how we spend our days of course

by Modesta Kassulke DVM 4 min read

How we spend our days is of course?

Annie Dillard, in her beautiful book The Writing Life, says, “How we spend our days is of course how we spend our lives. What we do with this hour and that one is what we are doing.”

How do you spend your day?

8 ways to make your day more meaningfulEstablish a morning ritual. You're more likely to get more out of your day if you start it off right. ... Plan your day. ... Practice a hobby or skill. ... Spend time with 'meaningful' people. ... Practice self-care. ... Do one thing at a time. ... Go outside. ... Treat your time like you treat your money.

How do you spend your day interview question?

Usually when asked about what is your daily routine question, try to explain how you basically start the day, how long you have been following this routine and what is your favourite activity in the routine and why. You should also explain what you do in your typical day to day life.

How I spend my day at home?

10 Ways to Spend Time at HomeJumpstart spring cleaning. Having a clean space can help you feel healthier and more productive. ... Learn a new skill. ... Try at-home workouts. ... Finish a pending book. ... Catch up on your favourite shows/series. ... Practice mediation and mindfulness. ... Have a spa day. ... Take an online class or tutorial.More items...•

How do you spend your day paragraph?

Today I got up at 7AM. Then I had showered and did the breakfast. After breakfast I went to bus stop and took the bus to went to the college. In college I took one and half hour long English class.

How do you spend your time?

If you need some inspiration on where to start, then are 12 productive ways to spend your free time.Volunteer and serve. ... Learn something new. ... Cultivate social connections. ... Take care of your health and wellbeing. ... Read — a lot. ... Journal. ... Have a hobby. ... Find an additional stream of income.More items...•

How do you spend your afternoon?

Top 10 tips to spend the best sunny afternoonRead a book at home. ... Be active! ... Relax in a park. ... Have a picnic. ... Cool off with the sprinklers. ... Try outdoor yoga. ... Garden. ... Visit an organic farm.More items...

What does it mean to spend the day?

1 to pay out (money, wealth, etc.) 2 tr to concentrate (time, effort, thought, etc.) upon an object, activity, etc. 3 tr to pass (time) in a specific way, activity, place, etc. 4 tr to use up completely.

He says, that just like glycogen, brain food for thinking, will power uses energy, food, and can be depleted

I don’t have to rely on will power, because about a year ago I started to reorganize my life to habitually do the things that serve me, and remove the opportunities for doing things that don’t serve me.

You could say that you live habitually. If your habits serve some purpose then you have a life that is moving towards the good life

If your habits aren’t designed, specifically and consciously to move you towards the good life, your life is not moving towards the good life.

And habits, well chosen, recharge your will power batteries

For example, I take a minimum of seven mini vacations a day. When I grind my hemp seeds, make my tea, at a leisurely pace, like someone who doesn’t have a care in the world. My 10-minute rests.

It is both an attitude, the HOW of my life, and the WHAT of my life

My life is a lot like music. A dance. It has rhythm, it has tempo, it has beauty in it. Not events… No cravings. No peak experiences.

What makes life seamless is the how and the who. The beingness

My beingness used to be very chunky, forceful, rigid. A place where Virgo meets ‘Forget Thyself’.

The course came with a set of habit-forming exercises, in a booklet, the 90 day Wealth Conditioning Program

I did everything in it, every day. It took me maybe 20 minutes a day? Not more.

Habits are the things that form your life

I can observe you and know what your life is. I don’t even have to see you because I can feel you.
