how to transfer course credit ucsd

by Christophe Crooks 9 min read

Contact the Programs Abroad Office at the International Center, 2 nd Floor; by phone at 858-534-1123; or by email: [email protected] Identify courses that you can transfer. Check UC San Diego requirements: A grade of C- or better may be required by certain departments. Please check with your department for clarification.

Full Answer

What GPA do I need to transfer to UCSD?

Transferring Credit. No more than one-half the total units required for a master's degree may be transferred. A student may petition to transfer courses completed while in graduate standing at another UC campus (including UC San Diego Extension) for up to one half the total master's degree unit requirement, a maximum of eight quarter units of work completed while in …

What courses will transfer?

For “Agreements with Other Institutions” select the community college you plan to attend and click “View Agreements”. For “View Agreement by:” select “Department”. Select department of interest and click the “View Agreement” box at the right of …

Is it possible to transfer from UCSD to UC Davis?

Transfer Courses In order to receive credit for courses taken at a university other than UCSD (including courses taken abroad through EAP or OAP), please follow these guidelines: Planning. When planning your non-UCSD course of study, please understand that the Literature Department can only give credit for literature courses—generally not ...

How to include transfer courses?

OR Transfer work is from another university in California and therefore does not have an articulation with UCSD Physics on OR Transfer work is from a college/university outside of California. You will need to submit a formal petition to have your course (s) reviewed for UCSD Physics course equivalency.

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Transfer Credit Guidelines. This information is intended to assist you in receiving credit toward your biology major for courses taken at another institution. If you plan to take coursework for your major outside of UC San Diego, we recommend you consult with a Biology Advisor prior to course enrollment to determine if this will impact your ...

Are UC credits transferable?

All courses completed, and grades and units earned at a UC campus during fall, winter, spring and summer at a UC campus are transferable to another UC campus (however, some UC Extension courses may not be transferable).

Does UCSD accept transfer credits?

Transfer work for students who have completed their first quarter at UC San Diego will be evaluated by the Office of the Registrar. Allow up to 3 weeks after receipt of the official transcript for transfer credit to be evaluated and posted by the Office of the Registrar.Sep 8, 2021

Do transfer courses count towards GPA UCSD?

All units earned for UC-transferable courses will be counted towards graduation. Students may transfer a maximum of 105 lower-division quarter units to UC San Diego from other institutions. 1 semester credits = 1.5 quarter units. Courses from other UC campuses will be factored into your UCSD GPA.

How many credits can I transfer to UCSD?

Limits on Transfer Units You will be granted up to 70 semester (105 quarter) units of credit for lower-division coursework completed at any institution (or combination of institutions).

How hard is it to get into UCSD as a transfer?

UCSD accepts 54.32% transfer applicants, which is competitive. To have a shot at transferring into UCSD, you should have a current GPA of at least 4.08 - ideally you're GPA will be around 4.24. In addition, you will need to submit standardized test scores.

Can you transfer UCSD colleges?

In a case where a student's time to degree will be shortened by transferring to another UC San Diego College, the student can apply through the Inter-College Transfer (ICT) process. Your admission to Revelle College is based upon how you ranked the Colleges when you applied to UC San Diego.

Do UC San Diego Extension courses transfer?

Many UC San Diego Division of Extended Studies courses can be transferred to UC San Diego or other colleges or universities. The transfer of credit is determined solely by the receiving institution.

Can I transfer to UCSD as a freshman?

Students. A transfer applicant has been enrolled in a regular session at a college or university after high school, excluding summer sessions. UC San Diego enrolls transfer students at the junior level.

What GPA do you need to transfer to UC Santa Cruz?

Minimum GPA: The minimum GPA requirement for transfer admission consideration is 2.4 (on a 4.0 scale), and 2.8 for nonresidents. Official Transcripts: Official transcripts from all previously attended postsecondary institutions are required.Aug 10, 2021

What are UCSD rules for giving you course credit for AP courses?

The University of California grants credit for most College Board Advanced Placement Tests (AP) on which a student scores 3 or higher. The credit may be subject credit for use on a minor or prerequisite to a major, or credit toward general-education requirements or elective units toward graduation.

