how your body looks when you take the course

by Prof. Jazmyn Thiel MD 6 min read

How to choose the right clothing for your body type?

You want the fit to accentuate your body. This is why suits often have broad shoulders built in. They do this to make you look like an attractive, physically stronger alpha male. The same idea applies to your clothing. You want clothes that are fully optimized to make your waist look small, and your shoulders broad.

What is the most important part of a man’s Looksmaxing routine?

The most important part of any man’s looksmaxing routine should ALWAYS be physical fitness. Without this, nothing else matters. It doesn’t matter if you’re stunningly handsome, and have great grooming. If you’re 300 pounds overweight, you will NOT look good.

How do I become an 8/10 body type?

If she hit the gym, got a HUGE, well-shaped ass, had a thin waist, and spent some time dressing really well, she’d easily be an 8/10. This is the same concept with guys. If you’re a 5/10, if you lose some weight, get good style, and do some looksmaxing, you can easily become an 8/10.

How to build muscle fast and look good?

Getting enough sleep will not only help you build muscle faster, but it will make you look better. If you want to improve the quality of your sleep, check out some of my sleep hacks, to recover faster and sleep deeper in less time. Aside from this, that’s basically everything you need to know about looksmaxing your physical fitness.

Your Body is a Person

The Simple Shift that Holds the Key to Personal Healing and Collective Justice

One Course. Three Inclusive Pricing Tiers

I invite you to drop into your body and choose the path that feels most supportive to you.

Moving Through Suffocating Anxiety and Depression to Re-integration and Wholeness

"My life was unraveling the season before I worked with Jamie. I spent my formative years in a religious community where I related to God as a heavy, obligating force. I felt compelled to surrender my body, desires, and even my sense of self to this Obligation or else face intense shame.

Escaping Fears of Eternal Self-Damnation to find Personal Freedom

"I grew up Evangelical Christian, specifically Charismatic Pentecostal. I was deeply indoctrinated and extremely invested in the church and that lifestyle. Even though I left the church, some of its ideas still lived inside me.

Man-In-Charge Posture

Watch most guys walk around and you’d think they were ashamed of who they are. Why? Crappy posture.

The Clothes Make the Man

Forget style or fashion. Most guys don’t even wear clothes that fit them.

What To Do Next

There’s a reason fresh-roasted coffee tastes better than instant powder. There’s a reason slow-cooked oatmeal is healthier than those instant packets. Quick solutions aren’t usually a good thing.

What does it mean when you say you want a toned body?

When you say you want a ‘toned’ body, what you really want is for your body to look more firm and defined. There’s no special technique or workout needed to achieve this look..

What is the most important factor in achieving toned body?

Nutrition is arguably the most crucial factor to making that happen so you can achieve a ‘toned’ body.

What is the best way forward to build a sustainable fitness approach?

Besides, if you want to build a sustainable fitness approach that lasts beyond your beginner phase, having clear periods of calorie surplus and deficit would be the best way forward.

What are the ingredients in a workout?

The key ingredients are always the same: strength training, nutrition and rest. You need to focus on being consistent with all of them to see results.

Can you tone a muscle?

The idea that you can ‘tone’ a muscle (or any groups of muscles) is fundamentally wrong. Muscles do not magically go from soft to hard, or hard to soft. They only grow in size when stimulated, or shrink (i.e. atrophy) after long periods of inactivity.

Can you tone specific body parts?

But is ‘toning’ specific body parts (i.e. muscle groups) possible? Sorry to burst your bubble, but no. It’s all got to do with what’s needed for toning: you have to build muscle and lose fat.

Can you train with light weights?

There’s no reason for you to only train with light weights. Yes, so long as you’re pushing close to failure, you can achieve muscle growth with a variety of weights and rep ranges – even with light weights ( 4, 5, 6 ).

What is the most important part of a man's looksmaxing routine?

The most important part of ANY man’s looksmaxing routine is the workout routine. Plain and simple. Without this, you won’t look good.

Why do guys get into looksmaxing?

A lot of guys in the black pill and incel community get into looksmaxing, because they feel angry that women aren’t attracted to them.

How many points does looksmaxing increase?

If you follow this looksmaxing guide, from start to finish, you can increase your attractiveness level by at least 4 points. No joke. I’ve done it myself, and I’ve seen the effect it has on how women treat me.

What does "looksmaxing" mean?

Looksmaxing is basically a term that’s used to describe men who want to maximize their appearance, hence the term “looksmaxing.”

What is the most difficult aspect of fashion?

Congruence is one of the more difficult aspects of fashion to understand, but it basically comes down to choosing your “type” or “look.”

What is the big part of fashion?

In addition to having a good fit, a big part of fashion is not only having the right colors, but also a high level of CONGRUENCE. More on this later.

How many points can you go up with looksmaxing?

In my opinion, you can easily go up 3-4 points with looksmaxing. I’ve done it myself, and it’s really not that hard if you’re motivated to do so.
