how to use the kodansha kanji learner's course

by Yasmine Schmidt 4 min read

The course assumes that you will begin with the first entry and study the kanji in the assigned sequence. If you have studied kanji before, be sure to read through the mnemonic annotations from the beginning, in order to lay the groundwork for learning and remembering the challenging kanji introduced later on.

  1. Look at the character, CAREFULLY (differences may be more minor than you think)
  2. Read the basic meaning.
  3. Read the note on how to easily remember the kanji's meaning.
  4. Scribble down the character five-ten times (maybe more if it's one that's hard to remember)
  5. Read the compounds.

Full Answer

Why kodansh Kanji Learner’s course?

The Kodansh Kanji Learner’s Course also includes an additional 164 kanji that are useful, but not designated in this official list. The reasoning behind this is that if you know all 2300 of these (I mean genuinely know them) you will have the ability to read just about any newspaper, magazine, etc. here in Japan.

How do I learn kanji?

With the KLC method, you will learn kanji in the context of extensive reading. Be prepared to spend at least half your time on reading exercises. Set your goal as learning to read, not “finishing” the kanji.

What is its self-guiding kanji curriculum?

Its self-guiding, self-reinforcing curriculum allows you to acquire a native-like understanding of kanji meanings, a vast kanji-based vocabulary, and the capacity to read a diverse range of authentic Japanese texts.

Why use the example words in the kanji section?

The example words are strategically selected to use kanji previously covered in the book, which helps reinforce what you have studied.

Is the Kodansha Kanji Learner's course good?

The Kodansha Kanji Learner's Course is an innovative and highly effective system for learning and remembering kanji, or Sino-Japanese characters. The book contains 2,300 character entries, including all 2,136 Joyo Kanji ("regular-use kanji") plus 164 of the most useful non¬–Joyo Kanji.

How do you use context in kanji?

0:515:58Learn Japanese! "Kanji in Context" Book Review - YouTubeYouTubeStart of suggested clipEnd of suggested clipIf you have mastered these kanji then you should be able to make effective use of the reference bookMoreIf you have mastered these kanji then you should be able to make effective use of the reference book and the workbooks together. And I completely agree this is not for beginners.

Is Kanji in context Good?

Kanji in Context is a wonderful resource for ambitious learners who want to take their kanji study to the next level. Whether you're an intermediate learner looking for a way to break into more advanced material, or a veteran learner preparing for the JLPT N1, Kanji in Context will have something for you.

How many kanji are there in kanji in context?

2136 kanjiThe Kanji in Context Reference Book contains all 2136 kanji covered in the Kanji in Context series along with their readings and useful vocabulary. It also contains an on-kun index, a form index, a stroke index, and a vocabulary index.

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What is kanji course?

The kanji course is set up in a way that's simple & logical for even the newest of newbie kanji students. Grouping like symbols together, clearly showing stroke order, and keeping explanations only as long as they need to be, helps reduce kanji overwhelm . You get a clearer understanding of a complex subject from page one.

What is a kodansha?

WHO KODANSHA IS FOR 1 The Japanese student who doesn’t have a teacher for whatever reason (scheduling, money, or just lazy arseness (i.e.-me)). 2 Those of you you enjoy simplicity.#N#The Kanji Learner’s Course gets right into it: here are the characters, here’s what they mean, and here’s how you read them. 3 Open-Minded Students#N#Some times it takes little bit of creativity to grasp or understand some of the creative mnemonics that com up throughout the book. 4 LEVEL: Upper beginner to advanced-level Japanese students

Is kanji only for learning?

Keep in mind that kanji is only aspect of learning Japanese. While I think having functional understanding of kanji does reflect, to some degree, your knowledge of the Japanese language, being able to speak and understand do, too.

How to learn kanji?

With the KLC method, you will learn kanji in the context of extensive reading. Be prepared to spend at least half your time on reading exercises. Set your goal as learning to read, not “finishing” the kanji. Start your day’s routine by using the KKLC, the GRS, and the Green Book to review recently learned material.

Why do we use KLC sequence?

The KLC sequence deliberately groups related kanji together, so that you can attach significance to their contrastive features as you learn them. This saves you from learning kanji in a way that fails once you encounter confusingly similar kanji at a more advanced stage of study. This problem of differentiating similar kanji plagues those who learn kanji in a less comprehensively planned sequence.

Can you memorize kanji?

Except for such regular on-yomi groups, do not trouble yourself to memorize the readings of individual kanji. Instead, memorize the readings of words. Note that by learning a kanji’s kun-yomi words, you will memorize its kun-yomi (readings) automatically.

Should I make a flash card for KLC?

When NOT to make any flash cards: Provided that after one review pass you can remember a kanji’s general meaning and 1-2 of its vocabulary words, you should almost never bother to make a flash card for KLC material. This is because most of the important kanji and vocabulary will come up repeatedly later.

How many characters are in a self-guiding curriculum?

A self-guiding, self-reinforcing curriculum. The course arranges all the information needed to master 2,300 characters into a streamlined, self-guiding, and mnemonically self-reinforcing curriculum.

What is mnemonic aid?

An unparalleled system of mnemonic aids. Each entry contains an original mnemonic aid that is carefully designed to help learners remember the character’s core meanings. Mnemonic aids pay special attention to helping learners immediately recognize each kanji and distinguish it from similar ones. 4.

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