how to trigger course of true love mission

by Michel Beatty 8 min read

In order to start this mission, you must first complete The Course of True Love I - II mission and then deliver the letter that Penelope gave you to Beau. Penelope Braithwaite requested that you deliver her letter to Beau Gray. Gold Medal Checklist Complete within 4 minutes 15 seconds Prior missions

To start this quest, head to the Gray's plantation by Caliga Hall, right outside of Rhodes. You'll find two men guarding the gate. Approach them from the entrance. They'll let you pass after a short cinematic conversation.Oct 31, 2018

Full Answer

How do you unlock the course of true love IV?

The Course of True Love IV is a mission in Red Dead Redemption 2. In order for the player to start this mission, at least one main mission in Chapter 6 must have been completed.

How do you unlock the course of true love 3?

The Course of True Love – III is unlocked after completing The Course of True Love – II. Gold Medal Requirements: Complete within 4 minutes 15 seconds.

What chapter is the course of true love V?

Chapter 6The Course of True Love IV Starting Location After any mission in Chapter 6, we will receive another letter from Penelope. It will be located in our tent in Beaver Hollow. She asks us to help her a final time.

Can you do the course of true love as John?

So, you can finnish most mission in the epiloge as John Marston. But somehow it's impossible to finish "Course of true love". Penelope isn't at the sheds at Braithwaite Manor.

Can you fight Beaus cousins?

After the scene, Beau's cousins will appear. Go to the back of the building and choose what you want to do with them - you can alleviate the conflict, or choose to fight. After your choice and potential fist fight, go with the man to the desired location and you'll complete the mission.

How do you get to Penelope in RDR2?

To sneak past the guards to Penelope in The Course of True Love 2 for Beau Gray in Red Dead Redemption 2 go around the guards on the left side until you reach the lake. Go into the lake and swim to the stretch of land that Penelope is on.

What happens if you accept Braithwaite treasure?

Penelope offers Arthur a Braithwaite heirloom leaving you with a choice to accept or reject it – either way, you will gain honor. Choosing to accept the item allows you to sell it for $75. This marks the end of the mission.

How do you persuade Edith Downes?

GOLD MEDAL: Find Edith Downes within 1 minute 10 seconds When you reach the horse you've been following, dismount and go to Edith in the yellow area. After the cinematic, you will have to persuade Edith to come with you. You can select either option, as both will result in her accompanying you back to Annesburg.

Should I accept Penelope's bracelet?

Accepting the bracelet from Penelope will actually increase Arthur's honor rather than decreasing it. The bracelet sells for $75, which is approximately $2,250 in 2018.

What can you do as Arthur but not John?

Red Dead Redemption 2: 12 Things Arthur Morgan Can Do That John Marston Can't1 Keep A Great Journal.2 Collect Debts. ... 3 Avoid Scarring. ... 4 Be A Decent Father Figure To Jack. ... 5 Decorate And Improve The Camp. ... 6 Herd Sheep. ... 7 Show Growth As A Character. ... 8 Hum While Riding His Horse. ... More items...•

Can John continue Arthur's quests?

John can complete (almost) all of the Stranger Missions that Arthur was undertaking, the only exceptions seemingly being the ones for Mary Linton, for obvious reasons.

What happens to Penelope Braithwaite?

But after the Braithwaites perish in the fire, and Penelope leaves for Boston, it's revealed that Gertrude starved to death – John can find her remains in the epilogue.

Mission overview

At Beaver Hollow, Arthur receives a letter from Penelope Braithwaite .


Arthur reads the letter he received, which turns out to be a request from Penelope Braithwaite. Penelope asks Arthur to help her run away with Beau, and states that she is a cabin at the back of Braithwaite Manor .


Arthur mentions that people in Boston will like Penelope and her view on women's rights. The reason for this is probably because the headquarters of the women's rights organisation, New England Woman Suffrage Association, was founded in Boston.

What happened to the Braithwaites in the train ride?

