how to withdraw from a course deakin university

by Milford Daniel 10 min read

To discontinue your course:

  • read the instructions carefully on the Intermit or discontinue webpage
  • go to StudentConnect and submit your request to discontinue.

How to apply. If you do decide to discontinue your studies at Deakin, you should apply online through StudentConnect (under the Enrolment heading in the left hand menu). Allow up to 10 days after for processing and you will be emailed confirmation of withdrawal.Dec 7, 2021

Full Answer

How do I withdraw from a course or unit?

Intermitting your course is effectively withdrawing from each unit you are enrolled in for a particular trimester or year. If you are thinking about intermitting your course, you should check the withdrawal dates, academic penalties and fees and make sure you do it before census date. Domestic students withdrawal dates and refund amounts

How do I discontinue my studies at Deakin University?

From 20 January 2022 to 6 June 2022. From 7 June 2022. Start Anytime 12 month study period withdrawal dates. Study period. Date to withdraw by to receive 100% refund and Withdrawn Early (WE) No refund and Withdrawn Late (WL) No refund and Withdrawn Fail (WN) Study period 12M 3. Up to 22 May 2021.

What is Deakin's tuition fee refund policy?

If you decide that you definitely wish to discontinue, you can apply to do so through StudentConnect. You cannot discontinue verbally or over the phone. To discontinue your course: read the instructions carefully on the Intermit or discontinue webpage. go to StudentConnect and submit your request to discontinue.

What happens if I withdraw or discontinue my course?

50% refund, if you withdraw between the start of the third week and the census date. If you have paid less than 100% of your total assessed tuition fees, Deakin will retain 50% of your total assessed tuition fees and you will be eligible for a refund of any remaining credit balance. no refund is available if you withdraw after census date.

Can I withdraw from a unit Deakin?

If you wish to discontinue from a unit or your course, you can apply to discontinue through StudentConnect. It is important to know, you cannot discontinue verbally in-person or over the phone.Feb 22, 2022

How do I withdraw from a unit at Deakin college?

Students who wish to withdraw from a course must go to Deakin College Reception for an appointment with Student Services to complete the Withdrawal form. Withdrawals will not be processed unless a form has been completed.

Can I withdraw from my uni course?

1. Speak to your uni or college first. Your student finance advisor can give you advice. If you still want to leave your course early, your university will record some details, including the date you left.Oct 15, 2021

When can I withdraw unit Deakin?

Census date is the last day you can withdraw from a unit, intermit or discontinue your course. If you withdraw by the census date it means that the units from that study period won't appear on your academic transcript and you may not be fully liable for the fees.Mar 22, 2019

Can I change my units Deakin?

If you want to change your enrolment in any trimester of study, vary your enrolment online in StudentConnect. It is important to know, you cannot drop a unit verbally, either in-person or over the phone. When your unit changes has been saved in StudentConnect, you'll see a receipt on screen.Jan 20, 2022

Can I overload at Deakin?

Overloading is the enrolment in more credit points in a study period than would normally be permitted in a full-time study load. Overloading by adding a fifth credit point (one additional credit point only) to a study period is permitted only if a number of conditions are met.Jun 14, 2021

What happens if I withdraw from my course?

If you withdraw from your course you will be charged what is owed on the date you withdraw. For example, if you withdraw between the second and third dates you will be charged 50% of your fees (25% + 25%). The Student Loans Company will normally pay what you owe.

What do I do if I drop out of uni?

Here are ten things you can do to rebound faster and get your life back on track:Breathe.Take stock of what you've learned. Even if you didn't graduate, your time at university gave you a bunch of skills. ... Hit the road. ... Learn a language. ... Learn anything! ... Dust off an old hobby. ... Start a small business. ... Volunteer.Feb 20, 2020

Can I change my course after first semester?

Yes it`s possible in most of the colleges. Generally the allocation of seats i.e to change to any particular branch is done on basis of merit list on the score of your first year performance.

What happens if I withdraw from a unit Deakin?

If you withdraw from a unit, prior to census date, and remain enrolled in a full time study load no penalty will apply. Total assessed tuition fees = this is the full amount of all tuition fees for the applicable period and does not include any scholarship or bursary payment.Apr 5, 2021

What happens when you fail a unit Deakin?

If you have failed a unit or units, a Student Adviser at Student Central can help. They can sit down with you, give you advice and look at your course rules to get you on the right path.Aug 11, 2020

How long can you defer uni for Deakin?

two yearsIf you need to, you can postpone starting your course at Deakin. This is called deferring – and it allows you to keep your place at university for up to two years for domestic students, or one year for international students.

Refunds and withdrawal dates for continuing students

If you are a continuing international student (not in your first study period) and have withdrawn, your refund will be determined by the amount you paid and the total of your assessed fees for the applicable period. If you have paid 100% of your total assessed tuition fees you will be eligible for a:

Before withdrawing from a unit seek advice

If you withdraw from a unit or discontinue your course, you may become liable for fees and/or an academic penalty, depending on the date you withdraw or change your enrolment.

What is overloading credit?

Overloading is the enrolment in more credit points in a study period than would normally be permitted in a full-time study load. You can find further information, the criteria required and application form at Request to overload in a study period.

Can you waive a prerequisite?

Waive a prerequisite or corequisite. If you wish to undertake a unit without having completed the prerequisite or corequisite unit, you may request to waiver the unit. Find out more about the criteria required to be considered for a waiver and then complete the Request to waive prerequisite or corequisite form.

How long can you defer your studies at Deakin University?

The length of time you can defer for varies according to the institution but Deakin University, for example, enables you to defer your studies for up to two years ...

How many offers can you get in a round?

In any given offer round you can receive a maximum of one offer. This will be made for the highest course on your preference list for which you meet all selection criteria. So, if you meet all selection criteria for your first preference, you will receive an offer for your first preference.

Can you decline an offer?

But, you should only decline your offer if you are sure you wouldn’t undertake the course even if you don’t receive any other offers.

How to withdraw from a course?

How to withdraw from your course 1 Go to the Course Withdrawal page in my.unimelb. 2 Fill out the form. 3 Click Save. 4 You will be taken to a confirmation screen. Click Confirm. 5 You will be taken to a success screen. 6 To upload supporting documentation, click View Application/Manage attachments. 7 Use the file uploader to upload supporting documentation.

How long can you take leave of absence?

You may apply to take a leave of absence for up to one year, subject to approval.

Leave of absence

If you need time to deal with things at home, need to work full-time, are starting a family or simply want a break from your studies then you should consider applying for a leave of absence.

Thinking of cancelling

If you're thinking about cancelling your enrolment, have a look at our options to give you a break from study.

Withdraw from a subject

If you need to withdraw from a subject after the Census Date but before grades are released for the session, you can apply for Special Consideration.

Course changes and transfers

Sometimes plans go a different way, industries change or you change your mind. Use this page to learn more about how to make slight changes to your current degree or change to another course.