i have a shih but her nose is not flat n her coat is not soft but course n slightly waveie why

by Mallie Cassin 10 min read

Do Shih Tzus have flat noses?

This breed is categorized as brachycephalic, meaning that the muzzle and nose of the Shih Tzu is flat, though not as flat as its cousin, the Pekingese.

How do I know my Shih Tzu is original?

Shih Tzu have large, wide eyes. Their eyes are very dark (though may be slightly lighter on liver and blue colored dogs), round, and "placed well apart", according to the AKC. Look for a squashed-like nose. Shih Tzu have squashed-like noses with wide, open nostrils.

What is Shih Tzu snub nose?

A snub nosed dog breed is a term used to describe dogs that have a shorter than normal snout, also called brachycephalic. Some examples of short nosed breeds are Bulldogs, Pugs, Boston terriers, Shih tzus, lhasa Apsos, Pit Bull Terriers, Chow Chow, Mastiffs, Boxers, Pekingese, etc.

What type of coat does a Shih Tzu have?

double coatShih Tzu have a double coat that consists of hard topcoat and soft undercoat. The tangles are born when the undercoat drops and is mixed up with the topcoat.

Why do some Shih Tzu look different?

The more "normal-looking" a Shih Tzu is, the better. A Shih Tzu can be a great little dog, but the reality is that his physical build is neither natural or healthy. The Shih Tzu, in fact, is afflicted with two skeletal deformities: chondrodysplasia and brachycephalic syndrome.

What is the most rare color of Shih Tzu?

blackWhat is the rarest color in a Shih Tzu? Although black is one of the most dominant genes, a completely black Shih Tzu, without any white markings, is arguably the least common. Similarly, a pure white Shih Tzu is only seen rarely and a white puppy with black markings is virtually unheard of.

How can I tell if my dog is a Shih Tzu or Lhasa Apso?

Apart from their sizes, a Lhasa Apso has a longer nose, narrower skull, and smaller almond-shaped eyes. Meanwhile, a Shih Tzu has a broader skull with large, round eyes. The coat of the Lhasa is heavy, dense, thick, and hard. The Shih Tzu has a more regal, luxurious double coat, with flowing tresses.

Is there a princess type Shih Tzu?

"Muffin is a tiny Shih Tzu (others call it an imperial or princess type; however, I am aware that this is not a separate breed of Shih Tzu).

What is the difference between Imperial Shih Tzu and regular Shih Tzu?

First and foremost, the main difference is, of course, their size. Standard Shih Tzu are between 8 and 11 inches in height and between 9 and 16 pounds. Imperial Shih Tzu can be just slightly smaller than this or weigh less than five pounds! This leads to a very significant difference between the two dogs types.

Do Shih Tzus have coarse hair?

The Shih Tzu coat is long and luxurious with dense, flowing hair. Some dogs have wavy hair while others are straight and coarse. The Shih Tzu comes in many colors and shades, and the AKC offers no guidance on color or markings for the official breed standard. All are acceptable.

Do Shih Tzu have thick coat?

The breed standard describes the Shih Tzu coat as dense, long, and flowing. This is a double-coated breed, but most felt that the soft, puffy double coat that refuses to drape is just as incorrect as the Maltese-type single coat that flows beautifully.

How can I improve my Shih Tzu coat?

TIPS TO KEEP YOUR DOG'S COAT HEALTHY AND SHINYPay Attention To Your Dog's Diet. Before taking any other precaution to maintain your pooch's coat, it is important to take a look at your dog's food intake. ... Choose The Right Dog Shampoo. ... Brush Your Dog's Coat Daily. ... Keep Your Dog Hydrated.

What is a dog's soft palate?

Elongated Soft Palate. There is a flap of skin at the back of the dog’s throat which is called the soft palate. If this palate is too long, the entrance to the windpipe might be blocked partially which can cause breathing issues. 2. Stenotic Nares.

How to stop a Shih Tzu from breathing?

Avoid too much heat. As much as possible, follow guidelines for summer care for your Tzu’s. Minimize activities at very hot times and if possible, only take your dog out for walks early in the morning or before sunset because these are times that are usually not so hot.

What are the symptoms of a Shih Tzu?

Symptoms that are observed in Shih Tzus that has Brachycephalic Airway Syndrome include fast breathing, frequent snoring, episodes of heavy breathing, regurgitating food, inhales that sounds like coughs, breathing with noises, collapsing, and intolerance to exercises. 1.

