2 – Frequently review learning outcomes. ... #3 – Present clear, organized learning materials. ... #4 – Prevent isolation by increasing the presence of instructors. ... #5 - Build a learning community.More items...

What makes a good math student?

grasp mathematical concepts and strategies quickly, with good retention, and to relate mathematical concepts within and across content areas and real-life situations. solve problems with multiple and/or alternative solutions. use mathematics with self-assurance. take risks with mathematical concepts and strategies.

What does it mean to be successful in mathematics?

Applying: Being able to formulate problems mathematically and to devise strategies for solving them using concepts and procedures appropriately. Reasoning: Using logic to explain and justify a solution to a problem or to extend from something known to something not yet known.

How do you motivate students to learn math?

5 Fun Ways to Get Your Students to Love MathTeach your students to have a growth mindset. ... Try guided math in your classroom. ... Get your students moving, thinking, and collaborating. ... Play fun math games. ... Use technology to engage your students.

How do you help students with math difficulties?

Use real-life situations that make problems functional and applicable to everyday life. Do math problems on graph paper to keep the numbers in line. Use uncluttered worksheets to avoid too much visual information. Practice with age-appropriate games as motivational materials.

How can we help weak students in mathematics?

While there are no hard and fast rules, there are methods that enable weak students to excel in mathematics:Instilling Positivity and Confidence.Scheduling Practice.Tools to Help with Memory.Ask Questions to Test Understanding.Ensure Strong Fundamentals.Focusing on Weaker Topics.


Explanation: So i just go strait to the assiment if i dont know the answer then i look back over some videos or my notes always attend the zoom and some times if i just still cant find the answer then i ask if some one can help me with the qusetion and if that dose not help i ask for the answer just remember to study and dont get lazy my grade in my math class is an 91% so that is my advice.

New questions in Social Studies

Select all that apply. Determine the relative ages of the rock regions on the map, so that they support the hypothesis that Iceland is spreading apart …

How to be successful in math?

There is no universal formula for how to be successful in a math course, but here are some suggestions that many students find helpful. 1. Put in the appropriate amount of work . For a student with average abilities, a four-credit course should require about twelve ...

What is the purpose of learning mathematics?

Students who just memorize a technique can maybe do one particular type of problem, but successfully learning mathematics involves understanding how to apply your knowledge to lots of different types of problems.

How to improve your learning?

One of the most successful ways to improve your overall learning is to regularly attend office hours and ask questions about the things you are stuck on.

When to redo problems with tutor?

If you use a tutor, it is important to redo problems yourself when the tutor is not around. Or better yet, force yourself to work on different (but similar) problems and see how it goes.

Is math homework easy?

Don’t think the homework is going to be easy! Math problems are hard for everyone. You are going to get stuck, and in fact you are supposed to get stuck. That process of getting stuck, and working your way out of it (with help if need be), is part of the learning process. You need to allow enough time for this to happen!

Is it hard to read math textbooks?

Sometimes students go through a whole course and never read the textbook except to look up the homework problems. This is crazy! It is true that reading math can be hard, but this is part of the skills you should be developing in the course. It takes practice, but you can do it! Ideally you should be reading about a concept before you hear an instructor talk about it, and then again after you heard it talked about. This is part of the “repeated exposure” aspect of the learning process.

Do students get stuck on homework?

Students sometimes think that they are supposed to attend class, read the book, and then be able to do all the homework problems perfectly. That does happen sometimes, but it is very common to get stuck on some problems. That is part of the learning process!

How to teach math to students?

Do all of the homework. Don’t ever think of homework as a choice. It’s the most important way that students practice and master the concepts taught in class. Set up a regular time and place that make doing the homework feel automatic. Fight not to miss class. Math class moves fast, teaching a new concept every day.

How to fix mistakes in school?

Students want to pass over a mistake made on homework or a test, to just let it go. But it’s important to fix mistakes and understand why they were made; otherwise we’re doomed to repeat them. Take time to figure out the thinking behind a mistake, and figure out how to do it right. Ask the teacher if you’re unclear. In advanced classes, it can be helpful to write a paragraph of reflection about why errors were made.

What are the skills required for algebra I?

Algebra I skills are crucial to later math courses. Students must master skills like solving systems of equations, graphing, slope, and simplification of radicals. Don’t push students to take Algebra I until their teacher says they are ready. And if their Algebra grade is below a C, strongly consider re-taking the class. Even in Calculus, most problems consist of one difficult step, followed by ten steps of Algebra.

How to introduce yourself to your teacher?

During the first week of school, introduce yourself. Let your teacher know that you are interested in her class, and welcome the opportunity to learn. Ask questions that show you’re paying attention. Parents should also introduce themselves, via e-mail or at Back-To-School night . Teachers respond best to students who show that they care about the class.

Does math punish absences?

So if there’s an optional appointment to be made, take care not to schedule it during math. Find a friend to be your study partner. We all have reasons for legitimate absences.

