how to unblur documents in course hero

by Cathrine Gleichner 8 min read

How to unblur Course Hero answers:
  1. Step1: Click on “Inspect” Open the Document on the Course Hero website. ...
  2. Step2: Remove “-html-bg” from the URL. When you open the “split-0-page-1” in a new tab. ...
  3. Step3: Use “split-0” and “split-1” To Unblur Course Hero Answer: After removing the “-html-bg” from the URL.
Mar 10, 2022

The Official Methods

Half of the services provided on the internet work on a subscription-based model. The same is the case with the Course hero answers if you need to unblur your answers and comments from Course Hero. then you will have to officially buy the subscription pack. Alternatively, if you want to do it for free, then you can follow the steps below.

Upload Documents to Unblur Course Hero for Free

You can easily unblur the documents of course hero by going through the official method. To go through that, all you need is the original documents. Make sure that the content you are uploading is original and is written by you only.

Get a Course Hero Subscription

Alternatively, you can always pay to get a subscription of Course Hero to get the unlocks for unblurring the documents. A Premier subscription of Course Hero can give you 30 unlocks every month. Not only that, but you will also get access to the textbook solutions and explanations and you can also ask up to 40 tutor questions.

Other Methods to Unblur Course hero

The above-mentioned were some of the official ways through which you can unblur Course hero documents, now let’s explore some of the unofficial methods through which you can unblur your course hero documents. These are unofficial hacks, so it might not work, or might get patched up in the coming days, they are also device particular.

Unblur Course Hero on a PC using Inspect Element

As this is an unofficial method and is more like a trick, chances are that it might not even work, although it can unblur the Course hero documents within minutes. Using the Google Chrome browser on your computer, go to the Course Hero website and then open the document you want to see.


So, this was an extensive guide on how you can unblur your Course Hero documents be it for free, or by paying for it. We have also included some official and unofficial methods of unblurring the documents of Course Hero.

How to unblur a coursehero?

Access coursehero website by using Google Chrome. Open the document you would like to unblur/unlock. Select the portion of the document that has been blurred. Right-click on that portion and select ‘Inspect’ In the open window, you will find a ‘div’ tag with anon-hide obscured parameter

Can you get Course Hero for free?

As mentioned earlier, you can easily get a free Course Hero account and then start using the methods that are mentioned above to get the unlocks for free. These methods will take some time to give you the desired results but they are very reliable. In case you need access to documents urgently, you can definitely reach out to some reliable source ...

How to Unblur Course Hero? (An Absolute Guide)

These sites like Course Hero charge you a whopping amount of about 40 dollars or more per month. So here we are, providing you the solution that tells you- How To Unblur Course Hero.

Features Of Course Hero

Course hero is one of the most used assisting websites used by students. This is because of the helpful and efficient features provided by the site. Let us have a quick glance at the features provided by the website. They are mentioned below-

Working Methods to Unblur Course Hero 2021

Recently, there have been a lot of concerns about how to unblur Course Hero papers, and I want to share this bug that worked a couple of times for me. It does not work on all documents for some reason, so you have to try it yourself. A step-by-step guide is here:

What is a course hero document?

Course hero documents is a huge library which provides its readers with all helping material in getting their assignments and literary work done. The sole factor which hurdles people in getting desired document or material from this webpage is that it costs much in getting that particular document.

What is a course hero?

Course hero is the website for students which facilitates students and educators with a huge online library. Students and educators can not only find books and research work but can also access other students and educators’ assignments and notes.

How much does Course Hero cost?

CourseHero requires you to subscribe and then enjoy the services. This subscription means paying subscription fee of 40$ per month. Whereas, Course Hero provides also provides its users with the free access to its documents as well. It allows three ways to its users by which they can unblur course hero free documents.

Can you get Course Hero for free?

Course hero free trial can be get using these free ways of getting unlocks. This requires certain steps which must be taken. This will be a legal way of getting unlocks for free, except for consulting another webpage or person. This will be a chance to get free unlocks directly from course hero.