Why is my Shih Tzu breathing so bad?

A lot of factors can contribute to these Shih Tzu Breathing problems including the environment and lifestyle or how the dog is raised. Shih Tzu dogs are considered brachycephalic breeds which means that they have short noses and flat faces. Because of this, they are very prone to having issues with their breathing.

How to calm a Shih Tzu?

When your Shih Tzu becomes too excited, try to calm the dog down before it affects his breathing. We suggest taking breaks from playing and having some distractions when over excitement happens.

How to take care of a Shih Tzu when out?

When you are out with your Shih Tzu, make it a point to bring water and take a break in the shade once in a while. 2. The place where your Shih Tzu sleeps and usually hangs out. It is important to be sensitive to where your Tzu sleeps or take frequent breaks.

Why do dogs have pinched nostrils?

Stenotic Nares or also called Pinched Nostrils is caused by a nose cartilage malformation inherited from the dog’s ancestors. As the name suggests, these dogs have nostrils that are unnaturally small which gives them trouble taking in the air when breathing.

What is the allergy of a Shih Tzu?

Shih Tzu allergies. Allergy is another common affection in dogs that can result in skin symptoms. Many elements in the dog environment can be responsible for causing allergy. Like pollen, gluten, fleas dejections . Allergy is a recursive affection that needs special precautions and treatment.

Why do dogs have hairless skin?

Dermatophyte is due to a small fungus that live on the hair. Affected pets show hairless areas in their skin. This is a serious infection that can be transmitted to humans, and must be treated early. Treatment may take some weeks because dermatophytes are difficult to control.

Why does my Shih Tzu smell?

Shih Tzu skin problems: Odor. Natural oils act also like a barrier against some bugs and fungus. These are secreted in small amounts. In some cases, the skin is abnormally secreting abundant oil and the skin is smelly. This condition is known as Seborrhea, it requires more frequent baths.


If there’s one common thread between the range of Shih Tzu health issues, it’s that their eyes can fail. Keratitis is an inflammation of the cornea which can eventually result in an ulcer. In the case of a corneal ulcer, your Shih Tzu will often need to undergo surgery.


Another eye-related disorder, this occurs when the eyeball actually dislodges from the socket and the eyelid shuts behind it. It’s incredibly painful, often time requires surgery, and can indeed cause blindness.

Progressive Retinal Atrophy (PRA)

This disease occurs when the photoreceptors in the back of the eye begins to fail. At first it begins with night blindness. Your Shih Tzu will have a hard time navigating in the dark, and often seem clumsy.

Hip Dysplasia

Hip Dysplasia is one of the most common conditions that affect dogs in general. Usually it’s seen in bigger dogs that grow too quickly into their bodies, but it can also occur in smaller canines like the Shih Tzu.


Lots of smaller dogs can be affected by allergies. Allergies in the dog world are quite similar to allergies that affect the human anatomy.

Ear Infections

The structure of the Shih Tzu’s ears makes them prone to ear infections. The floppy ears give way to a warm long canal, which can sometimes be the stomping grounds for bacteria.

Collapsing Trachea

This condition is more often found in little dogs, due to the structure of their faces. The trachea (also known as the windpipe) is composed of cartilage. If the cartilage weakens, the structure will flatten, and breathing becomes a difficult and painful process for your little dog.

Why does my Shih Tzu scratch?

Skin diseases of Shih Tzu are generally divided into itchy and non-itchy. The dog actively scratches itself when it is bothered by itching. It often results in skin damage. Itching can be caused by various reasons. The cause of irritation can be both external (fleas and ticks) and internal (worms) parasites.

How to cure dandruff on Shih Tzu?

Sometimes if no attention is paid to the dandruff and dry skin, hair loss problem can appear. Dandruff can be cured by the addition of a small amount of oil to the everyday diet of Shih Tzu. Try to add some vegetable oil to each dish.

How to treat a Shih Tzu abscess?

There is always a danger that under Shih Tzu thick coat an abscess will not be seen at an early stage. An abscess is very painful, and should be carefully washed in hot salted water. This procedure will make the pus content rise to the head, and then the pus will pour out, and empty the abscess.

What are the black spots on my dog's nipples?

2. YEAST . Dogs that like lying on the wet grass or in other damp places, often catch microscopic yeast that is manifested in the form of small black spots. Typically, these spots appear around the nipples, or where there is no hair.

