how to upload articulate course in wordpress

by Carolyne Senger 9 min read

Articulate Storyline 1 Step 1 Open your course in Storyline and click Publish: Step 2 Click on Web. The WordPress Plugin that we’re going to use only needs your file. This makes it really easy to upload your content to WordPress.

Part of a video titled How To Embed Your Storyline Courses In WordPress [Manual ...
For this example let's assume this is your finished course and you want to publish it so you canMoreFor this example let's assume this is your finished course and you want to publish it so you can upload it to your WordPress website now to do this click install I'm on publish. It takes a while but.

Full Answer

How to upload articulate storyline course to WordPress website?

A small shortcode is inserted into your post or page. Click on Preview and enjoy seeing your Storyline content displayed perfectly on your WordPress website. That’s it! You’ve successfully uploaded your Articulate Storyline course into your WordPress website. Pro Tip: If you don’t like how your content looks, there’s no need to re-upload it.

What is “insert or embed articulate content into WordPress”?

“Insert or Embed Articulate Content into WordPress” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin. “Insert or Embed Articulate Content into WordPress” has been translated into 2 locales. Thank you to the translators for their contributions.

How to export articulate rise 360 course without tracking?

Go to Articulate Rise 360, select your course and click Export. Select Export Type as Web. Click Export, it will download your Rise course zip file without any tracking feature. You’re done. Now, you have a zip file. If you need tracking and exporting content with xAPI settings, you must connect GrassBlade xAPI Companion plugin with some LRS.

What plugins are compatible with articulate storyline?

Also compatible with Articulate Storyline, Articulate Rise, Adobe Captivate, Lectora, Camtasia, iSpring, Elucidat, Gomo, Obisidian Black, MindManager, or any other tool. This plugin will add a new toolbar icon (the letter ‘a’) next to the ‘Add Media’ button on the Edit Post and Edit Page pages.

How do I publish an Articulate course?

Storyline 360 has an option for that. Just publish for CD, then deliver your course to learners via CD, DVD, USB drive, network drive, kiosk, or email. First, publish your course for CD. Then, depending on how you plan to distribute your course, click Email, FTP, or Zip on the Publish Successful dialog.

How do I upload Articulate to my website?

How to upload an Articulate Storyline course to a websiteStep 1: Prepare to publish your Articulate Storyline course for the web. ... Step 2: Enter Articulate Mobile Player information (optional) ... Step 3: Choose HTML5 and/or Mobile Publishing requirements (optional) ... Step 4: Publish.

Can I upload scorm file to WordPress?

After GrassBlade xAPI Companion version 3.0, you can upload and track SCORM 1.2 & SCORM 2004 standard content on your WordPress website. You can add SCORM Content on your Pages, Lessons, Topics and Quizzes of the WordPress LMS.

How do I upload Articulate to LMS?

Publishing A SCORM Course with Articulate Storyline 3Step 1: Name File and Decide Location. Click the “Publish” button from the Storyline ribbon. ... Step 2: Output options. Next up, choose your output options. ... Step 4: Settings. ... Step 5: Reporting and Tracking. ... Step 6: Publish. ... Step 7: Upload to your LMS.

How do I upload a rise course to my website?

It's easy!Open the course from your Rise 360 dashboard and click Export in the upper right corner of the screen.Choose Web from the Export Type drop-down list.Click Export in the upper right corner again to generate a zip file.More items...•

How do I upload an articulate Storyline course to SharePoint?

How to upload an Articulate Storyline course onto SharePointStep 1: Publish your course for the web. Once your course is complete, head to the publish settings in Articulate and publish your course for the web. ... Step 2: Create your course folder on SharePoint. ... Step 3: Upload your course files. ... Step 4: Rename your story.

How do I embed articulate in WordPress?

InstallationUpload the 'insert-or-embed-articulate-into-wordpress' folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory.Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress.

How do I host an eLearning course?

4 Essential Steps To Host Your eLearning WebsiteDecide On The Type Of Website You Want. Typically, there are two types of websites you can opt for: ... Select Your Hosting Server. Static HTML sites can be hosted on any web server. ... Pick Your Web-Hosting Plan. ... Upload Your eLearning Website.

