how were people's lives has changed through the course of history

by Monty Smith 4 min read

There have been many people in history, who have changed the world with their thoughts, inventions, political contribution, and even by their thoughts. There are some influential people in history who have made some major impact on the lives of the human race.

Full Answer

How did people in history change the world?

Mar 02, 2014 · Sometimes, however, history takes a sharp turn away from its ordained path in response to a single individual’s will. Sometimes you can go back to a particular moment in history and say that if it hadn’t been for one person, things would have been very different. This is the story of five of those people. Ghengis Khan Prunes Asia Like A Garden

How did the Industrial Revolution change People’s lives?

Dec 18, 2012 · From pioneering inventions to bold scientific and medical advancements, find out more about 11 innovations that changed the course of human history. 1. The Printing Press

How many innovations have changed the course of human history?

Napoleon invaded, and lost, much of Europe during the Napoleonic Wars and oversaw a number of changes in society and in the law. In post-revolution France, his code set the first firm laws for property, families and individual rights. He made many innovations in warfare and also created the metric system.

How did horses change the world?

Jan 25, 2019 · Technology has changed the world in many ways, but perhaps no period introduced more changes than the Second Industrial Revolution. From the late 19th to early 20th centuries, cities grew ...

What is the Migrant Mother?

An iconic representation of the Great Depression, Dorothea Lange’s Migrant Mother features an impoverished woman alongside her away-facing children. The photograph was taken sometime during 1936 while the Great Depression was still in full swing and is an extremely famous example of documentary photography.

Where is Vandanni from?

Vandanni is freelance writer and photographer from New York. An animal enthusiast, she is currently focused on developing her wildlife photography portfolio and can be found at her Instagram accounts Skythequaker_and_me and danni_shiv.

Who took the photograph of the Navy sailor kissing a stranger?

Taken by Alfred Eisenstaedt in New York on August 14, 1945, The Kiss (otherwise knowns as V-J Day in Times Square) captures the iconic moment a U.S. Navy sailor kissed a stranger on the streets of Times Square. Popularized by its publication in Life magazine, the photograph is a great example of the power of street photography in action.

Is photography a bedfellow?

History and photography have always been fickle bedfellows, and predicting what photos will ingrain themselves into the rich tapestry of world history can be tough. Some photos are conceived with long-lasting recognition in mind, while others find themselves slowly climbing to the top as historical values are analyzed and modern attitudes change.

What is the name of the photo that shows a woman looking off to the side?

Famously created through the use of a camera with a false lens, the photo Blind captures a woman gazing off to the side, seemingly unaware of the fact that she is being photographed.

Who took the photo of Earth rising from the dark?

Captured by astronaut William Anders during the Apollo 8 voyage, Earthrise was, and still is, a shocking reminder of our lonely existence in the vast expanse of space. And yet, shocking as it is, great beauty lies in the marble-like swirl of blue and white cropping out from the monotonous blackness of our galaxy.

What is the Afghan girl's real name?

Known for her intense stare and bold green eyes, Afghan Girl came to symbolize the struggles of refugee women to the Western world. Taken by National Geographic Society photographer Steve McCurry during the Soviet occupation of Afghanistan, Afghan Girl (whose real name is Sharbat Gula) managed to conceptualize everything about the struggles of refugee women all in the photo of one, tattered, gritty girl.

How did horses help people?

They enabled people to travel great distances and gave different cultures the chance to trade and exchange ideas and technology. Equine strength and agility meant that horses could also carry cargo, plow farmland and even clear forests. Perhaps most influential of all, horses changed the nature of war.

What was the printing press used for?

In 1518 followers of the German monk Martin Luther used the printing press to copy and disseminate his seminal work “ The Ninety-Five Theses ,” which jumpstarted the Protestant Reformation and spurred conflicts like the Thirty Years’ War (1618-48). The printing press proved so influential in prompting revolutions, ...

Where was the first printing press invented?

Prior to the rise of the Internet, no innovation did more for the spread and democratization of knowledge than Johannes Gutenberg’s printing press. Developed around 1440 in Mainz, Germany, Gutenberg’s machine improved on already existing presses ...

Who invented the electric light?