Can I transfer to UCSD as a sophomore?

You'll need to enter courses and grades from all colleges you have attended, so you'll need transcripts from all previously attended colleges. If you're a sophomore transfer applicant, you'll also need your high school transcript.Aug 10, 2021

Can you transfer to a UC with less than 60 credits?

Note: Most UC campuses will not admit transfer students who have fewer than 60 transferable units completed even if they were eligible out of high school. Advanced Placement (AP) and International Baccalaureate (IB) credit can also be used to satisfy the 60 transferable units.

Transferring Courses from a California Community College

Go to Degree Requirements and scroll down to Alternatives to see lists of approved courses. Use to find equivalent courses at the community college you plan to attend.

Transferring Courses from Other Institutions

Courses that are not listed on must be approved by petition prior to enrollment. Submit an Undergraduate Student Petition with the following information to [email protected] for consideration.


When planning your non-UCSD course of study, please understand that the Literature Department can only give credit for literature courses—generally not language, culture, history, or theater courses. They need to be the equivalent of at least 4 units per course, and you may petition the equivalent of up to 5 upper-division courses.

When you return

Once you've returned, wait until the Registrar's Office receives your grades from your host university before petitioning. The Literature Department cannot approve any course until it becomes a matter of record on your transcript.

Meet with a faculty advisor

Next, take your petition and supporting documents (syllabi, etc.) to the faculty advisor for your major/minor or the section that you want to receive credit for. For example, if you are a Literature/Writing major and are petitioning for writing courses taken at Dartmouth, you would want to see the Literature/Writing advisor.

Last Step

After the advisor has signed your petition, drop it off at the Literature Undergraduate Office. You do not need to turn in the supporting documents with the petition—they are simply for the faculty advisor to use when evaluating your transfer courses.

Enrolling in Classes Outside UC San Diego

Revelle students may enroll in classes outside UCSD to fulfill general education requirements. For questions regarding courses used to fulfill major requirements, please consult your major advisor.

Units, Grades, and GPA Credit

All units earned for UC-transferable courses will be counted towards graduation. Students may transfer a maximum of 105 lower-division quarter units to UC San Diego from other institutions.

How to find approved GE courses at a community college provides lists of course equivalencies between community colleges and UCSD. To select courses appropriate for GE credit, carefully review the Revelle College GE requirements to determine which courses may be used for each requirement. Then, use to search for community college equivalents:

How to petition transfer courses for GE credit

If you intend to enroll in a course that is not offered by a California community college and/or not listed on, the course must be approved by petition prior to enrollment. Print and submit an Undergraduate Student Petition Form to the Revelle Advising office for consideration. Be sure to include the following information:


Please allow 10-12 weeks for UCSD Admissions to evaluate your transcripts and post the credits to your Academic History on MyTritonlink.

What are the requirements for UC?

For units beyond the maximum, subject credit for appropriate coursework will be granted and may be used to satisfy requirements: 1 Units earned through AP, IB, and/or A-Level examinations are not included in the limitation. These units will not put you at risk of being denied admission. 2 Units earned at any UC campus in Extension, summer, cross/concurrent and regular academic year enrollment are not included in the limitation but are added to the maximum transfer credit allowed. These units may put you at risk of being denied admission due to excessive units.

What is IGETC in UC San Diego?

IGETC is a series of California community college courses that meet UC San Diego lower-division general education (GE) requirements at UC San Diego's Muir, Marshall, Roosevelt, Sixth and Warren colleges. Revelle College requires students with IGETC to complete these additional requirements before transfer, or while enrolled at UC San Diego: 3 courses in mathematics and 5 courses in natural science.

What are the requirements for Revelle College?

Revelle College requires students with IGETC to complete these additional requirements before transfer, or while enrolled at UC San Diego: 3 courses in mathematics and 5 courses in natural science. If you plan to follow the IGETC, consider: partial IGETC is also possible.

How many questions are asked in the application?

On your application, there is one required question you must answer. You must also answer 3 out of 7 additional questions. Each response is limited to a maximum of 350 words. Which three questions you choose to answer are up to you, but you should select questions that are most relevant to your experience and that best reflect your individual circumstances. This is your opportunity to show us your unique take on the world. Just be yourself.

