how to write a recommendation report for a course

by Dr. Giovanny Zulauf DDS 9 min read

Here is how you can efficiently come up with a recommendation report introduction:

  1. Ensure that you are aware of the problem that is currently existing. ...
  2. Create a document section that provides details regarding the purpose of the document. ...
  3. Specifically, mention all the items that you will compare. Doing this can help the stakeholders or decision-makers have an image of the things that they will compare from one ...
  4. Wrap-up your introduction by ensuring that you will be objective with the review that you will create and that your recommendation is based on facts and actual data. ...

You can write a recommendation report with the following steps:
  1. Choose a topic. ...
  2. Collect research. ...
  3. Write your executive summary. ...
  4. Write your problem statement. ...
  5. Write your solution paragraphs. ...
  6. Include your evaluation criteria. ...
  7. Discuss your final recommendation. ...
  8. Compile your works cited.
Jul 13, 2021

How do you write a good report?

  • Lower interest rate than other forms of debt
  • Affordable way to access home equity
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  • Stable, fixed monthly payment

How do you write a personal letter of recommendation?

Your letter of recommendation should include five items:

  • A brief introduction that states who you are, your relationship to the applicant and your personal experience or expertise.
  • An overview of the applicant’s strengths as you’ve experienced them and as they relate to the recipient.
  • A personal story that elaborates on one to two traits the applicant possesses.

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How to request someone to write a letter of recommendation?

How to request a letter of recommendation

  1. Choose who you want to write your letters. The most effective recommendation will come from someone who knows you well and can speak to your character on a personal ...
  2. Prepare a resume or brag sheet. One of the best ways to get a strong recommendation is to make it easy for the person doing the writing to highlight ...
  3. Ask in person first. ...

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How to write an excellent information report?


  • Assume your readers are not as knowledgeable on the topic as you are. ...
  • Use the correct scientific and technical terms in your report.
  • Find or create some labelled diagrams if possible.
  • Use paragraphs effectively. ...
  • Information reports are always written in present tense and from a third person perspective.

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What are the four steps for creating a recommendation report?

Steps to Take in Writing a Recommendation ReportSelecting a Format. A comprehensive recommendation report typically includes a table of contents, executive summary, data acquisition methodology, options and conclusions. ... Describing the Situation. ... Conducting Research. ... Qualifying Alternatives. ... Summarizing Findings.

What sections are typically included in a recommendation report?

What sections are typically included in a recommendation report?Executive Summary. ... Problem Statement. ... Description of Options. ... Evaluation Criteria & Evaluations of Each Option. ... Final Recommendation. ... Conclusion. ... Works Cited.

How do you start a recommendation paragraph?

How do I write a personal recommendation letter?Always start with the date.State who you are recommending and what you are recommending them for.Describe how long you know the person and in what capacity.State their best qualities.Give details about the person's character, morals, and values.

What is a formal recommendation report?

Recommendation reports are texts that advise audiences about the best ways to solve a problem. Recommendation reports are a type of formal report that is widely used across disciplines and professions. Subject Matter Experts aim to make recommendations based on the best available theory, research and practice.

How do you write a recommendation sample?

Dear [First and Last Name], It's my absolute pleasure to recommend [Name] for [position] with [Company]. [Name] and I [relationship] at [Company] for [length of time]. I thoroughly enjoyed my time working with [Name], and came to know [him/her/them] as a truly valuable asset to our team.

How do you write a recommendation?

Keep these tips in mind to make sure you're presenting the person who has asked you to recommend them in a positive light.Consider the Request Thoughtfully. ... Clarify the Purpose. ... Get the Details. ... Verify Relevant Skills. ... Cover Key Traits. ... Keep It Simple. ... Be Sincere and Truthful. ... Proofread Carefully.More items...

What is recommendation and example?

The definition of a recommendation is something advised or suggested. An example of a recommendation is a book that a teacher suggests his students read over the summer. noun.

How do you write a good conclusion and recommendation?

be written to relate directly to the aims of the project as stated in the Introduction. indicate the extent to which the aims have been achieved. summarise the key findings, outcomes or information in your report. acknowledge limitations and make recommendations for future work (where applicable)

How long should a recommendation letter be?

two pagesThe length and submission of a recommendation letter The recommendation letter should be no more than two pages in length. Although a recommendation letter is more about quality than quantity, a letter containing only a few sentences is not recommended.

How do you end a recommendation in a report?

Interpret and summarize the findings. Tell what your findings (collected data) mean.Relate the conclusions to the research questions. Focus only on conclusions that help solve the original challenge.Justify the conclusions with highlights from the findings.

What is a formal report example?

A formal report is an official report that contains detailed information, research, and data necessary to make business decisions. Some examples are annual reports, expense reports, incident reports, and even safety reports.

How do I write a recommendation essay?

Consider yourself an academic reference giving a scholarly recommendation if you have had her in several relevant classes or labs. Write two to three paragraphs explaining the applicant's strengths. Focus on qualities that demonstrate his distinctiveness and match the requirements of the program or job.

1. What is a Recommendation Report?

A recommendation report is a paper that compares two or more products/solutions and makes a recommendation of which is the best option that needs t...

2. What is the use of a Recommendation Report?

A recommendation report usually proposes a solution to a problem, assesses all possible solutions and recommends the best one. Before recommending...

3. What should be included in a Recommendation Report?

Include the following in your recommendation report: Title page of the report The name of the client for whom the report is being written and also,...

4. How do you write a good Recommendation Report?

Writing a good recommendation report involves describing a situation, evaluating all possible alternatives and proposing the right solution to the...

