if you encounter a trojan horse what has happened? (points : 1) course hero

by Easton Dach 4 min read

Why did the Trojans draw a horse inside the city gates?

Question 1. 1 If you encounter a Trojan Horse what has happened? (Points : 1) You read a fake email from a bank that appears to be asking for personal information. Someone has stolen your credit card and used it to purchase items online. A hacker placed a program in your computer that granted illegal access to your files.

What happened to the Trojan males after the Battle of Troy?

Question 4 Question If you encounter a Trojan Horse what has happened Student. ... Course Title INF 103; Type. Test Prep. Uploaded By Chief_Summer_Loris. Pages 5 Ratings 95% (22) 21 out of 22 people found this document helpful; This preview shows page 2 - 4 out of 5 pages.

What is the story of the Trojan War about?

Feb 22, 2016 · Question : If you encounter a Trojan Horse what has happened? Student Answer: You read a fake email from a bank that appears to be asking for personal information. Someone has stolen your credit card and used it to purchase items online. A hacker placed a program in your computer that granted illegal access to your files.

How did the Greek goddess help the Trojans?

Question 2. 2. If you encounter a Trojan Horse what has happened? (Points : 1) You read a fake email from a bank that appears to be asking for personal information. Someone has stolen your credit card and used it to purchase items online. A hacker placed a program in your computer that granted illegal access to your files.

Why did Menelaus summon the Greek leaders to conquer Troy and recover Helen?

When Menelaus returned to Sparta and found his wife Helen gone , he summoned the Greek leaders to go with him to conquer Troy and recover Helen. These leaders were pledged to aid Menelaus, for as they had courted Helen too they had taken an oath to avenge any dishonor that fell upon her future husband because of her. Thus Paris precipitated the Trojan War, which would fulfill the prophetic dream his mother had of giving birth to a firebrand that would destroy Troy.

Why did Calchas tell the Greeks they needed the bow and arrows of Heracles?

Calchas told them they needed the bow and arrows of Heracles to win the war. These items were in the hands of Prince Philoctetes, a warrior the Greeks had abandoned years before on the way to Troy at the island of Lemnos because of a loathsome wound that would not heal.

How did Achilles prepare for the funeral?

Since Patroclus' ghost demanded burial, Achilles prepared a glorious funeral. He cut the throats of twelve Trojan nobles as a sacrifice on Patroclus' pyre, and funeral contests in athletics followed. For eleven days Achilles dragged Hector's body around the pyre, yet Apollo preserved the corpse from corruption. Then Zeus directed Thetis to bid Achilles accept the ransom offered by King Priam for Hector's body. Zeus also sent Hermes to Priam, and Hermes guided the old king with his ransom through the Greek lines to Achilles' camp. Achilles treated Priam with courtesy, for Priam reminded him of his own aged father, Peleus. Achilles took Hector's weight in gold and gave Priam the body, which Priam took back to Troy. During the next eleven days there was a truce as the Trojans mourned for the dead Hector, whom they cremated and buried.

How did Odysseus discover Achilles?

However, Odysseus discovered Achilles by a trick, and he too consented to go. At first the Greeks sailed to Mysia, and believing it to be Troy they made war. The Mysian king, Telephus, was wounded in the battle by Achilles. Learning of their error, the Greeks sailed back to Aulis.

Why did the Greeks go to Scyros?

Since Troy could not be taken without the help of Achilles, the Greeks went to Scyros to fetch him. Achilles was practically invulnerable as a fighter, for his mother, the nymph Thetis, had dipped him in the River Styx at birth, rendering him immortal everywhere but in his heel, where she had held him.

What did the Seers mean when they said the unborn child would destroy Troy and its inhabitants?

The seers interpreted this to mean that her unborn child would destroy Troy and its inhabitants. When the infant was born it was exposed on Mount Ida, but a she-bear nursed it and it survived, growing up as a shepherd called Alexander, or Paris. Paris took the nymph Oenone as a lover.

Who told Odysseus he would be twenty years from home if he went?

Most of the warriors were glad to go, eager to burn and sack Troy. But two heroes were reluctant. An oracle told Odysseus that he would be twenty years from home if he went, so he feigned madness when the Greek leaders came for him. Palamedes exposed the ruse, and Odysseus had to go.

What is the subject of Virgil's epic poem?

Virgil opens his epic poem by declaring its subject, “warfare and a man at war ,” and asking a muse, or goddess of inspiration, to explain the anger of Juno, queen of the gods (I. 1 ).

Why did Jupiter send a god down to the people of Carthage?

Jupiter then sends a god down to the people of Carthage to make sure they behave hospitably to the Trojans. Aeneas remains unaware of the divine machinations that steer his course. While he is in the woods, Venus appears to him in disguise and relates how Dido came to be queen of Carthage.

Why does Juno have anger toward Aeneas?

Juno harbors anger toward Aeneas because Carthage is her favorite city, and a prophecy holds that the race descended from the Trojans will someday destroy Carthage.

What is Troy's ability to live in a fictitious world?

Another example of Troy's ability to live in a fictitious world is his denial to his best friend, Bono about the reality of his extramarital affair with Alberta. Fences is largely Troy's story. What all of the play characters have in common is a complicated relationship with Troy. Troy's character creates the large and small conflicts ...

What is Troy's history?

Troy's history is equal parts southern and northern, half-full of hope and half-filled with disappointment. He was once at the top of an exciting career opportunity as a ball-player that nose-dived into a life in a dead-end job.

Why does Troy instigate conflict?

Troy instigates conflict as a result of his ability to believe in self-created illusions and his inability to accept other's choices in life when they differ from Troy's own philosophy. Rose often contradicts his stories about himself and versions of what happened in the past.

What is Troy's character in Fences?

The protagonist of Fences, Troy is a responsible man whose thwarted dreams make him prone to believing in self-created illusions. Troy begins the play by entertaining Bono and Rose with an epic story about his struggle with a personified Death, or Devil, character. Another example of Troy's ability to live in a fictitious world is his denial ...

What is Troy's last name?

Troy's last name, Maxson, is an amalgamation of Mason and Dixon, after the Mason-Dixon line, the name for the imaginary line that separated the slave states from the free states. Troy's name symbolically demonstrates Troy's character as one who lives on a line between two opposing ideas.

What is Troy's role in the Maxson family?

The son of an unsuccessful sharecropper, Troy provides a bridge to the Maxson family history in the south and to the effects slavery had and continues to have on generations of black lives.

How long does it take to level up Citadel?

Pay special attention to the 4 hour events that have you level up your Citadel or your Hero - it is very easy to place on the leadership boards for those. A lot of 1-hour events only reward you with fragments to be used in research, so don't worry too much if you miss one. Hero.

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Yes, ive been a tutor for almost a year at course hero, it's legit. Make sure that you set up your paypal carefully.