how will we be persuaded? how will we be bought and sold? with our permission, of course.

by Marietta Champlin 9 min read

How to persuade someone to do something?

An engaging, highly readable survey of the sophisticated methods of persuasion we encounter in various situations. From television to telemarketing and from self-deception to suicide cults, Levine takes a hard look at all the ways we attempt to persuade each other--and how and why they work (or dont). . . . The next time you wonder what possessed you to pay $50 for a …

What is persuasion and how does it work?

THE POWER OF PERSUASION: How We're Bought and Sold Robert V. Levine, Author. Wiley $24.95 (278p) ISBN 978-0-471-26634-1. More By and About This Author ...

How effective is the central route of persuasion?

Dec 23, 2012 · Make that two mints, and the tip goes up by 14%. But if the waiter leaves two little mints, walks away, then stops, returns and says: “ For you nice people, I’m giving you an extra mint!”, that practice results in a 23% increase in tip. Servers, take note. 2. Scarcity: people want more of those things they can have less of.

How to persuade others to join in your business venture?

1. Get to know where the other person wants to go and how badly they want to get there. The more you know about a person’s destination for the future, you will get to know what he or she cares about now. How badly the person wants to reach the destination will determine how much effort is involved in persuading. 2.

What is the topic of persuasion?

The topic of persuasion has been one of the most extensively researched areas in social psychology (Fiske et al., 2010). During the Second World War, Carl Hovland extensively researched persuasion for the U.S. Army. After the war, Hovland continued his exploration of persuasion at Yale University. Out of this work came a model called the Yale attitude change approach, which describes the conditions under which people tend to change their attitudes. Hovland demonstrated that certain features of the source of a persuasive message, the content of the message, and the characteristics of the audience will influence the persuasiveness of a message (Hovland, Janis, & Kelley, 1953).

What is the elaboration likelihood model of persuasion?

The elaboration likelihood model considers the variables of the attitude change approach—that is, features of the source of the persuasive message, contents of the message, and characteristics of the audience are used to determine when attitude change will occur . According to the elaboration likelihood model of persuasion, there are two main routes that play a role in delivering a persuasive message: central and peripheral ( [link] ).

How to describe attitudes?

By the end of this section, you will be able to: 1 Define attitude 2 Describe how people’s attitudes are internally changed through cognitive dissonance 3 Explain how people’s attitudes are externally changed through persuasion 4 Describe the peripheral and central routes to persuasion

What are the components of attitudes?

Typically, attitudes are favorable or unfavorable: positive or negative (Eagly & Chaiken, 1993). And, they have three components: an affective component (feelings), a behavioral component (the effect of the attitude on behavior), and a cognitive component (belief and knowledge) (Rosenberg & Hovland, 1960). For example, you may hold ...

How does the power of the situation influence our behavior?

Social psychologists have documented how the power of the situation can influence our behaviors. Now we turn to how the power of the situation can influence our attitudes and beliefs. Attitude is our evaluation of a person, an idea, or an object. We have attitudes for many things ranging from products that we might pick up in ...

How to reduce dissonance?

In order to reduce dissonance, individuals can change their behavior, attitudes, or cognitions, or add a new cognition. External forces of persuasion include advertising; the features of advertising that influence our behaviors include the source, message, and audience. There are two primary routes to persuasion.

What is cognitive dissonance?

Cognitive dissonance often arises after making an important decision, called post-decision dissonance (or in popular terms, buyer’s remorse). Describe a recent decision you made that caused dissonance and describe how you resolved it.

What is the topic of persuasion?

The topic of persuasion has been one of the most extensively researched areas in social psychology (Fiske et al., 2010). During the Second World War, Carl Hovland extensively researched persuasion for the U.S. Army. After the war, Hovland continued his exploration of persuasion at Yale University. Out of this work came a model called the Yale attitude change approach, which describes the conditions under which people tend to change their attitudes. Hovland demonstrated that certain features of the source of a persuasive message, the content of the message, and the characteristics of the audience will influence the persuasiveness of a message (Hovland, Janis, & Kelley, 1953).

What is the central route of persuasion?

The central route is logic driven and uses data and facts to convince people of an argument’s worthiness.

What is the process of changing our attitude toward something based on some kind of communication?

In the previous section we discussed that the motivation to reduce cognitive dissonance leads us to change our attitudes, behaviors, and/or cognitions to make them consonant. Persuasion is the process of changing our attitude toward something based on some kind of communication. Much of the persuasion we experience comes from outside forces.

What is the elaboration likelihood model of persuasion?

The elaboration likelihood model considers the variables of the attitude change approach—that is, features of the source of the persuasive message, contents of the message, and characteristics of the audience are used to determine when attitude change will occur . According to the elaboration likelihood model of persuasion, there are two main routes that play a role in delivering a persuasive message: central and peripheral (Figure 2).

What is peripheral route?

Instead of focusing on the facts and a product’s quality, the peripheral route relies on association with positive characteristics such as positive emotions and celebrity endorsement. For example, having a popular athlete advertise athletic shoes is a common method used to encourage young adults to purchase the shoes.

What is a foot in the door?

A common application of foot-in-the-door is when teens ask their parents for a small permission (for example, extending curfew by a half hour) and then asking them for something larger. Having granted the smaller request increases the likelihood that parents will acquiesce with the later, larger request.

Who is Bernie Reifkind?

I am Bernie Reifkind, CEO and founder of Premier Search, Inc. I can be reached at 1 (800) 801-1400 or email at [email protected]. I welcome your phone call.

Is it necessary to update your resume?

Prepare now to interview even if it is not necessary. Even if a company is not being sold or you have no intention of leaving your job, having a current professional resume is absolutely essential. Updating your resume periodically is extremely important.

How is a user tracked?

The most common way a user is tracked is through the placement of ‘cookies,’ or files that a website or web service places in your device. So when you return to the website, you don’t have to re-enter your password to log on, for example, because you’re recognized, according to Sebastian Angel, professor of computer and information science at the University of Pennsylvania. “It’s for convenience,” he says. “But because they’re putting these cookies in your devices, it now allows, [say,] Facebook to know where you’re going on the internet.”

What is differential privacy?

In general, differential privacy adds ‘noise’ in the form of positive and negative numbers to mask the data being collected. That means individual data becomes jumbled so it is not useful to the company. But on an aggregate level, the random numbers added zero out so the trend is revealed.

How many countries have data privacy laws?

According to the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, 107 countries have data privacy rules in place including 66 developing nations.

Why do companies use data?

Companies can also use your data to improve product designs and performance, Feit says.

What is the California Consumer Privacy Act?

Gavin Newsom signed into law amendments to the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA), the most sweeping state data privacy regulations in the country. The law, which takes effect on Jan. 1, regulates how data is collected, managed, shared and sold by companies and entities doing business with or compiling ...

Why is data important for businesses?

Using data helps a company’s bottom line as well, Feit explains. With more information about a person, a business can send ads to people who are more likely to buy or use the service. “You can actually reduce the cost of your advertising spend,” she says.

Can you be tracked in incognito mode?

For example, opening a browser in ‘incognito mode’ deletes the cookies so you cannot be tracked in this manner. However, algorithms can look at other signals. For example, they can track the resolution of your computer screen, the size of the browser, how you move your mouse around, and others.