how to upload university of iowa course schedule to handshake

by Prof. Kyla Wintheiser MD 5 min read

What are the requirements for posting on handshake?

Handshake @ UIOWA. Handshake. IMPORTANT - Every UI student has an account automatically created for them. Click link the below, then HawkID login to activate your account. Be sure to update your profile! Do not log-in with your email address unless you are an Alumni. If you can't log-in with your HawkID and HawkID password, you can request an ...

What are the different types of courses at the University of Iowa?

Handshake is the University of Iowa's primary online recruiting system. ... Upload r esume, share your profile and documents with employers ... Apply to …

How do I contact handshake?

Step 1: log-in to Handshake and complete your profile. Use your Hawk ID and password to reach your Handshake homepage. Under the My Account tab in the upper right hand corner, click on your initials and then “My Profile” to update your profile and/or access your privacy settings. Edit and complete the required fields on these pages.

What is handshake job?

Handshake is the university's online job board for student part-time hourly jobs, internships, and full-time employment. All job qualifications must be in accordance with the University of Iowa non-discrimination statement. Handshake is updated daily, Monday through Friday. Postings on Handshake require the following:

How many hours a week is part time?

Part-time status with the number of hours per week listed as a numerical value. Academic year: no more than 20 hours per week. Thanksgiving, winter break, spring break, summer session: no more than 40 hours per week. Hourly rate of pay.