Pioneered in the early 19th century by Humphry Davy and his carbon arc lamp, electric lights developed throughout the 1800s thanks to the efforts of inventors like Warren de la Rue, Joseph Wilson Swan and Thomas Alva Edison.

What was the purpose of the compass?

The compass provided explorers with a reliable method for traversing the world’s oceans, a breakthrough that ignited the Age of Discovery and won Europe the wealth and power that later fueled the Industrial Revolution .

When was the transistor invented?

A replica of the first working transistor invented in 1947 by John Bardeen, Walter Brattain and William Shockley at Bell Laboratories. SSPL/Getty Images. A criminally under-appreciated innovation, the transistor is an essential component in nearly every modern electronic gadget.

Who invented the telegraph?

The Telegraph. pinterest-pin-it. Samuel Morse, inventor of the registrar electromagnetic telegraph, as well as two separate devices for sending and receiving messages. Prisma/UIG/Getty Images. The telegraph was the first in a long line of communications breakthroughs that later included radio, telephones and email.

How long did Cleopatra rule Egypt?

Cleopatra, one of the most famous female leaders of all time, ruled Egypt for almost 30 years and is one of the women who changed the world. It was no easy task. Her political, social and negotiation skills excelled both herself and Egypt amongst many internal and external battles in a male-dominated society.

Who is the smartest man in the world?

Leonardo da Vinci (1452 – 1519): Polymath – Italy. Leonardo da Vinci is a man of many numerous talents! Some say he is the smartest man to have ever lived. He gave us art, helped us understand human anatomy and foresaw the age of flight 400 years before it finally happened.

Who was Hugo Junkers?

Last year we welcomed over 95 nationalities to study with us in the UK! And we have the amazing visionary Hugo Junkers to thank for that! Hugo Junkers was a German aircraft engineer and designer who in his 50s, created the world’s first passenger aircraft.

Who is Ismail al-Jazari?

Ismail al-Jazari (1136 – 1206): Polymath – Turkey. Ismail al-Jazari is one of the people that changed the world for us. He was a genius. His book of mechanics, ‘A Compendium on the Theory and Useful Practice of the Mechanical Arts’ was groundbreaking in our history of technology and engineering.

Who was Napoleon Bonaparte?

Napoleon Bonaparte (1769 – 1821): Military and political leader – France. It’s debatable whether Napoleon is a hero or villain but regardless of your opinion on one of the world’s greatest military leaders of all time; he is certainly someone who has changed the world!

Who is Bruce Lee?

Bruce Lee is one of the most mesmerising cultural icons of this century, who has inspired many people around the world not just with his acting and incredible martial arts moves, but also his philosophical thoughts.

Who is Cristiano Ronaldo?

Cristiano Ronaldo (1985 – Present): Footballer – Portugal. Portugal has produced some excellent football players in its time but Cristiano Ronaldo is one of the world’s most famous and rich footballers to come out of the country.

What was the middle class in the Industrial Revolution?

It was an era when industrial growth created a class of wealthy entrepreneurs and a comfortable middle class supported by workers who were made up by immigrants and arrivals from America’s farms and small towns.

How has technology changed the world?

From the late 19th to early 20th centuries, cities grew, factories sprawled and people’s lives became regulated by the clock rather than the sun.

When were factories invented?

The first factories were built in the 18th century, with British textile mills that spread to the United States, a time known as the First Industrial Revolution. Then innovations in production line technology, materials science and industrial toolmaking made it easier to mass produce all kinds of goods that remade the American family and physical landscape.

What is the difference between the first and second industrial revolution?

While some historians quibble over the exact boundary between the First Industrial Revolution, that began in the mid-18th century, and the second, that started around the mid-19th century, a primary difference is that the second saw the beginning of mass production in manufacturing and consumer goods. pinterest-pin-it.

What happened to Jane Addams?

When social activist Jane Addams threw a Christmas party at the group home she had just founded in Chicago’s slums in 1889, she passed out candy to the impoverished girls who lived there. She was surprised when they refused.

How did rapid advances in the creation of steel, chemicals and electricity help fuel production?