Can anyone be successful in math?

But the truth is that anyone can be successful in math – they just need the right strategies.

How to be a better online student?

If the course will use special tools, test them out early to ensure they work on your system so you can focus your attention on course materials and not be distracted by technology problems. Also, become familiar with how the University Library can help you as an online student.

Why do you need to take an online course?

Taking an online course gives you a lot of flexibility in where and when you do your coursework. That flexibility, however, means you have to take some extra steps to be successful. You have to be proactive about creating some of the structure you get naturally in a face-to-face course. Here are seven tips to help you stay successful once you are ...

How to do face to face classes?

In a face-to-face course, you split your time between a classroom and some place outside of the classroom to study and complete assignment. With an online course, all of your time is spent outside of the classroom. Therefore, it’s even more important that you have a good place to do your work. Find a quiet place with a good internet connection, access to power, and freedom from distraction. Ideally, this would be a place you can routinely visit throughout the course so that when you are there, you know it’s time to get down to business.

How to stay organized in online classes?

As with any course, but especially for an online one, it’s important to stay organized. Organize all of your files in a way that makes sense to you. It’s also wise to keep a copy of anything you submit in the event that a technology problem requires you to resubmit it—even your discussion forum posts. Don’t forget to take good notes while doing your readings or watching online lectures just as you would in any other class.

Is it too late to enroll in Summer Session 2021?

It’s not too late to enroll in a Summer Session 2021 course!

Is online class blow off?

Contrary to popular believe, online courses are typically not “blow-off” classes. They usually have very similar academic rigor to their face-to-face counterparts. Also, many online courses take a full-semester’s worth of content and offer it in half of that time, doubling the pace of the course. Approach your online course with this in mind so that you are not caught off-guard and fall behind.

How to ensure follow through on online classes?

One of the easiest ways to ensure follow through is to remember that you are paying to take this online course, just as you would for a traditional, in-person class. You must “show up” if you’re going to get real value out of your class. Treat your online classes the same way you would a face-to-face class—or, better yet, a job—and you’ll be off to the right start.

How to get the most out of online classes?

If you’re having trouble holding yourself responsible, pair up with a fellow classmate, or enlist the help of a spouse or friend to check in as an accountability partner. By being organized, proactive, and self-aware, you can get the most from your online class even when life outside of school becomes chaotic.

What are the distractions that can derail your studies?

From Netflix to social media to dishes piling up in the skink, you’ll be faced with many distractions that can easily derail your studies. The best online students know how to lessen these distractions and set aside time to focus.

How to build relationships with other students?

Build relationships with other students by introducing yourself and engaging in online discussion boards. Your peers can be a valuable resource when preparing for exams or asking for feedback on assignments. Don’t be afraid to turn to them to create a virtual study group. Chances are good that they will appreciate it just as much as you will.

What is online class?

Most online courses are built around the concept of collaboration, with professors and instructors actively encouraging that students work together to complete assignments and discuss lessons.

How to stop distractions from texting?

Using applications like Cold Turkey and Freedom can help eliminate distractions by blocking the apps or websites that tend to compete for your attention, such as Facebook and Twitter.

How to keep yourself accountable when working on assignments?

When working on your assignments, try time-blocking, allotting yourself a certain amount of time for each task before moving on to the next one and setting a timer to keep you accountable.

How to be successful in online classes?

Here are 10 easy steps to ensure success in your online classes. 1. Connect with your instructors as soon as possible. Even if you are doing well in the class, it’s extremely important to build up a rapport with your instructor. Building a rapport early on provides you with ...

Why do people study online?

Studying online allows you to pursue other interests and attend to other obligations while still working toward a degree. However, this can sometimes mean that it’s easy to get distracted.

How to be a good online instructor?

However, even if the framework and requirements of your class are clear, you should create your own schedule and structure to greatly improve your chances of success in the course. Using tools such as Google Calendar are a great place to start. Knowing how your weeks and months look and setting aside study time for each task or module will help you stick to a schedule.

Why is online class important?

It is important to clearly understand the technical requirements of an online course. Before the course starts or as soon as possible, make sure your computer will work with all the online tools.

When you don't understand, ask questions?

When you don’t understand, ask questions. When you do understand, ask clarifying questions. Instructors appreciate students who participate, and if there is a participation or discussion component part of the grade, then asking quality questions helps assure your grade in this area. Even if there is not a participation component, it is always useful to ask questions to make sure you understand the material and are clear on what is required of you.

Do distance learners procrastinate?

Do not procrastinate. Successful distance learners rarely procrastinate. They don’t put off assignments or wait until the last moment to write their papers. Successful online students enjoy freedoms that include working at their own pace and the ability to complete their work in as much time as it takes them.

Is it good to have personal contact with an instructor?

In addition, since instructors are available to help throughout the duration of a course, it’s always good to have personal contact with the instructor early on. This way, when you need help, it’s easier to reach out and get the assistance you need.