How do I embed a SCORM file?

How an author can embed a SCORM packageClick on the + menu.Select Embed. Select Scorm from the dropdown list.Enter a Title.Upload your SCORM content package.Use the toggle to determine if this item should show up in the task list. ... You also have the option to add in an introduction to your content.Click Save.

How do I create a SCORM file from Articulate?

Set SCORM optionsClick Reporting and Tracking Options.Make sure the Reporting tab is selected, then use the LMS drop-list to choose the appropriate SCORM option. ... Set the Identifier under LMS Course Information. ... Choose your LMS Reporting option for SCORM and AICC content.

Does articulate have a LMS?

Articulate content supports multiple LMS standards, including AICC, SCORM 1.2, SCORM 2004, xAPI, and cmi5.

How do I publish my articulate 360 review?

Go to your Rise 360 dashboard and open the course you want to publish to Review 360. Click Review in the upper right corner. Choose Create a new item, then edit the course title in the corresponding field if you'd like. Click Publish in the upper right corner.

How to Upload Articulate Rise 360 Content on WordPress?

Want to upload Articulate Rise 360 H5ML5, xAPI and SCORM Content on WordPress? Stick to this article to follow the best settings of exporting Rise 360 content and uploading it on a WordPress website.

Export Course xAPI Reporting

In this method, we will export Articulate Rise 360 course with correct xAPI settings.

Export with SCORM Reporting

GrassBlade xAPI Companion also supports SCORM 1.2 and all the editions of SCORM 2004. However, we recommend exporting your content as an xAPI package for better reporting and future requirements.

Export Course Without Reporting

Step 1: Go to Articulate Rise 360, select your course and click Export.

How to upload a course to WordPress?

Step 1. Open your course in Rise 360 and select Export: Step 2. Change the Export Type to Web. The WordPress Plugin that we’re going to use only needs your published .zip file. This makes it really easy to upload your content to WordPress. Step 3.

How to upload a zip file to Rise?

Click on the “Choose Your ZIP File” or “Upload” button and then select the .zip file that you published earlier from Rise. Click on the Upload button. After the upload completes, select either IFrame, Lightbox, Link that opens in a new window, or Link that opens in the same window.

How to publish a storyline in WordPress?

Articulate Storyline 1. Step 1. Open your course in Storyline and click Publish: Step 2. Click on Web. The WordPress Plugin that we’re going to use only needs your published .zip file. This makes it really easy to upload your content to WordPress. Step 3. Click on Publish at the bottom of the window:

How to upload a storyline file?

Click on the “Choose Your ZIP File” or “Upload” button and then select the .zip file that you published earlier from Storyline. Click on the Upload button. After the upload completes, select either IFrame, Lightbox, Link that opens in a new window, or Link that opens in the same window.

1. Insert Or Embed Articulate Content into WordPress Plugin

The first plugin is the ‘Insert Or Embed Articulate Content into WordPress’ plugin. This plugin is developed by Brian Batt from This plugin has a free version with limited features and a paid version. With the plugin, you can upload your zip file.

2. Tin Canny Learndash Reporting plugin

The second plugin is the Tin Canny Learndash Reporting plugin by Uncanny Owl. This plugin is very useful if you already use LearnDash on your WordPress website. With this plugin, you can add Articulate Storyline xApi content to your WordPress website and to Learndash.

3. Grassblade xApi Companion Plugin

The third plugin is the Grassblade xApi companion plugin. With the plugin, you can upload Storyline HTML content to WordPress or you can upload xAPI and SCORM content to WordPress. When you connect the Grassblade xApi companion plugin to the Grassblade LRS you’ll have a full fetched learning record store with all sorts of options to report data.

Using the Articulate FTP Feature

Here's how to use the FTP feature in your Articulate software to upload content to a server:

Using a Third-Party FTP Client

If you're unable to use the Articulate FTP feature, you may be able to use a third-party FTP client like FileZilla.