Rapid advances in the creation of steel, chemicals and electricity helped fuel production, including mass-produced consumer goods and weapons. It became far easier to get around on trains, automobiles and bicycles. At the same time, ideas and news spread via newspapers, the radio and telegraph. Life got a whole lot faster.

What were the effects of the railroads on the West?

The iron chariots also changed the human and natural environment of the West, and of course led to conflicts with Native Americans who had lived there for generations.

What were the rules of dating in the 1960s?

As noted by, the 1960s were huge for women in America. In 1963, President John F. Kennedy signed the Equal Pay Act , which assured women that they would get paid the same as men for doing the same job.

How many women took the pill in 1962?

According to PBS, by 1962, 1.2 million American women were using the pill, and it wouldn't be long until even more women started using it. This brought about a sexual revolution and allowed women to be more in control of their bodies, forever changing the landscape of dating and premarital sex.

Is online dating a new concept?

In fact, the overall attitude towards dating apps has drastically shifted over the years, according to the Pew Research Center. That being said, dating apps, and even online dating in general, are relatively new concepts in the world of love and romance. With the rise of technology, the way that people meet each other and get to know each other has ...

What was the 1980s all about?

Dating was fun! It involved dancing, having adventures, breaking the rules, and even hooking up with no strings attached.

How has dating changed over time?

Dating has changed a lot over the course of history, and, while technology has certainly played a role in that, societal roles have also shifted and given way to more freedom, self-expression, and experimentation when it comes to getting to know a potential partner .

Did women have authority in Rome?

In ancient times, dating wasn't really even a thing. Believe it or not, back in ancient Rome, women didn't have a whole lot of authority over themselves or their lives. According to Psychology Today, women in ancient Rome "could not vote or assume public office, and upper class women in particular were largely confined to running the home." That said, there weren't a lot of sparks flying back in ancient times. "A woman married soon after puberty, and her highest duty, both to her husband and to Rome, was to bear a vigorous son who might one day follow in his father's estate," Psychology Today shared.

Is online dating still popular?

Finally, in the modern world, dating apps rule all. Internet dating is still popular, but dating apps like Tinder, Bumble, and Hinge are all the rage. Fortunately, all of the stigma surrounding online dating has pretty much vanished. According to the Pew Research Center, "nearly half of the public knows someone who uses online dating or who has met a spouse or partner via online dating — and attitudes toward online dating have grown progressively more positive." Additionally, dating app Tinder boasted over 57 million users in 2018 alone, so clearly meeting someone on your phone is the modern world's answer to falling in love — or at least finding a date .

Why did Louis Pasteur use heat?

In the 19th century, the French chemist discovered that heating up wine to a precise temperature for a certain amount of time could kill harmful bacteria without changing its flavor. The process was also used to eliminate harmful organisms in beer, vinegar, and eventually milk (once a common carrier of tuberculosis).

What happened in 1666?

London was already intimately familiar with tragedy when a fire swept through town in 1666. The bubonic plague had arrived in the city the year before and claimed the lives of 15 percent of its residents in one summer. After the Great Fire of London tore through 436 acres of real estate in a few days, the devastation had a surprising side effect: It cleansed the area of many of its flea-ridden rats which carried the disease. The epidemic faded away from London that same year.

How did fire help humans?

In addition to acting as a heat source, fire would have also allowed migrating humans to protect themselves from predators and extend the shelf life of their food supplies. 2. IT HELPED OUR BRAINS GROW. Never underestimate the importance of knowing how to cook.

Is it important to know how to cook?

Never underestimate the importance of knowing how to cook. Some scientists have argued that humans would have never developed the big brains that set us apart from other primates without this skill.

Who bought stability to both kingdoms that led to the unification of Spain as a nation?

The Queen of Castile and Leon who along with her husband Ferdinand II of Aragon bought stability to both kingdoms that lead to the unification of Spain as a nation.

What is Mahatma Gandhi's birthday?

He is known as the ‘Great Soul’ and is known as the Father of the Nation in India. Mahatma Gandhi’s birthday on 2nd October is celebrated as the International Day of Non-Violence.

Who is Martin Luther King Jr?

Martin Luther King Jr. An American clergyman, and the leader of the African-American civil rights movement. He is a human rights icon and recognized as a martyr by two Christian churches.
