how to unenroll yourself from a course on moodle

by Diamond Tremblay 7 min read

This Moodle how to shows you the method to remove yourself or unenrol from a course. 1) Go to the course you want to remove yourself from 2) Find the ADMINISTRATION Block . If your ADMINISTRATION block is docked to the upper left, please go to 6) 3) Make sure the ADMINISTRATION Block is expanded by clicking on the expand icon located to the

Find the user you wish to remove, go to the Status column, and click the trashcan (Delete) icon. Click Unenroll on the confirmation page to approve the change.Jul 31, 2020

Full Answer

Can students unenroll themselves from a Moodle course?

Students cannot, under normal settings, unenroll themselves from a Moodle course. It can be enabled, but it is strongly, strongly recommended by Moodle as well as by myself, not to enable this, for the very reason it’s not enabled by default.

How do I unenroll a student from my course?

Go to your course and look at the admin block - click on assign roles and then student. Your student should be in the left block of actual students - select him and use the arrow tomove him across to the right block of "potential" students and that will unenroll him.

How do I unassign myself as a student in Moodle?

(In Moodle 1.9 onwards, click the "Override permissions" tab.) Select the Student role. Set the capability moodle/role:unassignself to allow.

How do I restore an unenrolled user's grades?

If a user is unenrolled accidentally, their grades can be restored by going to Administration > Course administration > Users > Enrolled users, clicking 'Enrol users' and making sure that the 'Recover user's old grades if possible' checkbox is ticked in the enrolment options before re-enrolling the user.

How do I Unenroll from a course in elearning?

Directions for removing a student/participant from a course.Step 1 - Communications. Select "Communications" from the tool bar. ... Step 2 - Select Particiapant(s) Click the box next to the student you wish to unenroll. ... Step 3 - Unenroll. Choose "Unenroll from the drop down menu. ... Step 4 - Confirmation. A box will pop up.

How do you delete a course on Moodle as a teacher?

Deleting a Moodle course, whether it is assessable or non-assessable, is an administrative process performed by the school or faculty TELT administrator. A lecturer or other staff member must contact their TELT administrator to request that a Moodle course be deleted.

How do I Unenroll a cohort from a course in Moodle?

Go to Course Administration > Users > Enrolment Methods. If you have enrolled a cohort, the cohort will be listed on the page. Click the X to remove it.

How do I Unenroll a subject in LMS?

In the bottom-right corner, click 'Training Zone'.Unenrolling from a Course. ... Click the 'Unsubscribe' button on the left.In the window that appears, click 'Unsubscribe'.Congratulations, you have withdrawn from this LMS course!

How can you delete a course?

Delete Courses and SectionsClick Courses in the header.Click My Courses.Click the gear icon to the right of a section you'd like to delete. If there is no gear displayed, click the course's name. A list of course section titles should display below, each with the gear icon menu to the right.Click Delete.

How do you delete a course on Moodle dashboard?

Customizing Moodle Dashboard - How do I delete courses on my Moodle dashboard?Log in to Moodle.From the Course Overview panel, scroll and to find the course you want to hide.Select the three dot button in the course tile.Then select "Remove from view".

How do I Unenroll from Moodle app?

Find the user you wish to remove, go to the Status column, and click the trashcan (Delete) icon. Click Unenroll on the confirmation page to approve the change.

How do I bulk Unenroll students in Moodle?

Bulk UnenrolClick on the Assign Roles link in the Administration menu. ... Click on Student in the list of roles.Select students you wish to unenrol from the left hand column. ... When you have selected all the required students click on the centrally located Remove button to unenrol them.

What is the difference between cohort and group in Moodle?

What is the difference between a cohort and a group? A cohort exists for enrolment purposes. A group exists only within a course. Cohorts are a batch(group) of users created by admin which can then be brought in "en masse" to one or more courses.

Can you leave a class on Moodle?

You should see, when you login and enter the course, an option under the Administration block on the side of the page to "unenrol me from..." You could also try entering the course and then clicking on your name at the top of the page. You should then see a button that says "unenrol me from..."

Can a student remove themselves from a Canvas course?

Hello and welcome to the Canvas Community! To address your question, students are not able to delete their enrollment status in courses. You would need to contact the instructor or an administrator for the institution to request the removal.

How do I Unenroll from a Canvas course as a student?

0:000:49How to Unenroll From a Canvas Course - YouTubeYouTubeStart of suggested clipEnd of suggested clipOkay go to the Help button and ask your instructor a question select the course that you would likeMoreOkay go to the Help button and ask your instructor a question select the course that you would like to unenroll. From. And send a message to the instructor.

Can you unenroll yourself from a course in Moodle?

