how to usd utm on autocad course

by Myrtis Kuvalis 9 min read

In Task pane, Map Explorer tab, right click Current Query =>Define=>LOCATION Button=>All=>OK Click PROPERTY Button=>Layer=>Values Button You will now perform the Query. Select ALL the layers that you want to bring to your new UTM drawing.

Full Answer

How to query for utm84-10n in AutoCAD?

Back in Define Query of Attached Drawing dialog window, in the Query Mode section, switch from Preview to Draw. Complete your query by clicking Execute Query button. You have just performed the query. This NEW drawing is now in UTM84-10N. Zoom extents to see you line work.

How do I use UTM coordinates?

UTM coordinates are mapping coordinates, but you can easily use them as plane coordinates. There is also Local Scale Factor to worry about, if you want to be accurate. If you know what Zone you are in, then the coordinates pinpoint you in the world. I would have thought for your purpose, just enter the numbers (carefully).

How do I select multiple layers in UTM drawing?

Select ALL the layers that you want to bring to your new UTM drawing. You may use shift+mouse or Ctrl+mouse to select multiple layers.

How to create a utm84 zone 10 map?

Use OOTB 'No Template - Metric.' (This is assuming someone wants the drawing in UTM84 zone 10 meters.) MAPCSASSIGN=>then enter 'UTM84-10' in search box=>highlight & select UTM84-10N=>Assign. (You want to select north zone, not south zone, because you are above the equator.)

How do I use UTM coordinates in AutoCAD?

If required, you can change the coordinate system you assigned.Click Geolocation tab Location panel Edit Location drop-down From Map. Find. ... In the Geographic Location dialog box, click Next.From the GIS Coordinate System list, select the desired coordinate system.Click Continue.Press ENTER until you exit the command.

What is UTM in AutoCAD?

The coordinate system you assign to your drawing specifies the system that was used when creating the drawing. For example, if you created a map using Universal Transverse Mercator, Zone 27, US Survey Feet, you assign the code UTM-27F to the map. This map of the USA uses the Latitude-Longitude 84 coordinate system.

How do I use UCS command in AutoCAD?

Face. Dynamically aligns the UCS to a face on a 3D object. Move the cursor over a face to preview how the UCS will be aligned. Tip: You can also select and drag the UCS icon (or choose Move And Align from the origin grip menu) to align the UCS with faces dynamically.

How do I use UCS and WCS in AutoCAD?

Use the UCS command and select World. On the View tab of the Ribbon, go to the Coordinates panel and select World from the drop-down menu. Under the ViewCube expand the coordinate system drop down and select WCS. On the command line in AutoCAD, type PLAN and then World.

How do I convert Coordinates in AutoCAD?

How to perform a coordinate transformation in AutoCAD Map 3D or Civil 3DAssign a desired Coordinate System to your Map. Open a new drawing. Click Map > Tools > Assign Global Coordinate System. ... Connect to the Data. In Display Manager, click Data > Connect To Data. ... Performing a Coordinate Transformation.

How do you enter survey Coordinates in AutoCAD?

To Work With Survey PointsClick Edit in the Survey Task Pane toolstrip.Right-click the project, survey, or point group to which you want to add a point.Select Create New Point.Specify the location of the new point on the map.AutoCAD Map 3D toolset creates the point and displays the Point Table.

How do I align my UCS line?

To Align the UCS to an Object FaceClick View tab Coordinates panel Face .Select an object face to align to the UCS. You can select the face of an AEC object or an AutoCAD solid here. ... Select the UCS origin point on the selected face.Enter a rotation value for the new UCS. The UCS is aligned to the object face.

What is UCS command?

Sets the origin and orientation of the current user coordinate system (UCS). The UCS is a moveable Cartesian coordinate system that establishes the XY work plane, horizontal and vertical directions, axes of rotation, and other useful geometric references.

What is difference between UCS and WCS?

The coordinates of the world coordinate system(WCS) define the location of all objects and the standard views of AutoCAD drawings. However, WCS are permanent and invisible. It cannot be moved or rotated. AutoCAD provides a movable coordinate system called the user coordinate system(UCS).

How do you edit UCS in AutoCAD?

You can change the location and orientation of the current UCS by clicking the UCS icon and using its grips, or you can use the options in the UCS command. For example, clicking on the UCS icon displays its grips. Then, click on the square origin grip (1) and click the endpoint of its new location.


For my course I have to learn some basic autoCAD, and for a task I've been given a rough site map (3 roads and a river making an enclosed rectangular area, there's a couple of gates and a couple of water tanks, etc) with a couple of UTM coordinates at key points.


UTM coordinates usually have lots of digits. So when you are entering these, pay extra attention.


eldon: Maybe you could provide the OP with an example of how an UTM coordinate would be entered at the command line?


For what you are doing I wonder if local scale factor would be a major concern but that would depend on the nature of the exercise. What exactly is the point of the assignment? Is it using AutoCAD to plot points?


As you are drawing this exercise in AutoCAD, you can probably dispense with the Scale Factor.


I do not think that the person who set this question knows about mapping.


Thanks eldon. I will ask about local scale factor and GDA94 next time I have class.
