if i withdraw from a course and retake it what happens to my fasfa

by Patience Raynor 4 min read

A: Students who drop classes or withdraw from courses before they have reached their completion date may be subject to a recalculation of the financial aid that they have received for the term (including the federal financial aid they received from FAFSA

Federal Student Aid

Federal Student Aid, an office of the U.S. Department of Education, is the largest provider of student financial aid in the United States. Federal Student Aid provides student financial assistance in the form of grants, loans, and work-study funds. Federal Student Aid is also responsible for the de…


If you drop or withdraw from classes, you may jeopardize future eligibility for student aid (including loans). If your enrollment drops below half-time, your financial aid awards may be adjusted, and the grace period repayment of loans will begin.

Full Answer

What happens if I have to withdraw from a course?

If you decide to withdraw from one or more classes your financial aid may be impacted. If you withdraw from all of all of your courses, you may end up owing the university for all or some of the financial aid you have received (depending on your financial aid package).

Can I withdraw from a class to receive financial aid?

Each school has its own policies, so you should check with your school’s financial aid office before withdrawing from a class. Students are required to maintain satisfactory academic progress towards their degree or certificate to remain eligible for financial aid.

Can I receive financial aid for a repetition of a course?

The regulation states that students may only receive federal financial aid for ONE repetition of a previously passed course. These regulations prohibit the University from paying for a course that has been passed more than one time. Successful completion for financial aid is defined as earning a grade of A, B, C, D or S.

Will not passing classes threaten my financial aid?

Not passing classes threatens your financial aid package whether you used loans, grants or both to pay tuition. Financial aid receipt is contingent upon making what's called "satisfactory academic progress" in your classes.

Does retaking a class affect fafsa?

Once a Repeated Class Can No Longer Be Counted Within a Student's Enrollment for Federal Financial Aid Purposes. This rule may seem unfriendly to the academic career of student. The rule is federal law. There is no appeal process and the rule cannot be overridden by UNLV.

What happens to fafsa if I withdraw?

So before you withdraw, just know it can have a domino effect when it comes to your financial aid. Simply put, your school will have to return federal and state funds, while canceling others. And ultimately, you will lose eligibility for certain funds you will still have to pay back any outstanding loans.

Do I have to pay back financial aid if I withdraw from a class?

Federal regulations require you to repay a portion of financial aid funds if you withdraw from all classes before satisfying the 60 percent completion rule for the enrollment term. (See the current 60 percent dates for the financial aid award year.)

Does withdrawal affect future financial aid?

Withdrawing may impact your eligibility for federal, state and institutional grants and loans, scholarships and third-party sponsorships for the current term as well as future terms. A withdrawal that results in a change from full- to part-time enrollment status also can jeopardize your financial aid eligibility.

Is it better to withdraw or fail for financial aid?

Croskey notes that dropping a class is better than withdrawing, but withdrawing is better than failing. “A failing grade will lower the student's GPA, which may prevent a student from participating in a particular major that has a GPA requirement,” Croskey says.

What happens to Pell Grant if you withdraw?

If you drop below what your school considers half time, your Pell Grant award is canceled. If you receive some Pell Grant funding but drop courses after the add/drop date, you will be required to pay the money back.

What happens to my student loans if I withdraw from a class?

What Happens to Student Loans When You Drop Out? When you leave school or drop below half-time status, your student loan debt stays with you. Your loans can't be canceled or forgiven because you didn't get the education you expected or you couldn't finish your degree program.

I received FWS for Spring term, am I going to be eligible or how can I be eligible for FWS for Summer term?

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How can the Office of Student Financial Assistance be reached?

The best way to reach the office is by email at [email protected] .

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How may I submit documents to the office?

Most forms can be received via fax at 407-823-5241 or via our document upload tool: www.ucf.edu/financial-aid/forms/document-file-upload/ . Some d...

What are dynamic forms?

If you have been selected for the verification process, you will receive To Do List items requesting the documentation required for verification....

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If my financial aid is impacted by withdrawing from my class(es), what can I do?

If your federal financial aid was adjusted do to withdrawing from all enrolled courses, per federal regulation you are responsible to repay the aid...

What happens if you withdraw your financial aid?

Some schools even impose penalties. If your financial aid has post-withdrawal disbursement, this means you do not receive money for your tuition and education needs until after the add/drop deadline has passed, which helps many students avoid financial punishment like having to repay grants or scholarships.

How to be a regular student on FAFSA?

Be enrolled or accepted for enrollment as a regular student at an accredited program. Be enrolled at least half time for direct student loans. Maintain satisfactory academic progress (SAP) per the institution’s guidelines. Submit only truthful information on your FAFSA.

What happens if you enroll in half time?