Students cannot, under normal settings, unenroll themselves from a Moodle course. It can be enabled, but it is strongly, strongly recommended by Moodle as well as by myself, not to enable this, for the very reason it’s not enabled by default.

Is unenrollment a security risk?

This is a security risk, not just due to calamitous intent of others, but by mistakes from novice computer users nervously clicking buttons. Unenrollment wipes all the student records other than a note that they were there and then were removed, meaning that accidental unenrollment would result in total irrestorable loss of all data pertaining to this student, vis a vis, they would have to start over in light of an accident, unless a brand new backup has recently been made. These backups are an inconvenience to restore, and so, between convenience and security, it’s best to not let them have this capacity on their own, no matter how smart and trustworthy everyone is. Accidents happen.

Can't unenroll myself from this course

I'm no longer using moodle and do not want to recieve any more emails, but can't find the unenroll link for my profile.

Re: Can't unenroll myself from this course

Send a message to Helen Foster here on moodle or email helen @ and she will be able to delete your account if you explain why.

Re: Can't unenroll myself from this course

Surely this isn't normal, is it? Seems to put a heavy burden on Helen.

Re: Can't unenroll myself from this course

Thanks everyone for highlighting the problem of no longer being able to unenrol from courses on As I'm an admin on this site, I can of course do anything, and so don't notice these kind of problems!

How to restore unenrolled grades?

If a user is unenrolled accidentally, their grades can be restored by going to Administration > Course administration > Users > Enrolled users, clicking 'Enrol users' and making sure that the 'Recover user's old grades if possible' checkbox is ticked in the enrolment options before re-enrolling the user.

What is unenrolment in a course?

Unenrolment is the process of removing users from a course . It is controlled by one or more of the following:

How to suspend a user from a course?

It is also possible to suspend users from courses via csv/text file from Site administration > Users > Accounts > Upload users using the enrolstatus field, where 1 against a user means they are suspended (and leaving blank means they are still enrolled.)

Can suspended users return to Moodle?

Suspended users are not longer able to access any of their courses on Moodle but their data is preserved, so it is possible for them to return to their course at a later time. This might be useful for example, for keeping safe the work of students who have left the establishment but whose data might be needed for inspection in future years. Suspended users currently still appear in the gradebook but a teacher can select in their Grader report preferences to show only active users or all users (including suspended users). See Grade settings for more details.

Can you unenrol yourself from a course?

In addition, users with the appropriate permission can unenrol themself from a course .

Do unenrolled students retain their grades?

Unenrolled users do not normally retain any data and will not appear in the gradebook. However, see #Unenrolment and grade history Unenrolment is typically more final than suspension.

How to restore unenrolled grades?

If a user is unenrolled accidentally, their grades can be restored by going to Settings > Course administration > Users > Enrolled users, clicking 'Enrol users' and making sure that the 'Recover user's old grades if possible' checkbox is ticked in the enrolment options before re-enrolling the user.

What is unenrolment in a course?

Unenrolment is the process of removing users from a course . It is controlled by one or more of the following:

How to set self enrolment duration?

The enrolment duration for self enrolment can be set in Settings > Course administration > Users > Enrolment methods > Self enrolment .

Can suspended users access Moodle?

Suspended users are not longer able to access their courses on Moodle but their data is preserved, so it is possible for them to return to their course at a later time. This might be useful for example, for keeping safe the work of students who have left the establishment but whose data might be needed for inspection in future years. Suspended users currently still appear in the gradebook.

Can you unenrol yourself from a course?

In addition, users with the appropriate permission can unenrol themself from a course .

Do unenrolled students retain their grades?

Unenrolled users do not normally retain any data and will not appear in the gradebook. However, see #Unenrolment and grade history Unenrolment is typically more final than suspension.


Enrolment Duration

Bulk Unenrolment

  • Users who were previously manually enrolled may be unenrolled in bulk via Administration > Course administraton > Users > Enrolment methodsthen clicking on the 'Enrol' users icon.
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Unenrolment and Grade History

  • When a user is unenrolled, their grade history is not deleted. If a user is unenrolled accidentally, their grades can be restored by going to Administration > Course administration > Users > Enrolled users, clicking 'Enrol users' and making sure that the 'Recover user's old grades if possible' checkbox is ticked in the enrolment options before re-enrolling the user. Users enrolle…
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Suspended Or Unenrolled?

  • Suspended users are not longer able to access any of their courses on Moodle but their data is preserved, so it is possible for them to return to their course at a later time. This might be useful for example, for keeping safe the work of students who have left the establishment but whose data might be needed for inspection in future years. Suspended users currently still appear in th…
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