Is UC Extension transferable?

All courses completed at a UC campus during a regular or summer session (excluding UC Extension) are transferable. UC Extension courses numbering 1–199 are also transferable. Completion of the 7-course pattern is not required for applicants from other UC campuses.

Does UC San Diego accept transfer students?

UC San Diego accepts transfer students at the junior (third year) level only. A transfer applicant may be considered in senior standing if he or she has completed: 70 semester units (or more) of lower-division coursework; and. 20 semester units (or more) of upper-division coursework.

How to convert quarter credits to semester credits?

As a general rule, quarter credits are converted to semester credits by dividing the number of quarter credits by 1.5. For example, if you completed a course worth four quarter credits at UC San Diego Extension, the course would be worth 2.66 semester credits.

What is a CEU number?

Courses numbered 800-899 or 80000-89999 are non-credit-bearing Continuing Education Units (CEUs) designed for students seeking hours of instruction for career placement or advancement (see CEU definition), or the opportunity to develop cultural, intellectual and civic interests.

What is a 1-199?

Undergraduate Level Courses (1-199): Courses numbered 1-199 are undergraduate-level courses. These courses may be offered by UC San Diego Extension with an X before the course number or by the appropriate UC San Diego department as part of the Concurrent Enrollment Program. Courses numbered 1-99 are lower-division undergraduate-level courses.

What is a 300-399?

Courses numbered 300-399 or 30000-39999 are credit-bearing professional courses in the field of education, specifically designed for teachers and prospective teachers seeking credentials, authorizations or other types of certification in the state of California through the Califor nia Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CCTC). Major emphasis is on pedagogy, teaching methods and materials, and curriculum design. Credit in these courses is designed for professional upgrading, in-service education requirements and basic and specialized credentials in the state of California. It may also lead to the award of a formal certificate by UC San Diego Extension. Credit may be applied toward an academic degree, preliminary teacher credentialing program in California or requirements for licensure in other states, subject to the approval of the receiving institution (s).

Does UC San Diego offer preference for degree programs?

Participating in a UC San Diego Extension educational program does not in itself provide preference in admission to any University of California degree program. If you are interested in applying to these programs, you should refer to the UC Admissions website or to the admissions office of the UC campus you wish to attend for details about the admissions process.

Can you transfer UC San Diego Extension courses?

Many UC San Diego Extension courses can be transferred to UC San Diego or other colleges or universities. The transfer of credit is determined solely by the receiving institution. You should discuss how your individual courses will transfer with the registrar's office at the receiving institution before you enroll.

Does UC San Diego have grading options?

At UC San Diego Extension, you have the option to choose how you want your course (s) graded. Not all grading options are available for all courses. If you don’t choose a grading option, the default grading option will be assigned.


Types of Institutions

  • Consider how the type of institution you attend impacts if the class is transferable. 1. California Community Colleges 1.1. Refer to the ASSISTwebsite to determine course transferability 1.2. Follow the general guidelines listed above 2. Other UC Campuses or UC Extension 2.1. Courses numbered between 1 and 199 are transferable 2.2. Follow the general guidelines listed above 3. …
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Identify Courses That You Can Transfer.

  1. Check UC San Diego requirements:
  2. Use ASSIST, an online student-transfer information resource, to check approved lower-division courses taken at California community colleges.
  3. See your college or department advisor for possible additional approximations or substitutions.
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Transfer The Course Work

  1. Arrange to have your official transcripts sent from the institution you attended to the UC San Diego Admissions Office.
  2. The final determination of transferability (including units and level) will be made only after the Office of Admissions receives the official transcript of your course work from the college or …
  1. Arrange to have your official transcripts sent from the institution you attended to the UC San Diego Admissions Office.
  2. The final determination of transferability (including units and level) will be made only after the Office of Admissions receives the official transcript of your course work from the college or univ...
  3. Transfer work for new incoming students will be evaluated by the Office of Admissions.
  4. Transfer work for students who have completed their first quarter at UC San Diego will be evaluated by the Office of the Registrar. Allow up to 3 weeks after receipt of the official transcript for...