how to understand a golf scorecard course rating

by Alanna Pouros 3 min read

Understanding the Scorecard

  1. Find the "hole" column which lists the holes from 1 to 18. Typically, the first thing on a golf scorecard is the list...
  2. Identify the front and back 9 sections that split the course into 2 halves. Full size or 18 hole courses are split...
  3. Note the color names on the side which indicate each hole's distance. These colors represent the...

The course rating is the score that a scratch golfer (a golfer who averages a score of par for an entire round) could expect to have for a round at a course. For example, a scratch golfer could expect to shoot a score of 74 (two over par) on a course with a par of 72 and a course rating of 74.Apr 2, 2020

Full Answer

How to read a golf scorecard?

Understanding a Golf Scorecard and How to Use It History and Accolades. The front of a scorecard will usually have the golf course’s logo or a picture of its signature... Tees and Yardage. A golf course’s tees and yardages are always listed in …

What is a course rating in golf?

Sep 15, 2021 · From each set of tees – the card should state the Course Rating and the Slope Index. To calculate your Course Handicap yourself, take the Slope Rating and divide by 113, then multiply that by your Handicap Index. Then, depending on the format you’re playing, you can work out strokes received for each player. Check the local rules Local Rules

What does the par on a golf scorecard mean?

Sep 03, 2021 · It is used to indicate the difficulty of a golf course for bogey golfers relative to the course rating. A Course Rating indicates the number of strokes an experienced golfer with a Handicap Index of 0.0 should play on a golf course under normal course and weather conditions. The numbers are expressed in decimals but measured in whole numbers.

How many holes in a golf scorecard?

How do you read a golf course rating?

Course Rating indicates the difficulty of a course for a “par” or scratch golfer. For example, if a course has a par of 72, the Course Rating might be 71.4. This is the score the scratch golfer is expected to shoot on the course. The number goes up with the difficulty of the course.Aug 13, 2015

What do all the numbers on a golf scorecard mean?

Each hole is rated by difficulty, one being the hardest on the course, and 18 the easiest. These numbers are listed in a row titled “handicap.” This allows a player to compute a net score for each hole based on his handicap, which measures a golfer's skill based on his previous scores.

Is a slope rating of 135 hard?

A course with a Slope Rating of 135 is not necessarily more difficult than a course with a Slope Rating of 113. You can't compare a golf course's difficulty from the Slope Rating alone.Jun 18, 2015

Is a 70 Course Rating hard?

The average score of the par golfers was 68.5. Therefore, the Course Rating is 68.5. It's an easier course for par golfers to play. The average score of the bogey golfers was 86.5.

What does par 4 5 Mean on a golf scorecard?

Par 4: 251 to 470 yards. Par 5: 471 yards or more. For women, the values vary only slightly. Par 3: Up to 210 yards.Jan 10, 2020

What does HCP mean on a golf scorecard?

Handicap rowAlternate Designations: The Handicap row on the scorecard might be designated as "HCP" or "HDCP," and you might see two handicap rows if a golf course has rated its holes for both men and women.May 24, 2019

Is a 130 slope rating hard?

If you see a slope rating that falls anywhere in the double digits, you can expect that course to play rather easy, even for a bogey golfer. On the other hand, taking on a course with a slope rating in the 130's or 140's is going to present a serious challenge to a player with a mid or high handicap.May 11, 2016

How do I figure out my course handicap?

Handicap differential = (Adjusted Gross Score-rating of the course) X 113 / Course slope ratings. The course rating is simply the scores of a new golfer on a normal course under a normal playing condition. Slope rating is the rating of 113 for a course based on the standard difficulty.

How do you read a slope rating?

Slope rating takes into account the USGA par rating of the course as well as the expected score of a higher handicap golfer. The difference between the two multiplied by 5.381 is the calculation used to determine the mens slope rating for a golf course.

What is the slope at Augusta National?

Augusta National Golf ClubClub informationPar72Length7,510 yards (6,870 m)Course rating78.1 (unofficial)Slope rating137 (unofficial)17 more rows

How is the slope of a golf course calculated?

You calculate slope rating by finding the bogey rating, which is like the course rating, but measured for a bogey golfer. Then subtract the course rating from that figure. Then multiply that figure by 5.381 for men and 4.24 for women. Then round up to the nearest whole number.Jul 25, 2016

How does course rating affect handicap?

When you play a course with a Slope Rating higher than 113, your Course Handicap will be higher than your USGA Handicap Index. When you play a course with a Slope Rating lower than 113, your Course Handicap will be lower than your Handicap Index.

What does a golf scorecard look like?

Many people who are new to golf may think the scorecard looks like a bunch of numbers with no rhyme or reason. There will be numbers in white, gold, black, blue, or red boxes. There will be numbers that range between 1 and 18, 3 and 5, and about 100 to maybe 600. Here are tips to help golf newbies read a scorecard. pinterest-pin-it.

What is a course rating?

The course rating is the score that a scratch golfer (a golfer who averages a score of par for an entire round) could expect to have for a round at a course. For example, a scratch golfer could expect to shoot a score of 74 (two over par) on a course with a par of 72 and a course rating of 74.

What is the par line on a golf scorecard?

The par line on a golf scorecard will have a list of numbers that will range between 3 and 5, although I have personally played one hole that was a par 6.

What does slope rating mean in golf?

The slope rating is supposed to tell a bogey golfer (one who shoots a bogey for each hole on average) how difficult a course is.

What is the hardest hole in golf?

The hole that has a handicap of 1 is ranked as the hardest hole on the course. Correspondingly, a hole with a rating of 18 would be considered the easiest. Golfers can play in relation to a handicap. This is a complex formula that gives an estimate of how well a person will score at a course.

How many holes are there in a golf course?

Some executive (short) courses might have 6 holes or so, but the general number of holes on a regulation golf course will be either 9 or 18 holes. The hole number will be listed under "Hole," and these holes should be played in consecutive order.

What is a shotgun start in golf?

This means that each team will start at a hole that could be anywhere between the first and the last. Players should put down the score that corresponds with the hole played in this instance and should play the holes in order.

Hole Column

The hole number indicates the number of the hole that you are playing. Most golf courses divide this up into sections according to the number of holes on the golf course. A 9-hole course will have holes 1 thru 9 while an 18-hole course will have an outward loop (holes 1 thru 9) and an inward loop (holes 10 thru 18).

Yards In Different Colors

Every hole on the golf course is allocated a par score and a variety of distances. This is to afford everyone an equal opportunity to play a hole within a par score.


The yardage section of the scorecard indicates the length of the hole as measured by the club committee. This can vary between golf clubs as some measure the length of the hole to the front of the green while others measure it to the middle of the green.

What Are The Golf Scorecard Symbols?

Scores are recorded on the scorecard for every hole and can be difficult to differentiate between a good and bad score on the hole. Golf scoring symbols are used to make it easier to read scorecards.

Course Rating

This is a term trademarked by the United States Golf Association that is crucial in determining a player’s handicap. It is used to indicate the difficulty of a golf course for bogey golfers relative to the course rating.

Slope Rating

The Slope rating of the course indicates the difficulty of the golf course in relation to other golf courses as rated by the governing bodies of golf. This can vary between 55 and 155.

Net Score

The net score indicates your score once you have deducted your handicap from the number of shots you have recorded during your round of golf.
