how to write a petition for course substitution

by Javier Hane 8 min read

Substitute this course: (prefix, number, title) Credits For the following required course: (prefix, number, title) Credits Course taken at: (name of institution) Attach documentation to support the petition for course substitution (e.g. course description or syllabus). COURSE WAIVER

Full Answer

How do you write a class petition?

Write an article or two of the reasons for the request; add a statement why the petition audience needs the petition. Give your signers a reason to sign your petition. Show them a proposed action for the appeal. You should make someone who has no clue of your goal, to understand the petition.

How do you ask for a substitution course?

Fill out the form from the registrar or department office The first official step to take when figuring out how to request a course substitution or course waiver in college is to go to the college registrar or department for your major and locate the course substitution/course waiver form.

How do I write a petition letter for dropping a course?

Ask to be allowed to drop after the normal drop date. Explain the circumstances forcing you to make this request. Include a statement that it's your goal to return to school as soon as possible. This can demonstrate that you're serious about your education and that this will, hopefully, be only a temporary set back.

What does petitioning a course mean?

Repeating a course for grade point credit. Counting a course as non-repetitious for subject, unit and grade point credit. Extending time for removal of an Incomplete.

How does course substitution work?

Once a course is identified as a substitute for another course, its former identity no longer exists. The course substitution process changes the course identity to that of a new course.

How do you ask a professor to waive a prerequisite?

Students would need to follow several steps: They would have to tell the instructor of the prerequisite course that you believe you don't need to take the course because of x,y,z OR tell academic affairs (or the equivalent) and they will contact the instructor for you or give you their contact info.

What are examples of petition?

We presented a petition to the legislature to change the law. She filed a petition for divorce. We ask you to hear our petition. Verb The organization petitioned the government to investigate the issue.

How do I write a petition letter?

Writing a good petitionState clearly what change you want to make. Make this realistic and concrete. ... Direct the demand to the right people. ... Include accurate information and evidence. ... Make sure it is a clear record of people's opinion. ... Write clearly. ... Get your timing right. ... Get your petition to the right place.

What is a serious and compelling reason to drop a class?

Serious and Compelling Reasons An extended absence due to a death in the immediate family. This applies to absences exceeding a week due to family affairs that must be attended to by the student. A necessary change in employment status which interferes with the student's ability to attend class.

What does petition mean in college?

A student may petition (in writing) to request an exception to the Academic regulations and policies.

Can a petition be withdrawn?

While the withdrawal of a writ petition filed in High Court without permission to file a fresh writ petition may not bar other remedies like a suit or a petition under Art. 32 of the Constitution since such withdrawal does not amount to res judicata, the remedy under Art.

What does withdraw with petition mean?

Updated 12/07/2021 11:40 AM. A withdrawal petition drops a course from your schedule, but you are still financially responsible for the course. (You may petition to withdraw with a “W” or to suppress the “W” from your transcript, depending on your circumstances.)