If you enroll only half time, the amount you receive will be prorated. If you drop below what your school considers half time, your Pell Grant award is canceled. If you receive some Pell Grant funding but drop courses after the add/drop date, you will be required to pay the money back.

What happens if you disappear from your school?

If you simply disappear, you will be subject to serious penalties, including exclusion from other aid programs and harm to your credit score. If you remain in contact with those managing your education costs, they will work with you so you can repay your loans, grants, and scholarships.

What happens if you don't enroll in a semester?

If you fail to meet these qualifications, you will lose your scholarship. Based on enrollment, you may simply not receive that scholarship as you enter the new academic year. You will also lose your financial aid ...

How to become a selective service student?

Have a valid Social Security number, with some U.S. territorial exceptions. Be registered with the Selective Service, if male. Be enrolled or accepted for enrollment as a regular student at an accredited program.

Do you have to return a federal grant if you have not spent it?

You will have to either return the grant if you have not spent it , use any money in your school account to pay back the government, or be billed by your school. Student loans: Subsidized federal loans give you a grace period, including when you withdraw from school.

What happens if you don't pass a class?

If you don't pass the class, you still need to repay FAFSA loans. Many people consider attending college to be an investment in their futures. Like any investment, this involves time and money. College tuition, student fees, books, housing and other costs can make earning a college degree quite expensive. One way to defray costs is to apply ...

What is the FAFSA?

The FAFSA asks students to enter information about their finances to determine how much they'll be able to contribute to college costs. Dependent students must also list information about their parents' finances. When determining aid awards, government calculations take into consideration your financial situation, the cost of college where you'll be attending and your enrollment status (for example, full or part time). Financial aid packages might include loans, which must be repaid; grants, which don't need to be repaid; and work-study arrangements.

How to defray student loans?

One way to defray costs is to apply for government financial aid through the FAFSA, or Free Application for Federal Student Aid. Aid isn't unconditional, however. If you fail to meet certain requirements, you may still need to repay money disbursed and may lose financial aid support for the following quarter or semester.

What to do if your grades are hurting?

If your grades are suffering because of a medical, emotional or family emergency, consider withdrawing from school and returning the financial aid money for that school year. You can try again another semester. It doesn't make sense to go into student loan debt if there's little chance of passing classes. Advertisement.

How to improve your grades?

If you're worried that you might not pass a class, talk with your professor or teacher's assistant for ideas on how to improve your grade. Visit the tutoring center for additional help. If you're working full or part time, consider reducing your scheduled hours to devote more time to classes. If your grades are suffering because of a medical, emotional or family emergency, consider withdrawing from school and returning the financial aid money for that school year. You can try again another semester. It doesn't make sense to go into student loan debt if there's little chance of passing classes.

Do unsubsidized loans have to be paid back?

Unsubsidized loans and subsidized loans must both be paid back eventually. Although the government subsidizes some loans by making payments on interest accrued while you're enrolled in classes, you might choose to make interest payments on unsubsidized loans to defray future interest accrual.

Can you withdraw from a class if you don't pass?

Withdrawing from classes is slightly different from failing a class in that it doesn't negatively affect your grade point average or transcripts. However, if you don't pass a class because you've withdrawn instead of failing, the same rules apply with regard to FAFSA requirements. If you've used financial aid loans to pay for classes ...

What Happens When You Fail a Class in College?

Are you worried about what happens if you fail a class in college? There are some things that could occur if you do. Image courtesy of Juno.

What Happens to Your Financial Aid Whenever You Fail a Class?

Failing a class in college is stressful, and there could potentially be repercussions when it comes to your financial aid. Image courtesy of Savvy College Girl.

What Should You Do When You Fail a College Class?

It is stressful failing a class in college, but it is important to note that there are things that you can do for it to get better! Image courtesy of ThoughtCo.

What happens if you withdraw from the same course twice?

Whether you have financial aid or not, if you withdraw from the same course twice, the third time you take that course, you will have to pay the full cost of instruction. The repeat surcharge is approximately three times the regular cost of the course.

What happens if you drop a class?

What are the consequences of withdrawing (dropping) a class? While withdrawing from a course will preserve your GPA, excessive withdrawals (W‘s) will delay how long it takes you to complete your degree and may impact your financial aid. To remain in good academic standing, you must maintain a 2.0 GPA; otherwise you will be penalized.

Can I withdraw from a course after the refund period?

If you paid for the course yourself, that money will not be reimbursed to you. If financial aid paid for the course, you may need to give back some of the money you received. See your financial aid advisor for more details.

Does financial aid affect credit?

If you are on financial aid, your credit eligibility will be affected. For example, if financial aid pays up to 90 college units towards an AA or AS degree, then the number of units financial aid will pay for you will be reduced based on the number of courses you withdraw from. Whether you have financial aid or not, ...