how to use the alfred's premier piano course

by Valerie Stark 3 min read

Part of a video titled Alfred's Premier Piano Course, Lesson Book, 2A - YouTube
New dynamic markings new tempo markings the pedal sign and the interval of the sixth. As in all theMoreNew dynamic markings new tempo markings the pedal sign and the interval of the sixth. As in all the lesson books were also constantly reinforcing concepts used in previous levels.

What is Alfred’s Basic Piano Library?

The Parent Pages in Alfred's Premier Piano Course At-Home Books give various ideas for specific activities that can be done on each page of the Lesson Book. While these were written for parents to use at home with their child during practice periods between each lesson, they work equally well for teachers to use in the lesson.

What makes premier piano course so special?

Aug 06, 2009 · Alfred’s Premier Piano Course. When you hear the words Alfred Method, if you think of the old Alfred Basic Piano Library, then you need to read my blog today about the newer Alfred piano method called Alfred’s Premier Piano Course. With music beautifully written by the wonderful composers Dennis Alexander and Martha Mier, this is a modern method for today’s …

How do I switch between Alfred's basic and prep course?

Alfred's Premier Piano Course is a fun, inspiring, and pedagogically sound piano method for children. Besides the well-paced lessons, tasteful and colorful artwork, and wide variety of instruction (playing, writing, sight-reading, technique), it offers a unique combination of guidance and support for the student, teacher and parent.

What is the best book to learn piano?

The book features note reading, rhythm reading, sight-reading and technical workouts. While most teachers find CD recordings very useful at the lesson and for home practice, others prefer not to use the CDs. To accommodate all teachers, this version of Premier Piano Course Lesson Book 1A does not have a CD included.

Who wrote Alfred's piano course?

The uncredited music in Alfred's Premier Piano Course was written by Dennis Alexander and Martha Mier. All music by other composers/arrangers has been noted in the books next to each piece.

What are flash cards in music?

Music Cards include symbols, note identification, rhythm patterns, and keyboard layout. Sight-Reading Cards contain short playing examples. The Flash Cards can be used both in the lesson and at home with parents. (Answers to the questions are given on back of card.). >> Back to Top.

What are intermediate levels?

The Intermediate Levels are 3, 4, 5 and 6. The intermediate levels will not have Flash Cards or an At-Home Book, however there is an Assignment Book with many of the same features as the At-Home Book, useful for students at any level. The Lesson Books are available with or without CD, and all Performance Books have CDs included with the book ...

How many minutes should a child practice a day?

Don't automatically assume that the child should practice one hour a day. Several short practice periods are usually more successful for younger students than one longer session. Beginners often start with 15 minutes of practice a day, gradually increasing to 30 minutes by the end of the year.

Product Details

Beautifully presented and intelligently paced, the Lesson Book combines unusually attractive music and lyrics. The book features note reading, rhythm reading, sight-reading and technical workouts. While most teachers find CD recordings very useful at the lesson and for home practice, others prefer not to use the CDs.

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By Dennis Alexander, Gayle Kowalchyk, E. L. Lancaster, Victoria McArthur...

A Piano Course for Beginners

Supplementary Instructional Books: Composition, Ear Training, Flash Cards 1A & 1B, Notespeller, Sight-Reading


This was the first book published in Alfred’s Basic Piano Library, and it remains the most popular. It provides a quick way to learn to read music by recognizing intervals of 2nds, 3rds, 4ths, and 5ths.

Outline of Concepts in Lesson Book 1A

Introduction to Playing (Pages 3–5)#N#Students learn how to sit at the piano, how to hold their hands, and about finger numbers. They are introduced to the concept of loud and soft tones by using more or less weight on the keys.

How Does the Basic Course Interact with the Prep Course?

After a student completes Alfred’s Basic Course, Level 1A, if the teacher feels the student would benefit from a slower approach, a smooth switch can be made to Alfred's Prep Course, Level C.