Upon seeing her in the train with Beau, they attack the train, and Arthur is forced to fight them off. During the battle, the train conductor abandons the train out of fear. Once all of the Braithwaites are dead, Arthur takes control of the train and drives it to Riggs Station. At the station, Beau and Penelope thank Arthur once again. As payment, Penelope offers to give Arthur her sapphire bracelet, which is a Braithwaite family heirloom (and the actual Braithwaite treasure the Van der Linde gang had been searching for). Arthur can choose to accept or decline the bracelet. Regardless of the choice, he puts the two lovers on a stagecoach and sends them off to Boston.

What does Penelope tell Arthur about Beau?

After showing up at Braithwaite Manor, Penelope tells Arthur that she and Beau are planning on running away to Boston together. Beau is waiting at the train station in Rhodes, but she needs Arthur to escort her there on account of her not being allowed to leave the manor. Arthur agrees to do so.

How much is the Braithwaite bracelet worth?

Accepting the bracelet from Penelope will actually increase Arthur's honor rather than decreasing it. The bracelet sells for $75, which is approximately $2,250 in 2018. In this mission, it is revealed that the actual Braithwaite treasure was a sapphire bracelet that had been a family heirloom for generations.

What happens to the train conductor in the Battle of Riggs?

During the battle, the train conductor abandons the train out of fear. Once all of the Braithwaites are dead, Arthur takes control of the train and drives it to Riggs Station. At the station, Beau and Penelope thank Arthur once again.

Why did Braithwaite family members pursue the train?

During the train ride, Braithwaite family members pursue the train in order to recover something that Penelope stole. Upon seeing her in the train with Beau, they attack the train, and Arthur is forced to fight them off. During the battle, the train conductor abandons the train out of fear.

Who does Arthur try to help?

Arthur tries to help Penelope Braithwaite and Beau Gray escape their families.

Category: Story Mission

In order to start this mission you must first complete The New South mission and then a new marker will appear on the map, pointing you to the Caliga Hall.

Prior missions

To begin The Course of True Love I - II you must first complete The New South.

1. Ask around at Caliga Hall to find out more about the Grays

Talk to one of the workers around Caliga Hall, they should direct you to Beau Gray. You can also, as long as you know where he is, go directly to Beau.

2. Speak to Beau

You will find Beau next to one of the utility buildings where he writes a letter to his beloved.

4. Leave the area without being seen

Leave the area marked in red on the map as soon as possible. It is best to run south along the shore of the lake. You can take a risk and use the horse that stands behind the tree near the gazebo.

What station do Beau and Penelope get off the train at?

The train must reach Riggs Station. Beau and Penelope will get off the train. Arthur will receive a valuable bracelet as a gift. You can keep it for yourself and sell it e.g. at a fence or return it to the couple (positive honor).

What chapter does Arthur help Penelope and Beau escape?

Note - Parts I-III of the mission The Course of True Love were completed in chapter 3. At that time, these were mandatory story missions.

Where is Penelope's meeting point?

The meeting point with Penelope is a small building adjacent to the western border of the Braithwaite Manor. On arrival, talk to Penelope. You have to take her on horseback to the train station in Rhodes where she plans to meet Beau and start a train journey together.

Where is the opportunity to continue the ploy of young lovers?

The opportunity to continue the ploy of young lovers appears in chapter 6. You must wait until you receive a new letter addressed to Arthur. This is a letter from Penelope asking for help and you will find her in Dutch's gang camp in Butcher Creek. The letter will lie on the chest next to the hero's bed.

What chapter is the course of true love?

The Course of True Love - IV & V is an optional story mission in Red Dead Redemption 2 given by Penelope Braithwaite, as part of Chapter 6 . It's the 75° mission in chronological order of the RDR2 story mode, played with protagonist Arthur Morgan. While optional for story progression, this is an Optional Honor Mission required for ...

How long does it take to complete the course of true love?

Complete within 7 minutes 30 seconds. Note: You must complete all Gold Medal requirements in one single playthrough of the mission.

Is lending a hand a mission?

While optional for story progression, this is an Optional Honor Mission required for the " Lending a Hand " Trophy/Achievement. It's a time-sensitive and missable mission, so it can only be played at this specific point in the story.
