if you had the power to change the course of history what would you do and why

by Mrs. Corene Shanahan MD 6 min read

What would you change if you could change anything in history?

Originally Answered: If you could change anything in history, what would you change? to send Japan the message in the year 1940 about the bombing in 1945 future. so that the japanese will give up the axis power. and hope japan will find the upper peace to communicate and cooperate with the asia without violence. and so as german and italian.

Would you change Big historic events in history?

I would not change big historic events. As painful and brutal or unfair as they were, they were catalysts for change. They were learning opportunities (albeit, sometimes horrific), but there were beautiful merciful moments from mankind that occurred even through the atrocities.

Would you change a historical event to have the Romans win?

Have the Romans win. If I were in a position to change a historical event, it would be to prevent the suicide of Crown Prince Rudolf of Austria (1858 –1889), who was the son and heir of Emperor Franz Josef of Austria and Elisabeth of Austria.

Does history have unintended effects?

This has been a recurring theme in sci-fi; this, and the idea that if you could change history, any change has unintended consequences. A subcategory of this thought is that the farther back you go, the more significant any change would be.

What does changing the course of history mean?

: the way things happened or will happen a discovery that could change the course of history.

What would you do if you could change one event in history?

Expert-verified answer If I could change anything in the history, I would go to the beginning of history and pray to God not to put negative emotions such as fear, anger, and hatred in man's heart that caused so many wars, scandals, conspiracies, and feuds.

Can we change history?

The totality of past human events informs our present and future moorings as human beings. Our history is our history, whether we like it or not. We cannot change that history by doing away with statues and memorials that might offend us, but we can learn from that history.

How do I change the course of my life?

How to Change Your Life Completely in 10 Powerful StepsDecide to Change Your Life.Learn to Embrace Discomfort.Identify Why You Want to Change Your Life.Define the Changes You Want to Make.Identify Things That May Hold You Back.Choose Your "One Thing"Set a SMART Goal.Prepare for the Storms.More items...•

What would I change if I could go back in time?

If I could go back in time, I wish I could change nothing and live my life as I lived right now. Relive the moments of joy and sadness and feel it all over again. I don't know why exactly you would want to go back and change something but I think it's overrated the way we think about time restricted results.

What would you change if you had a time machine?

Re-framing past in such a way that we have useful and effective social reforms. Changing the course of Science and Technology towards a pollution free environment. Banishing armed forces, weapons and such other violence from the world.

How and why does our understanding of history change?

Our interpretation of events is always changing, sometimes gradually other times new found evidence can shake society. Added political, social, generational and national opinions further bias how we interpret history.

Who changed history the most?

100 People who changed the worldMuhammad (570 – 632) Founder of Islam.Martin Luther King (1929 – 1968) Civil Rights leader.Abraham Lincoln (1809 – 1865) American President during civil war, helped end slavery.Nelson Mandela (1918 – 2013) Anti-apartheid leader, first President of democratic South Africa in 1994.More items...

Why it is important to study history with reference to change?

Through history, we can learn how past societies, systems, ideologies, governments, cultures and technologies were built, how they operated, and how they have changed. The rich history of the world helps us to paint a detailed picture of where we stand today.

What does change course mean?

1. change of course - a change in the direction that you are moving. change of direction, reorientation - the act of changing the direction in which something is oriented. turning, turn - the act of changing or reversing the direction of the course; "he took a turn to the right"

Why is change important in life?

Every change you experience gives you the opportunity to learn and grow (even if it is just learning about an amazing new coffee shop). You learn new things about yourself, others or the world, which can impact how you live your life.

What are the things you want to change?

Here they are:Change your priorities. This is important if you want to live a balanced, fulfilling life. ... Change your self-talk. Your self-talk has significant influence in your life. ... Change your motivation. ... Change your habits. ... Change your friends. ... Change your commitments. ... Change your inputs. ... Change your methods.More items...•

Why did King James I send Sir Thomas Roe to visit Jahangir?

King James I sent Sir Thomas Roe in 1614 to visit the court of Jahangir, the Emperor of India, so as to arrange a commercial treaty and to acquire for the East India Company various sites for setting up factories. Sir Thomas Roe was successful at accomplishing this job.

What to say to the Ming Emperor?

Tell the emperor of the Ming dynasty, don't give the Japanese breathing space, Kindness will only leave the devil a chance to kill you.

When did the British establish the East India Company?

In 1610, the British had defeated a Portuguese naval squadron, to set up the first branch of the East India Company at Surat. This branch of the East India Company indicated the inception of a dominant presence that would remain for over 300 years, and would in the end dominate the entire subcontinent.

What did Abraham Lincoln say about freeing slaves?

Lincoln famously said “if I could save the union and free the slaves, I would; if I could save the union without freeing the slaves, I would” (or to that effect). Whilst he hated slavery, he compromised to save the union as a whole. Lincoln’s survivial would most likely have garnered African American fre.