5. What is the basic outline of a Recommendation Report?

The basic outline of a recommendation report is as follows: Must be written to relate directly to the aims of the project stated Should indicate th...

How to create a body of recommendation report?

Here is how you can create the body of the recommendation reports: 1. For your report to be maximized, provide details that can support the purpose of the recommendation. 2. Create a background that specifically identifies the positive and negative impacts of certain decisions.

Why use a recommendation report?

A recommendation report is a great decision-making material or tool which can be used in different circumstances. If you are unaware of what recommendation reports are, then it may be hard for you to believe that it truly works.

Why is the introduction of a recommendation report important?

The introduction of your recommendation report is very important as it gives an idea of the purpose of the document and a preview of the discussion that the stakeholders can expect from your writing. Here is how you can efficiently come up with a recommendation report introduction: 1.

What is a recommendation report?

A recommendation report is a paper that compares two or more products or solutions and makes a recommendation about which is the best option. Because the purpose of the report is to recommend a course of action, it is called a recommendation report. Let's follow Luis as he researches and writes his recommendation report.

What is Luis' recommendation?

Recommendation. By now, Luis' recommendation is probably pretty clear. After all, he's already outlined which computers are better in each category, as well was summed up the conclusions about the computers that he's come to. But in the recommendation section, he'll explicitly say which computer he recommends choosing.

What is a recommendation report?

A recommendation report is a useful professional tool that allows you to discuss potential solutions to a problem while also recommending the solution you think is most effective. By including supporting information for each solution, you can help readers make high impact decisions that may affect teams or organizations.

Why do organizations use recommendation reports?

Additionally, many organizations use recommendation reports to share background information and solution recommendations with investors or shareholders. A recommendation report may also function as one part of the project planning process if solving a problem or challenge is an early stage in the project.

What is a feasibility report?

A recommendation report, also referred to as a feasibility report, is a document that discusses multiple solutions to a problem before then making a recommendation on which solution to choose. Recommendation reports are both informative and persuasive documents, and they direct the reader to come to a certain conclusion regarding ...

What Is a Recommendation Report?

A recommendation report is created to offer or recommend solutions to an issue or to meet a requirement. The report’s objective is to assess choices, make a recommendation, and back up that suggestion. While money is always a factor, there are other factors to consider as well.

Benefits of Writing a Report

Reports are one of the most significant vehicles for organizational communication, and they give invaluable assistance to management tasks. The information presented or recommendations made in words make critical business, industry, and government choices.

Types of Business Reports

Each firm and business report must transmit a great deal of information. Corporation reports are the formal means to share a piece of data within a business. The data may consist of facts and figures or a comprehensive study of any circumstance.

How To Write a Recommendation Report

Typically, writing a recommendation report includes explaining a situation, analyzing various solutions, and recommending a remedy to a problem. The final report should include conclusions and recommendations that are detailed, precise, and evidence-based.

What is the purpose of a recommendation after a report?

Although they serve distinct objectives, recommendations are frequently provided after a report. Whereas a conclusion allows you to summarize or examine the report’s essential points, recommendations indicate actions that should be made in response to the report’s findings.

How is a reference report defined?

A reference informs readers about the source in sufficient detail to understand its source, and typically, references are given after the lab report.

What to consider when writing a recommendation report?

Factors to Consider When Writing Your Recommendation Report. First, you have to consider your target audience. They are the ones who will highly influence the contents written in your recommendation report. Second is your headings and subheadings.

How to make a recommendation report more effective?

You should also have a strong content to make your report more effective. Ensure that you maintain a logical flow over the information. Most of all, you have to make your report as clear and as informative as possible . Make your recommendation report neat and effective.

What is a recommendation?

From the word itself “recommendation”, it is a statement that suggests what would be good or what is suitable for something. You have to make a lot of persuasion to convince your readers that is the best thing that you should do. It may help you improve a system, develop something new or change the previous idea into something better ...

Required Content: Report Body

Note: your specific rhetorical context will determine what headings you use in your Recommendation Report. That said, the following sections are fairly typical for this genre, and they are required, as appropriate, for this assignment.

Required content: Report back matter

Collect material for the appendices as you go. The report back matter will include:

Required features: Formatting and design

Page layout: Appropriate to audience, purpose, and context. 8.5 x 11 with 1-inch margins is a fail-safe default.


This letter is a positive statement of your opinion after you have studied the options.

Example Sentences for Step 1

Subject: Recommendation that we close our Springfield Branch After studying several competing models, I am pleased to recommend the purchase of the Q500 compressor. Our committee has voted unanimously to recommend the introduction of a second course of study.

Example Phrases for Step 1

after careful study after a thorough review we are pleased to report that as we discussed previously can expect impressive results can best solve the problem by I can recommend that enthusiastically recommend that we have developed a strategy to have no hesitation in recommending have asked for this change have voted unanimously is clearly superior to justifies our canceling this on a restricted basis our goal of recommend the introduction of should follow through with take action immediately to the problems can be solved by the best way to curb the problem is this official recommendation will this will eliminate to meet the challenges of will advance us towards will meet our needs I would heartily recommend.

Example Sentences for Step 2

I believe these benefits outweigh any objections that could be raised. This compressor is quieter, more fuel efficient, has a longer maintenance interval, and is manufactured by American union workers.

Example Sentences for Step 3

In short, buying the Q500 compressor makes good business sense. I am sold on the Q500 compressor and trust its purchase will be approved. Since this new opportunity brings so many benefits to the company, I hope it will be approved. For these reasons I recommend that we incorporate the committee's suggestion.