Is it easy to keep a Shih Tzu?

Keeping of the Shih Tzu is not an easy task, as the representatives of this breed require constant care, attention and attendance. This means regular hygienic procedures and good nutrition. Wrong hair and skin care can cause very serious skin problems. The skin of dogs and its condition reflects the state of the animals and their inner being.

Can you wash a Shih Tzu with shampoo?

The shampoo must be washed out very carefully; otherwise the remaining lye can cause skin irritation. It is recommended to wash Shih Tzu with a mild shampoo for dry hair.

Shih Tzu Coat & Hair

Shih Tzus are not only cuddly and cute, but they look aristocratic and noble mainly because of their long, flowing coat.

Related Questions

Shih Tzus do shed, although not nearly as much other breeds. Usually, you will only notice the shedding while washing or brushing their hair.

Final Thoughts

If your Shih Tzu has particularly curly hair, it’s most likely that your dog is not purebred.

Why Is My Shih Tzu Missing A Patch Of Fur/Hair?

Sometimes, you’ll see just one of a few patches of hair missing from your shih tzu. This is commonly because of parasites, like ticks, fleas, lice and other mites. The area that the parasites are in will cause your dog to be itchy in that one spot, and they will bite or chew that area, causing a patch of hair to fall out.

Why Is My Shih Tzu’s Hair Falling Out & Thinning?

Hair loss is common, but if you notice your dogs hair thinning dramatically it’s a good sign they are allergic to something.

What makes hair fall in Shih Tzu?

Parasites are the most common cause of hair loss, mange is a common cause of alopecia, this is an affection caused by Demodex species, Fleas are also responsible for a big disturbance in dogs, they are responsible for itch in the neck and in ears which may lead to alopecia in these regions.

How to control Hair loss in Shih Tzu?

Like all other skin problems, Hair loss is a serious condition that needs to be treated as early as possible before any complications, Your veterinarian will give you a treatment that will help treat the underlying cause, topical antibiotics, ointments and a special shampoo may be prescribed. It is important to follow the instructions and the advice of the vet about bath, ointments, special shampoos to use.

What Would Cause A Shih Tzu To Shed More Than Usual?

Sometimes Shih Tzus will start losing more hair than normal. It’s not always a bad sign!

Do Adults And Old Shih Tzu Lose More Hair Than Puppies?

In fact, Shih Tzu puppies shed more hair than adults! This is because they are born with only the inner layer of their coat. As they get older (from 4-12 months), this baby coat will begin to shed and is replaced with its full adult coat. During this time there are a lot of hairs everywhere.

Why Is My Shih Tzu Losing Tail Hair?

The loss of tail hair is most commonly due to allergies, whether it be environmental or a food allergy.

Why do Shih Tzus have dry noses?

Overexposure to the sun is one other distinguished cause behind dry nostril in Shih Tzu Shih Tzus.

How long does it take for a Shih Tzu to wake up?

Verify whether or not your Shih Tzu has simply woken up after a nap or not. Shih Tzus, or Shih Tzus typically, can have a dry nostril for about 30 minutes after waking up. That is most typical amongst deep-sleeping Shih Tzus that don’t get up while sleeping.

Can Shih Tzus drink water?

Dehydration will be extraordinarily harmful to Shih Tzus, so be sure at all times to maintain access to fresh water. In case your Shih Tzu does not drink, it’s possible you’ll wish to spend money on a pet fountain that keeps the water flowing and is attractive to some pets.

Does Shih Tzu have heat?

Has the Shih Tzu been close to a heat source? In case your Shih Tzu has been lounging close to a heat source, akin to a heater or radiator, his or her nostril could be dry . The warmth emitted from these sources has the ability to draw out the moisture.

Can Shih Tzus be in the sun?

Keep in mind, Shih Tzus are extra-susceptible to heat exhaustion, so be sure to restrict your pup’s time in the sun, especially on boiling days. (Visited 520 times, 1 visits today) Loading...

What is fine needle aspirate?

Collection of a fine needle aspirate is a simple process that is easy on the dog and rarely requires any sort of sedation. Using a needle no larger than the size of a vaccination needle along with some gentle suction, your vet will remove a smattering of cells from the growth.

Is needle aspirate cytology benign?

Even if a fine needle aspirate cytology indicated that the growth was benign, histopathology is warranted. On occasion, the pathologist discovers something quirky such as a malignant tumor within the center of one that is benign.