how to withdraw from a byu online course

by Pablo Morissette 7 min read

How do I withdraw from BYU Idaho?

  • Log in to your my. byui .edu account. (.
  • Select the blue “Student” tab.
  • Scroll down to “Add/ Drop Courses” or click on “Registration” in the gray bars on the left side of the page.
  • Scroll down to the list of courses you are registered for and click the drop box next to the course you want to drop.

You can withdraw from our program by contacting us at 1-855-381-2621 (toll-free) or 801-422-8122 (local). You may also send us an e-mail at [email protected]. If you need to withdraw from a course, you may do so at any time as long as you have not requested the final exam or completed the course.

Full Answer

What happens if I drop out of my BYU program?

Dropping ALL classes. You will no longer be enrolled for current semester. (If you are only enrolled in one course and need to withdraw from that course, it is a discontinuance.) How do I do it? After the add/drop deadline, withdraw online through MyMAP. After the add/drop deadline, you must submit the online discontinuance form. When is the deadline?

Do you have to reapply for BYU if you withdraw?

If you no longer want to be in a class, you will need to officially remove yourself by dropping the class online. You can do this at no cost until the add/drop deadline. Dropping ALL Classes. If you do not take classes for credit for one semester, you will be taking a leave of absence. You cannot take a leave of absence the first semester you’re admitted.

How do I withdraw or discontinuance a course?

You can withdraw from your course by (1) logging in at with your BYU Net ID and password, (2) selecting your course from the list of your current registrations, and (3) selecting Withdraw under Edit Enrollment.

When is the deadline to withdraw from a course?

Dropping all classes from your schedule before the "withdrawal" deadline will result in you being withdrawn from BYU-I. You will not be allowed to withdraw after the deadline and will receive the grades earned in your courses. Before withdrawing from BYU-I please consider the following: If you only need one semester off from your assigned track ...

How do I withdraw from BYU online?

You can withdraw from your course by (1) logging in at with your BYU Net ID and password, (2) selecting your course from the list of your current registrations, and (3) selecting Withdraw under Edit Enrollment.

How do I withdraw from a BYU course?

If you no longer want to be in a class, you will need to officially remove yourself by dropping the class online. You can do this at no cost until the add/drop deadline.

Does withdrawing from a class affect GPA?

“A withdrawal will be on the transcripts but does not affect GPA.” Croskey also noted that there aren't any limits to how many classes one can drop because they don't go on the transcript. Withdrawals though are limited and can look bad if there are too many on a student's transcript.

How do I completely withdraw from BYUI?

If you are not currently registered for courses and wish to permanently withdraw from the University, please contact the Admissions Office to officially withdraw you from the University.Jan 8, 2021

Can you take a semester off at BYU?

Leave of Absence An undergraduate student cannot miss an entire academic year and continue at BYU without reapplying. As long as you attend (see definitions below) at least one semester or term within an academic year, you will maintain continuing status and registration eligibility for the next academic year.

What is the discontinuance deadline BYU?

Nov 23, 2021 Mar 30, 2022Current 2021-2022 Academic YearFALL 2021WINTER 2022Term 2 Add/DropOct 27, 2021Mar 3, 2022WithdrawNov 8, 2021Mar 15, 2022Term 2 WithdrawNov 23, 2021Mar 30, 2022DiscontinuanceNov 23, 2021Mar 30, 20227 more rows

Is it better to withdraw or drop a class?

It does not affect the student's GPA (grade point average). Although students may be reluctant to have a “W” on their transcript, sometimes “W” stands for Wisdom. Withdrawing from one class may make success in other classes manageable and allow your student to end the semester with a strong GPA.

What are the consequences of withdrawing from a course?

Sadly, in academia, there's also the word “Withdraw.” Withdrawing means you drop a class after the allowed add/drop period ends. You won't receive a grade for the class, but a “W” will show up on your transcript, indicating that you were not doing well in the course and essentially quit the class.May 2, 2020

What are good reasons to withdraw from a class?

There are various reasons to consider dropping a class, some of which include:Over-enrolled in courses: Maybe you just took on too much too soon. ... Not a good fit: ... Don't think you can get a passing grade: ... Class is too easy and want to advance faster: ... Your interests or decisions about the future changed:

Does withdrawal affect scholarship?

In general, withdrawing from one class (as long as you have been attending the class) during a semester won't affect scholarship aid you've already received, but may impact your eligibility during future semesters.

What does UW mean in grades?

A "UW" indicates an unofficial withdrawal. Students who register for courses but do not attend classes are given the grade of "UW" which will influence the GPA in the same way as an "F" grade.Sep 3, 2020

Officially Withdrawing from BYU-Idaho

If you are considering withdrawing from BYU-Idaho, please be aware of the following:

Current Online Students

If you have met the deadline for dropping individual courses, see How to Withdraw from Class.

Recently Admitted Students (Not Yet Attended BYU-Idaho)

Will Attend After Mission: If you plan on attending BYU-Idaho directly after your mission, please fill out a Missionary Deferment Request. This allows you to start classes on the next track assignment following your mission without the need to re-apply to BYU-Idaho.

How do I register with ALEKS Math Exam & Basic Writing Exam scores?

The ALEKS Math Exam can fulfill pre-requisite requirements for MATH 108X. The exam scores are first sent to the Math Department, after which Student Records and Registration enters the score to your student account.

What do I do if I accidentally dropped my courses?

If you accidentally dropped your courses, please fill out the Reinstate Course Request Form. If a course is dropped past 24 hours you need instructor approval. You will not be added back into the course for the following reasons:

How do I add more than one religion course in a semester?

Students who wish to take two religion courses in a given semester may attempt to do so on the first day of the class (or block) if there is available seating. Students can then add the course to their schedules or, if necessary, meet with the instructor of that class to receive any needed authorization (s).

What is the policy on auditing a course?

To audit a course you will fill out the Audit Request Form. This form is sent to the Registration Office where they will process your request. You may need to log into your BYU-Idaho email to complete the form.

What are Authorizations?

Campus instructors have the ability to grant authorizations. There are four authorizations:

What do I do if I cannot find a specific course?

If you are having difficulties finding a course, please go to the How to Register page first to verify you are searching correctly. If there are no results it is possible that the course code has changed, or it is not being offered that semester. Please contact the associated department to answer questions about course availability.

What is the Credit Limit per semester?

Students may not register for more than 21 credit hours in a term (or more than 10 credit hours in a Block) without obtaining permission from the Registration Office. Students must demonstrate a successful academic history to qualify.
