how to transfer a course form a comunity college to a uc

by Lafayette Koss IV 7 min read

  1. Complete your studies. Before you consider transferring to a university, complete your coursework at the community college. ...
  2. Identify a university. What is important here is that you find a university that you want to attend. ...
  3. Learn its transfer policy. Every university sets a transfer policy for receiving students from other colleges. ...
  4. Write your application. As soon as you are ready to apply to a university, fill out your application. Typically, you can do this online. ...
  5. Complete your transfer to university. Once your application has been received by the university, it will be reviewed and a decision rendered within the specified timeframe. ...

Full Answer

How do I transfer from a community college to UC?

Talk to a transfer advisor Your community college will have a Counseling Center, including a transfer center with transfer advisors. You should definitely seek out their advice. You may even be able to meet with a UC admissions representative in the transfer center to discuss your transfer options.

Which courses are not transferable to UC?

However, some courses are not transferable to UC. The following types of courses, for example, will not garner UC transfer credit: Instructional/technical how-to courses, such as how to use computer software (e.g., Word, Excel, PowerPoint)

What is the Best Community College to transfer to UC Berkeley?

A community college faculty member in a letter to the editor in Saturday's (Nov 9) SF Chronicle stated that Diablo Valley Community College is the top transfer community college to UC Berkeley. Anonymous

How do I transfer my classes to another university?

Using their Transfer Admission Planner or TAP, you can plan out your courses with an advisor and make sure you satisfy all the requirements. The best part is that your courses are guaranteed to transfer if you join the Transfer Admissions Guarantee (TAG) program by filling out an application on the UC website.

Can I transfer from community college to a UC?

Who can transfer? You can transfer if you're enrolled in a regular session (fall, winter or spring) at a college or university after high school graduation.

Can you transfer from community college to university?

Fortunately for you, the transferring process from a community college to a university can be quite easy as long as you make a plan and are willing to put in the work and effort required to make it happen.

How many credits do you need to transfer from community college to UC?

The following are the minimum eligibility criteria for admission to UC as a transfer* student: Complete 60 UC transferable semester units (90 quarter units) with a 2.4 GPA (2.8 for California nonresidents) or better. Please consult the complete list of UC Transferable Courses for possible transfer credit limitations.

Does UCLA accept community college transfers?

We give highest priority to applicants from California community colleges and other UC campuses. UCLA admits students for fall quarter only. Following are many of the criteria we consider: Junior-level standing (60 semester or 90 quarter transferable units completed) by the end of the spring term before you transfer.

How long does it take to transfer from a community college to a university?

two yearsCommunity college students who want to transfer are expected to do so within two years and then earn their bachelor's degree after at least two additional years of study at the university level.

How do you transfer from a community college?

Most community colleges have a transfer advising office with advisors who can help you with transferring from community college to university. Meet with them early on in the process and reach out to them frequently with questions you might have.

Is it hard to transfer from a community college to a UC?

While transfer students are quite common on UC campuses (about 20 percent of UC undergrads are transfers), you still need to meet strict admission requirements in order to get in. Find out more about what steps you need to take in order to make the leap from community college to the UC system.

How do I know if my courses transfer to UC?

To learn if your college courses are transferable to UC, visit ASSIST and select your community college. The lists are updated throughout the year, so check ASSIST periodically to ensure you have the most current information.

What do UC's look for in transfer students?

Academic achievement is the single most important factor in transfer admission evaluation. Your grades and the completion of your major prerequisite requirements are essential for successful transfer (completion of general education requirements can help speed up your time to graduation).

Is it hard to transfer from CC to UCLA?

The average GPA of admitted transfer students is above 3.5, and admitted students have completed most or all major preparatory courses. We give highest priority to applicants from California community colleges and other UC campuses. UCLA admits students for fall quarter only.

Which community college is best for UC transfer?

Here are some of the best community colleges in California for transfer:Foothill College.Santa Monica College.Santa Barbara City College.De Anza College.Irvine Valley College.Moorpark College.Pasadena City College.Berkeley City College.

Can you get into UCLA with a 3.5 GPA?

What GPA Do I Need to Get Into UCLA? You'll need to be at the top of your class to have a chance of being admitted to UCLA. You'll need nearly straight As in all your classes to compete with other applicants since the average unweighted GPA of students admitted into UCLA is a 3.9.

Parent Q&A

My 20-something son has taken a couple of gap years but has now settled into a routine of taking courses at one of the local community colleges.

Archived Q&A and Reviews

Is it still possible to transfer from a community college to a UC in two years? I have a 16-year-old 10th grader who is beginning to identify possible paths through college. If she heads to community college it will likely be to complete requirements to transfer into the UC system.

Get a head start on your transfer

Community college is a smart choice. You can stay close to home, save money—and still make progress toward a UC degree.

Who can transfer?

You can transfer if you’re enrolled in a regular session (fall, winter or spring) at a college or university after high school graduation. The exception is if you’re only taking a couple of classes during the summer after graduation.

Your transfer journey

Maybe you already know where and when you want to transfer. Maybe you only just heard about transferring, and want to know more. Either way, we’ve got all the information you need. Which of these sounds like you?

What is UC TCA?

UC has transferable course agreements (TCA) with all California community colleges. These agreements specify the courses that will receive baccalaureate degree credit from us. All California community colleges also have agreements with UC campuses that specify which of the transferable courses may be used to meet various general education/breadth and major preparation requirements. These agreements were developed to ensure continuity in students' academic programs.

What is a major preparation requirement agreement?

Major-preparation requirement agreements specify which community college courses may be used to satisfy preparation requirements for particular majors or programs of study at a particular UC campus. Course-by-course agreements.

Does UC grant credit for duplicated material?

UC will not grant credit for college courses in which the content duplicates material of a previously completed course or examination for which credit has already been granted, with the exception of the repeat of deficient (D/F) course grades.

Can you repeat a C 2.0?

Repeat of C (2.0) grades is not allowed. Repeat of courses out of sequence is not allowed. Students may not repeat a lower-level course if a grade of D- or higher has already been earned in a higher-level course. UC courses must be repeated at UC, but not necessarily at the original campus.

Does UC average grades?

UC does not average the grades. All coursework (original and repeats) must be reported on the admission application. A non-honors course can be used as a repeat of an honors-level course. An honors-level course may be used as a repeat of a non-honors course. Repeat of C (2.0) grades is not allowed.

Can I get credit for literature in UC?

College credit for literature in the native language is allowed only for courses taken in native institutions of college grade or for upper division and graduate courses actually taken at UC or at another institution of approved standing where the language of instruction is English.

Can you repeat a course in which a C+, D+, D, F or NP grade was

Repeated courses. A student is allowed to repeat each course in which a C-, D+, D, F or NP grade was originally earned , as many times as necessary, until the first time he or she earns a letter grade of C or better. The following rules apply: