if energy cannot be destroyed, why do some people worry about energy supplies? course hero

by Ms. Tia Tromp Sr. 7 min read

Why can’t energy be used up?

If energy cannot be created or destroyed, why can it be used up? originally appeared on Quora: the knowledge sharing network where compelling questions are answered by people with unique insights. Energy isn’t “used up” in the sense described in the question details. Energy is converted from usable form into an unusable form.

Can energy be created or destroyed?

Fact or Fiction?: Energy Can Neither Be Created Nor Destroyed - Scientific American Fact or Fiction?: Energy Can Neither Be Created Nor Destroyed Is energy always conserved, even in the case of the expanding universe? The conservation of energy is an absolute law, and yet it seems to fly in the face of things we observe every day.

How is energy used up in the energy system?

Energy isn’t “used up” in the sense described in the question details. Energy is converted from usable form into an unusable form.

Is fire a form of energy?

Even mass is a form of energy, as Albert Einstein’s famous E = mc2 showed. Fire is a conversion of chemical energy into thermal and electromagnetic energy via a chemical reaction that combines the molecules in fuel (wood, say) with oxygen from the air to create water and carbon dioxide.

What is the form of energy that the body retains?

As aptly described by other answers here (especially Suraj Manjesh 's) our body retains bulk (if not all) of our energy in the form of Chemical energy (bonds, matter, mass).#N#This is then converted by the ceaseless action of nature (and increasing entropy) to other forms. Whether that is oxidation (redox), decomposition (burial) or combustion, which then release the energy to other forms (and 'vessels').

Why are the oceans and seas not hot?

These is loads of heat energy in the seas and oceans - not because they are hot but because they are not very cold ands there is a lot of it. Huge energy source - but the energy. Continue Reading. When the public talk about energy you have to think clearly - because they aren’t.

How is energy converted into unusable form?

Take that battery. It can act as a source of energy, powering a light or a motor, for instance. In the process, the chemical potential energy stored in the battery is first converted into electrical energy, and then into light, heat, or motion. Heat is heat.

What does a power station do?

This is, after all, what power stations do. They use the difference in heat that allows water, initially cold, to be boiled into steam by a heat source and then do useful work. But when there is no difference in heat—when everything has the same temperature—then there is nothing you can do.

Can water turn into steam?

If the water is already in the form of steam, you cannot turn it into more steam and create pressure to drive an engine. All that energy is still there, in the form of internal motion of atoms and molecules, but it is now in a completely useless form.

What happens when energy is not converted into electricity?

If the energy is present into some form which cannot be converted into electricity (or a form that is suitable for the infrastructure to work on) , it becomes a limitation to us , as we aren't capable of extrapolating the energy from it, and thus it ultimately becomes useless.

What is the energy that is locked up in matter?

But most of this energy is unavailable to us. There are only certain types of matter that we can extract energy from. These types of matter are called fuels. As yet we do not know how to extract useful energy from rocks. So we do not classify rocks as fuel.

What is the result of the second law of thermodynamics?

Entropy is the result of the second law of thermodynamics. Second law of thermodynamics - Wikipedia. For any given closed system (and for our purposes, only the universe is a closed system) the amount of entropy always increases. That means that every time you use energy, it is less available to do work.

How does a thermal power plant work?

In a thermal power plant coal is burnt. The heat liberated by oxidation of coal is used to boil the water. The thermal energy of water molecules increases and they change their state into gas (vapour) These vapours rotate turbines and turbines produce electricity.

What type of energy is stored in fossil fuels?

WhEN we burn fossil fuel to power our power plants, cars and airplanes, that stored chemical energy stored in the fuel is transformed into other type of energy, such as heat and kinetic energy. This process of transforming chemical energy into kinetic and heat cannot be reversed.

What are the types of matter that we can extract energy from?

There are only certain types of matter that we can extract energy from. These types of matter are called fuels. As yet we do not know how to extract useful energy from rocks. So we do not classify rocks as fuel.

Can we extract energy from food?

We humans have to eat and we can only extract energy from food. So the problem is to grow, store, and distribute enough food. Adding an ext. Continue Reading. Much of our energy is locked up in matter. But most of this energy is unavailable to us. There are only certain types of matter that we can extract energy from.

What is chemical energy?

Chemical energy is another form of potential energy stored in molecular chemical bonds. It is this energy, stockpiled in your bodily cells, that allows you to run and jump. Other forms of energy include electromagnetic energy, or light, and nuclear energy—the potential energy of the nuclear forces in atoms. There are many more.

How does fire convert energy?

Fire is a conversion of chemical energy into thermal and electromagnetic energy via a chemical reaction that combines the molecules in fuel (wood, say) with oxygen from the air to create water and carbon dioxide. It releases energy in the form of heat and light.

What happens to the energy in space as it expands?

As space expands, it releases stored up gravitational potential energy, which converts into the intrinsic energy that fills the newly created volume. So even the expansion of the universe is controlled by the law of energy conservation. Rights & Permissions.

What is the energy of a hot object?

Kinetic energy is the energy of its motion when it starts rolling. The sum of these is called mechanical energy. The heat in a hot object is the mechanical energy of its atoms and molecules in motion.

What are the two forms of energy?

The forms that energy takes, however, are constantly changing. Potential and kinetic energy are two of the most basic forms, familiar from high school physics class: Gravitational potential is the stored energy of a boulder pushed up a hill, poised to roll down.

What type of energy is converted into electrical energy?

A battery converts chemical energy into electrical energy. A nuclear bomb converts nuclear energy into thermal, electromagnetic and kinetic energy. As scientists have better understood the forms of energy, they have revealed new ways for energy to convert from one form to another.

What is the law of conservation of energy?

The law of conservation of energy, also known as the first law of thermodynamics, states that the energy of a closed system must remain constant —it can neither increase nor decrease without interference from outside. The universe itself is a closed system, so the total amount of energy in existence has always been the same.


Energy comes in different forms and one form can be converted into another form. For example-it we light a candle, the process is highly exothermic so that the chemical energy in the candle changes into light energy on burning.


I hope this answer is helpful for you whenever this question is come on the exam show you can write this sufficient answer in 3 marks question
